The test I used for 4 girlfriends


Gold Member
I have a friend Dave who’s a super hung black dude that we work together on projects once in a while. Long story short years back I voiced some concerns about my girlfriend then that I was suspecting of not being loyal and he was was like let’s do the “Dave test” which was basically setting up a scenario when they would come over to see me but Dave was there instead coming out of the shower or something to that effect

The first girlfriend we tried this with was Gabriella( beautiful, slim, big booty Italian girl) he said he heard her come in put her bag down so he stroked his cock a couple more times to getting it semi hard and then came out of the barthroom no towel and acted all surprised “oh *******! My bad! Tommy said no one would be here!” He said her face was priceless and she kept apologizing asking where I was. So he didn’t fuck her that day. She text me with the old phones “where are you?” “Naked moolie in your apartment what the f”
When I got back she complained about having to see a naked “moolie” and she was pissed
He didn’t fuck her that day
but a couple weeks later sure enough he was clapping her cheeks and telling me each time “guess who I just saw?”which really put my stomach in knots and the scary part is she acted 100% normal, even when we were all together they acted like they didn’t even like each other. This was back when it was flip phones and Nextel’s so there was no picture proof. My buddy described her room to me and that was enough proof


My second girlfriend Antonia was years later (another Italian girl) she was a school teacher. She was short, beautiful baby face, no tits but she had a super duper bubble butt.
I met her through a cousin who was dating her friend (another teacher). My girl Antonia was a freak we experimented a lot.

We dated for about a year before my friend Dave graduated college and was like “what’s good we doing the TEST on her!?” I was super hesitant but also confident that she wouldn’t fall for it. Long story short she eventually failed which broke my heart a bit because I really liked the girl. We all went out drank, partied and she had to go back to Long Island and Dave lived in queens (on the way) she said she would drive him back and I remember how he looked at me, like an evil motherfucker, I was like I’ll come back with you and she was about to reply and he would butt in and be like “she said she’s tired” while he was standing a bit behind her out of her view grabbing himself and making faces at me like I was cockblocking. Which I was because I was scared it would actually happen. I had a pit in my stomach the whole night and next day he confirmed. “Sorry T she’s not the one” i remember my imagination running wild, I had so many questions but this is back when cellphones were super hard to text on and he wasn’t answering.
Finally I get through to him and he’s was acting like it was nothing. I asked him over and over “what happened!”
He rubbing my pants he was so fucking horny in the passenger seat and Antonia noticed and called him out. “Why do you get rubbing your pants” he kept pressing the pants down around his cock to show the imprint and they got to chatting she asked “if the rumors are true” and he ended up pulling it out and showing her. He said she was like “oh my Jesus!” Frightened but super intrigued. Nothing happened.
We thought she passed a week later she hit him up on MySpace and was like “ I was telling my friend about the other day and she’s having a bachelorette party and maybe you could come show it lol” he logged in at my house and showed me their exchange on MySpace.
Long story short He went to the bachelorette party not to dance or strip lol but just to chill and have a *******.
He says Antonia was wasted and pulled him into a room with her friend and told him to “show it to her, she doesn’t believe me” they gawked and started at him fondle himself and make it hard. He said the bride to be held it and commented on how “heavy and beautiful it was” and Antonia was hesitant to hold it but her friend was like “stop being such a pussy” long story short he fucked them both and told me about it and I had to be at this wedding looking at the bride and my girl like whores
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I have a friend Dave who’s a super hung black dude that we work together on projects once in a while. Long story short years back I voiced some concerns about my girlfriend then that I was suspecting of not being loyal and he was was like let’s do the “Dave test” which was basically setting up a scenario when they would come over to see me but Dave was there instead coming out of the shower or something to that effect

The first girlfriend we tried this with was Gabriella( beautiful, slim, big booty Italian girl) he said he heard her come in put her bag down so he stroked his cock a couple more times to getting it semi hard and then came out of the barthroom no towel and acted all surprised “oh *******! My bad! Tommy said no one would be here!” He said her face was priceless and she kept apologizing asking where I was he didn’t fuck her that day but a couple weeks later it set in and sure enough he was clapping her cheeks and telling me each time “guess who I just saw?” I knew who it was and the scary part is she acted 100% normal.
That's awesome would love to hear about the Dave test with the other 3 girlfriends!
So the third one was a southern white girl (25) from New Orleans I met through some gay Chinese guy lol
she was smoking hot beautiful perfect body, beautiful feet and her ass was fucking fat. We use to ******* like crazy together she was fun as hell. Like a friend and girlfriend she was super cool.
I was like this can be the one and then it dawned on me but she would have to pass the Dave test.

She failed

Dave was only in town for the weekend for my 25th bday and i was having a small party. My girl made watermelon filled with vodka and we were all eating it and got wasted. Things died down and only 4 of us were left
me, my girl, her girlfriend and Dave. We were all wasted and her girlfriend was from the south and somehow we got to “is it true what they say about black guys?”
Very cliche but works every time
He hopped up at the opportunity and pulled his sweat-shorts down
We all jumped to cover our eyes but non of us actually did, honestly no homo but it was fuckimg beautiful.
I looked right at my girls face to see her reaction she kept saying like it broke her brain “that’s a dingo dick!” On repeat while he made his soft but hung meat helicopter.
I told him “ok ok put it away bro we get it”
Dave and my girls friend ended up banging and we heard next door while my girl was horny trying to fuck me but I couldn’t get hard from all the goddamn alcohol.
Out of frustration and jealousy I said “why don’t you go get some ‘dingo dick!!!’ ” she turned and looked at me pissed off got up and left the room. I heard the noise next door stop and muffled voices. I was trying to listen and didn’t believe she would actually go in there. I got up and went to their room and my girl was still in the doorway and Dave was laying back getting stroked and put on display but the friend.
My girl looked back at me and I’ll never forget she asked if I would mind and I was so many mixed emotions angry jealous horny anxious that I just said “I don’t give a fuck go ahead” her friend yelled out “yayyy” I never forget my girl walking towards them with her perfect body and never looking back while Dave puffed on a joint and the friend held his cock for my girl to suck. I stood there for a minute before I had to leave.
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The final was my now Wife
only the test changed

Years after all of these events I was haunted day and night by this big dick bastard friend of mine Dave. my fantasies all revolved around him now and our friendship now evolved. I welcomed him to fuck my girlfriends but now I couldn’t find a girlfriend that would welcome him.
I couldn’t go back with an Ex they all had moved on by this point.
Finally I meet this beautiful girl brunette, big tits, tattoos, tight fucking pussy. she could deep throat my cock and lick my balls at the same time. Blew my mind. The whole time I’m looking at her like “Damn Dave is gonna gag her” when I stuck my cock in her tight pussy I thought to myself “Dave’s cock is gonna stretch this *******” after a few weeks of going out Dave was finally back in town from a trip. I was so exited for them to meet and anxious that she would turn it down and think I was a freak.
She was super chill, cool vibes. I didn’t want to lose her.
I pumped Dave up over the phone he was hyped to meet her and to her I talked him up a bunch like he’s suave and gets mad girls just to plant the seed.
He comes over wearing a grey sweat suit so his bulge was clearly visible. I introduced them and they shook hands and what not.
I keeled looking to see if her eyes were going to drop at any point but they didn’t. He kept talking to her and fixing himself in front of her. Still nothing.
We had some drinks talked ******* for an hour or so and out of nowhere mid convo she blurts out “are you a cuck” I was like “what the fuck?” She was like “you introduce me to your friend, who is very attractive and keeps touching himself through his pant in front of me and you haven’t batted an eye! or said a fuckinh thing!” Me and Dave looked at each other and Dave pointed and said “it was his idea!”
I was so embarrassed I kept trying to make up excuses but they all sounded ridiculous. She caught everything. She said “I was in a cuckold Relationship before” she asked “YOU ever suck him?” Me and Dave looked at each other “hell no!” We said at the same time
She pushed out her chair and said “ok Tommy get down and get me wet so I can accommodate what looks like a big ass dick in those sweats” Dave was baffled he was like “oh *******, hell yeah get to it bro!”
He stood up and revealed what he was playing with all night. My girl said that’s a big dick for sure”
The relationship evolved and evolved and Dave is super dominant with me and my wife, my wife is dominant aswell sexually but I still run the household and am the boss. But when Dave’s around things change up a bit

Dave was one of my groomsmen at the wedding and a few of the bridesmaids were aware of the dynamic of our relationship but the other three did not know. We had a awesome wedding everything was smooth bit one of the bridesmaids who did not know the dynamic kept coming up to me ******* and saying “your friend Dave said ‘he’s going to ‘fuck the bride after’ I was like he’s ******* and just joking around, trying to play it off. She was baffled by it and again she came up and told me he kept bragging about banging my wife and the grooms a cuck blah blah so I had to pull him aside and tell him to relax, he was ******* telling me he wants to fuck now! I told him to stop telling the girls who don’t know, I didn’t want this being spread.
He apologized and went back to the party
Afterwords we all head back to the hotel everybody had their own room I gave Dave the key to ours.

me and my brandnew bride start going at it. We hear the door opening Dave steps around the Corner “time to consumate this wedding!!”
He pulls down his pants and there it was half hard in all its glory swinging between his legs as he walked towards my bride. I couldn’t believe it. I’ve become a cuck. This is not how I anticipated my wedding going.
She starts sucking his dick making it glisten while he had his arm over my shoulder as we both looked down at my wife slobbering and gagging on him. he said “now you may kiss the bride” he pushed down on my shoulder and I went with it and started making out with wifey he was like “yeah bro kiss that hoe” “your wife is my bitch and madderfact you’re my bitch too” and he slapped his cock on both of our faces as we both made out.
Then he told me to get the fuck out of the way so he could fuck I got up to walk to the bathroom and boom there she was the bridesmaid peering around from the corner with her jaw dropped.
I was so embarrassed. She was like “what the fuck!? He was right and you’re part of it” i took her around the corner to the bathroom door so the fucking was out of sight even though we hear “oh fuck me!!!” And The clapping of Dave’s balls on her and I was standing there with a bridesmaid that was in shock trying to make excuses.
I asked how she got into the room, she said Dave brought her to show her that he wasn’t lying. As we are talking over the moaning she kept asking questions and it was very hard for me to focus over the sex noises. Finally Dave comes over butt naked, me and bridesmaid look down at his cock glistening with my wife’s juices and he said “I need to borrow the groom for a second” he pulls me over and pushes my face down into wifeys gapping sloppy pussy I started eating like a savage, Dave called over the bridesmaid to watch as he was holding my hair and pushing my face down to eat the sloppy seconds from wifey while he stroked his cock in the other hand and slapped it off the back of my head. He then pulled me off by my hair and threw me to the floor. I looked up at the bridesmaid with a shiny mouth and she looked down at me in disgust like “what the fuck”
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