What's the perfect size cock?

New to sex with other men, I have found that men that can fill you and are long enough to build enough friction are perfectly sized. The three men I have had sex with have much larger cocks than my husband does. The first time I was with the first one, he stretched me, a lot. I was unsure I could stretch far enough for him. And when I was with the three of them at the same time I was able to do things I never thought I could.

I think that when a man's cock is sizable enough to be visually impressive, he is perfectly sized. If you feel like you can't take anymore, and he gets you to take more, he is perfectly sized. I think when you think you could never take all of him, and you do, and you want it more often, he is perfectly sized.
From her own lips, "It could be thicker." So...6.5 inch girth isn't enough if we're expecting her to orgasm over and over...
Pussy's come in different sizes just like cocks do. My wife was never able to comfortably handle all of me even after having two children. One of my current bed partners is a petite little redheaded fireball that simply engulfs my cock right down to my balls. She handles me easily and I am well above average. At least as important as the cock are the owner of the cock's oral skills. The larger the male the more important the oral skills. I suppose that if the male has a little one oral skills are important then too but for different reasons