White Women Angry at White Men


Real Person
Gold Member
This post has got some historical question to it, just as it deals with the present, and since a lot of you enjoy reading thru my posts, I ask that you bear with me here.

You all have by now become well familiar with that Rush Limbaugh's Republican conservative radio assault on that Georgetown University Law student Ms. Fluke, of him referring to her as a slut and ******* on his radio show. You as well noticed how few of his fellow Republican cronies have been too weak condemning his remarks on that young lady.

Does this spell something out to some of you white women: that only a white man would say such foul words to a white woman on national radio, never the sort of language a black man would. I'm not saying black men haven't used such words before on women... But I'd dare to think that a black man would like that.

Anyway, isn't it ironic that the one enemy towards white women being with black men has over the decades and centuries being the fault of white men? Why else would racism have thrived so long?
Isn't it about time white women began a second sexual revolution?
Yes, there is more... like I said, it goes back to historical times, back in the deep south when the white bois of the southern plantation thought to scare their women off of black men. I think that trend is still occuring even now.