Tried it for myself

That’s where it began for me. Being too hairy for my own liking and trimming to help with that. I immediately noticed how much nicer things felt against my skin when I trimmed too close one evening. Then I experimented with shaving just my legs in the winter when I was wearing long pants all the time. I fell in love with stockings on my smooth legs right away.
Last night I was texting back and forth with “Daddy” and he mentioned me and him getting away together one weekend. He said he’d like to actually do things outside of the bedroom together but he’d like to do it out of town because he don’t want to run in to people he knows and they think he’s gay. I don’t really consider what we’re doing as gay. We’re just exploring something new. Well I take that back. He might not be gay but I’m starting to think I may be bi but starting to lean more gay lately but I only feel that way with him but I do think about other black men fucking me also.

I suggested the casino in Beloxi maybe and he said he has too many acquaintances that go there. So we’re still thinking about a place to go.

My soon to be ex wife came over and had supper as a family. It was a decent evening. She asked if I was seeing anyone and I replied no. 🤷🏼‍♂️

After we put the Kidds away for bed we kinda started making out and I was only getting about 1/2 way hard. She started to unbuckle my belt an I remembered I was wearing the panties “Daddy” bought me and brushed her hand away and told her I don’t think it’s a good idea. I think it kind of dissapointed her but I couldn’t let her know I had panties on lol.
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Last I was texting back and forth with “Daddy” and he mentioned me and him getting away together one weekend. He said he’d like to actually do things outside of the bedroom together but he’d like to do it out of town because he don’t want to run in to people he knows and they think he’s gay. I don’t really consider what we’re doing as gay. We’re just exploring something new. Well I take that back. He might not be gay but I’m starting to think I may be bi but starting to lean more gay lately but I only feel that way with him but I do think about other black men fucking me also.

I suggested the casino in Beloxi maybe and he said he has too many acquaintances that go there. So we’re still thinking about a place to go.

My soon to be ex wife came over and had supper as a family. It was a decent evening. She asked if I was seeing anyone and I replied no. 🤷🏼‍♂️

After we put the Kidds away for bed we kinda started making out and I was only getting about 1/2 way hard. She started to unbuckle my belt an I remembered I was wearing the panties “Daddy” bought me and brushed her hand away and told her I don’t think it’s a good idea. I think it kind of dissapointed her but I couldn’t let her know I had panties on lol.
I would have let her feel them and than fucked her like never before
I thought that was the only way was to go raw and get bred by bbc
It is for me now and not only getting hooked you should still worry about diseases. I went in with every intention of using condoms but I lost control and he eased it inside me without one on and I just went with it. Now I figure what’s the point of making him wear one now
It is for me now and not only getting hooked you should still worry about diseases. I went in with every intention of using condoms but I lost control and he eased it inside me without one on and I just went with it. Now I figure what’s the point of making him wear one now
If hes clean and your clean no condoms sounds perfect but i wouldnt go around fucking everyone raw
I have a regular physical in a few weeks. I’m going to get tested then. I just wonder does he need to check or swab the back door? If so I may go to a clinic because I don’t want my reg dr to know I’ve been doing butt stuff lol