Help for refugees.

what is the interaction like between this kink and politics for europeans on here? could see it going either way, like the US
Interesting question! I am an Aussie guy, so who am I to say? I know a divorced Swedish mom who is black-exclusive in dating, but right-wing in politics. She admits that she got swept up in immigrant positivity in her younger days, but thinks she was wrong. I wonder how many others have had that process? I don't know. I only know a few Europeans, and she is the most interesting of them.
So Marbella hasn’t changed years earlier Kim and I visited there for a week and yes there were black Moroccans offering there goods then , one stood out from the others very pushy but flirty with it he aimed his talent on Kim she loved it , next day she wanted to go and see if he was still around , wearing not much she wandered around looking for him with me a way back , she was leaning over looking at a stall when he appeared , his hand went straight on her bare ass then gave her a piece of paper and left , it was a bar address , we got there around 8 pm , like you I stood and watch her being chatted up by him and another guy , they left and she returned next day .
Yes we have been going for few years, they don’t care a damn if your with them, they totally ignored me and were straight at her
Despite women’s sexual liberation, going pussyfree is becoming involuntary for more and more whitebois. White girls either succumb to family pressure to marry young or they have casual sexual relationships with better endowed men, leaving small pink weiners with only handpussy. Nevertheless, it’s always a powerful and important moment when a young male submits to the authority of BBC. It’s usually a private commitment, the sexually-destroyed whiteboi is usually too shy to tell anyone except other betas on the internet, fellow congregants of the Black Cock Church. Whitebois experience intense fulfillment after admitting to themselves that their penises are useless to women, mere vestigial organs. This admission brings them to an even higher plane of understanding and appreciation for interracial porn. Once they’re pussyfree, whitebois are “free” from having to measure themselves against Black men and can instead measure their sexual success from the opposite angle. The lucky little betas are able to see that the money they spend on IR porn is an investment in themselves too.

I know it sounds confusing, but the betas are actually winning, because they are now flowing with the stream and not against it. They fighting for progress and the more progress there is, the better they can masterbate.

Scientists surmise that the drive in humans, as in many animals, to engage in exogamy (outbreeding) is evolutionarily adaptive, as it reduces the risk of children having genetic defects caused by inbreeding, as a result of inheriting two copies of a recessive gene. Individuals who breed with more 'exotic' (or distant) partners and avoid incestuous relationships tend to have healthier offspring, due to the benefits of heterosis. Maladapative genetic conditions are more likely to be inherited where inbreeding takes place, or within relatively closed populations over long periods of time.

That might also be the reason, other than sperm compitition, that cuckolds and wives desire to have a baby with a man of another human race. Its a real fetish.... What are your thoughts on this topic?
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I agree with all you say here. The African refugees are finding that EnglishNwomen are so welcoming to them and more and more black babies are born to white couples often with the white husbands agreement who accepts that his wife prefers to be made pregnant by black men.
Sammy and I were in Marbella last year black Moroccans on the front selling their tourist things nice black lad approached us trying to sell, sammy waswearingshort denim skirt no knickers, he put his bag down in front of her, I nudged her leg she looked at me and opened her legs slightly showing her shaven cunt, he was on his knees getting his stuff out of his hold-all and could see him staring at her, I got up went to the bar to get another two drinks, I looked over he was giving her his tel no, when he stood up to go I could see his cock was hard in his shorts,,,,,,,,,,sammy told me she had arranged to meet her that evening
i watched her go short dress and heels, I knew which bar she was meeting him and went she was there sat on a stool , after about15 minutes two others joined them all of them really jet black,,,,,,they all left te bar together around 10 pm I didn’t see her until 9am the next morning
Wow friend, you made me really hard with this story.