How many woman are fertile and not on birth control

That is NOT how genetics work 🤦🏽‍♂️
I'm a BLACK MAN with mixed kiddos, mine ain't even that dark 😅
Looks like Rachel had fun with a Black trucker 😈♠️
Congrats Paul. You are a cuckold daddy.
👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾
Quite a few cases of it have happened. Happens to two black parents too having a white baby. While it could raise a few eyesbrows in the western nations, it can be disastrous in certain parts of the world. But genes can most certainly skip multiple generations. If a mixed race man has a bang with a white women then the skin is almost certainly going to get lighter each generation. It would only take a “mixed” white man and a “mixed” white women to have a baby who would inherit black genes from both parents and be as black as a non mixed. Plenty of articles on this all over the net and is more common than you might think in Europe where interracial relationships have been acceptable for multiple generations now.
Quite a few cases of it have happened. Happens to two black parents too having a white baby. While it could raise a few eyesbrows in the western nations, it can be disastrous in certain parts of the world. But genes can most certainly skip multiple generations. If a mixed race man has a bang with a white women then the skin is almost certainly going to get lighter each generation. It would only take a “mixed” white man and a “mixed” white women to have a baby who would inherit black genes from both parents and be as black as a non mixed. Plenty of articles on this all over the net and is more common than you might think in Europe where interracial relationships have been acceptable for multiple generations now.

These two are not interracial or 'mixed'. Those are two white people and she trying to claim a 1% Cameroon 'ancestor' from like a thousand years ago LOL 🤦🏽‍♂️ 😅....

now the news is resurfacing she got pregnant from a black security guard
Im not a fan of birth control. I dont like what it dors to me. So i dont use any pills implants or injections. Hubby has had the snip for me so he can go raw. Now its up to me to make sure my BFs and Bulls use a condom. I also hate condoms so its a struggle to insist on that yuck plastic feeling but i have been a good girl so far. 😂
Im not a fan of birth control. I dont like what it dors to me. So i dont use any pills implants or injections. Hubby has had the snip for me so he can go raw. Now its up to me to make sure my BFs and Bulls use a condom. I also hate condoms so its a struggle to insist on that yuck plastic feeling but i have been a good girl so far. 😂
Try a diaphragm.
It takes some planning to put it in, do it right, but it works fairly well. I never got preg when I used mine.
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