Thank you desperate white guy - you changed everything

Oh man she hooked up four times last week. Hotels booked x3 times we can’t sustain it money wise. The last hotel completely rinsed us on car parking and drinks. It ended up as much as the room 😏

She’s already acknowledged she needs to calm it down a bit but is “enjoying it too much”
Amateur porn pays well, especially interracial cuckold with a hot wife like yours
We don’t want her face showing so complicates it. I don’t have hours spare to try and edit her face out if we were to go down that route. Thanks for the suggestion though. Btw not that it matters but we are stag vixen dynamic.
25th May

This was DP day. A bucket list item. We booked a fancy apartment in another city again. This one was a morning meet. We had drinks the night before so both woke up a little fuzzy headed and to be honest I wasn't excited about a bull turning up an hour after I'd opened my eyes with a headache. We quickly got ready, ate breakfast and before we knew it we could see him outside looking for our place. He had driven 2 hours just to meet us. The wife went downstairs and brought him up. She usually goes on socials with bulls first as part of our vetting process but this time we took a chance. It paid off. When they were staring into each others eyes whilst fucking it was clear they had some chemistry. Anyway, I'm jumping the gun here. My wife had bought some new sexy underwear for the occasion but it was pointless - he didn't even look at it and had undone her bra with one hand within about a minute of laying his hands on her. He started with a condom but it wasn't long before it came off and was pounding her doggy style on the cream leather sofa. She was trying her hardest not to scream because the walls were paper thin. They both got so sweaty that it was literally dripping off both of them. Then came the time for her DP. She asked me to come over and began sucking me off whilst she was sat on the bull. Then it progressed to using a couple of butt plugs to loosen her up. Before long it was time. The bull sat on the sofa while I went in her ass from behind. We got a good rhythm going and she was in *******. It was all a bit too much for me to handle! They'd already been fucking for over an hour at this point. I came inside her ass at about the ten minute mark then they carried on. It never got to the bedroom, they fucked on the sofa the whole time. He made her quirt more times than I could count. At one point I could see it pouring out of her, onto the sofa and then dripping onto the floor in a puddle. Her moans were deep and primal. They eventually came at the same time in the missionary position. How the bull lasted 2+ hours without cumming I do not know. They were both extremely satisfied and the bull is already wanting to pencil in a new date for round 2. To be honest all of them ask for a round 2, she has that effect. I always had this fear of cumming whilst my wife was still fucking a bull. I've even done a separate post on this forum about it. But to my surprise I was absolutely fine with it. The only negative thing was that I had much less of a desire to reclaim her once he had gone because I'd recently cummed. So I told her we will reclaim later that night. Which my wife said suited her fine because he fucked her for so long and hard her pussy was swollen and needed a rest! Afterwards she kept saying “did that really happen? Did we really just do that?” I kept catching her with this wry smile on her face, she was clearly re-living it in her head and smiling.