Sandy's Day in Church

Sandy's Day in Church
By Arc Light
Sandy Jenkins and her husband Jim had attended the small Baptist church for all their lives. They had been married in the church only four years ago; four years of a very frustrating and unsatisfying marriage for the beautiful blonde wife of only twenty four. Her husband is impressively endowed with a nearly four inch manhood. And that manhood cannot reach the deep womb of the passionate and unfulfilled young wife.
However, this Sunday will change the couple forever. As Sandy dresses for church, she wickedly pulls the white silk hose up her long tanned legs and snaps them to the thin white garter belt. Seductively, she smiles at her devoted and doting husband and feels the beginnings of her deep and unrelenting frustration, as she observes his under powered manhood start to stiffen and form a small and unimpressive tent in the front of his white boxer shorts.
Sandy turns, and pulls the white silk blouse over her small but perfect pear shaped breasts. Her nipples harden; but she knows deep down that even if her husband attempts to satisfy her needs she will remain unfulfilled, frustrated, and have the deep simmering anger fester deep inside her tight perfect body.
Jim rises and covers the short distance between them. He reaches around her back and gently caresses her tight nipples. Quickly, Sandy grabs his hands and harshly reprimands her now aroused husband, "Don't. You will only fail again and shoot that disgusting dribble in me. Besides we will be late for church."
Rebuffed; Again; Jim angrily turns and walks back to the closet, where he selects his well worn suit to accompany his beautiful wife to the small Baptist church.
The two sit silently as their car slowly makes it to the church on this beautiful sunny spring day. Fighting boredom, they trudge to the pew where they always sit. The white congregation in the middle class suburb of Biloxi, Mississippi are mostly bored. However, that boredom is nearly always broken when Sandy Hunter makes her way down the long aisle. Her sexy walk, and her short white summer dress catch nearly everyone's attention; both men and women alike.
The young seemingly perfect couple absently wait for the Minister to arrive, to deliver another one of his exceedingly boring and useless sermons. Just as the Minister arrives, a young powerfully black man takes a seat next to the petite young housewife. At first she is startled; normally her husband and her have the second pew to themselves as everyone else is too embarrassed to sit with them.
The young black, however, is not too embarrassed. In fact, as he sits down, he drips of supreme arrogance. He brazenly looks at the white silk covered knees and six inches of delightful thigh flesh of the stunning housewife. Unconsciously, she draws closer to her previously useless husband. The action is noticeable and Jerome, the young black man smiles at the surprised housewife. She returns his smile with a smirk and raises her nose, as she turns towards the stuttering dribble from the bored Minister.
Sandy has heard the rumors about the arrogant Black. She has heard about the three white wives that he has "had his way with". In fact, one of the women, who is in her church circle, confided in Sandy how the black seduced her; or more correctly forcefully implanted his seed deep within her willing womb. The two women had talked on many occasions. . . . . primarily about the fact that their own husbands were totally unable to arouse passion; unable to even marginally complete their husbandly duties. What stuck in Sandy's overwrought mind was the fact that her friend had described in great and loving detail the passion; no the unbridled raw lust that the black had unleashed on her ravished body.
Her friend had told her that the black had called her at work; and "ordered" her to go shopping for erotic lingerie and meet him at one of the seedier hotels in the black section of Biloxi. Tearfully, her friend had told her that although it was against everything she believed in . . . . . . . . . . she had succumbed. Succumbed to the large and powerful black cock and the domineering black master who owned it. Succumbed to the pleasure and escastcy that the masterful cocksman had pleasured her with. She related to Sandy that the black had totally conquered her; and made her his black cum slut. She could not resist his pleasure giving appendage. . . . . . .
Sandy was shocked when her white married friend described in detail the debauchery that she was ****** to endure at the hands of her black master. Her black master had totally captured her mind, thoughts and tight white body. She had told Sandy of last week-end when she was ****** to dress a total fuck slut and accompany her black master to Birmington where she was the entertainment for nearly a dozen of the black's business associates.
When Sandy felt she could no longer be shocked her friend had dropped the next bombshell. Sandy was told that her friend's husband was ****** to act as the maid when the black came to visit. . . . . . to wear a bow tie . . . . . . and nothing else. After the black has filled his wife with black creme, he is then ordered to drop to his knees; clean the black weapon; and then suck his wife's pussy chamber of the ample deposit of the black's discharge.
As the sermon drags on the Black continues to brazenly stare at the young beauty and Sandy becomes overly self conscious. She fidgets and the squirming pushes the already short skirt higher and higher exposing more of her delightful warm flesh. She feels her nipples harden and her breathing becomes more and more labored. She allows her tongue to caress her lips and her eyes drop to the black's dark loose trousers. Startled, she can see the outline of his long hard cock creeping down his inner thigh reaching ever downward.
Sandy gasps as her mind estimates the girth and length of the huge man weapon. "It must be nearly eleven inches in length and the size of her forearm," she imagined.
Sandy could feel her outer lips become dew coated. Her white satin panties were becoming soaked and she suddenly felt light headed. And then. . . . . . . . . . . . her eyes made contact with the black man. He caught her in the act of staring at his crotch and her face became emerged in a deep crimson blush.
Sandy quickly looks away. . . . . . As she consciously avoids eye contact with the black; her eyes catch the intense stare of her friend and her husband from across the church. She can see the frightened and anxious eyes and then quickly look away when she gains eye contact. . . . . . . . . Sandy's emotions are racing. Can she secretly crave the long black weapon only an arm's length away.
How could she ever face her husband again if she allowed her carnal needs to take precedent over her marriage vows ? How ?
As her mind raced; as her emotions seemed to over power her; as her pussy lips became coated with their sweet smelling coating she had made the decision.
Although her decision had been made she had not reconciled how she was going to implement it. She had to be careful; although her husband could not satisfy her needs with his undersized and under powered white boy penis she did not want to cause him pain. She was certain that he could never cope with another man . . . . . . . . . . especially a virile black man to enter his precious wife.
She continued to struggle with the conflicts racing throughout her mind; and throughout her overheated body. Turning her head to face the black, she let her tongue slip between her brightly coated lips. When their eyes met she lowered them to her lap. Knowing that the black's eyes had followed hers, she innocently parted her tightly clasped knees and allowed the short white summer dress to rise even more, exposing the tender white silk thighs. She felt warm on this cool spring day as she continued to tease the muscular black man only ten inches away. She felt her chamber start leaking its precious fluid and felt as she was rapidly approaching a mind shattering climax and then...
Mercifully, the sermon finally concluded.
As several of Jim's co-workers workers filed past, Jim whispered in Sandy's ear that he needed to talk to a colleague. Sandy, realizing what he had just told her, tried to grab him as he rose. Her reflexes were far too slow in her aroused and agitated state.
She fell back in the pew feeling totally abandoned. As she dejectedly turned, the black had slid over and was nearly touching her overheated body. "Lose the wimp. I'll wait for you in my car; it's around back........."
She silently stared at his dark and menacing face attempting to understand what he had just told her. As she tried to comprehend what she had just been told, she feels his strong hand grasp her breast and give it a firm feel. Smiling, Jerome, turns and walks out of the church. His open fondling was not seen by anyone other than Sandy, and her friend, who sits quivering in the pew looking at the arrogant black walk down the aisle.
Sandy desperately longs for sensible reasoning to return to her aroused body and overwrought mind. She sinks back into the hard wooden pew and searches for her husband who is totally absorbed in conversation with one of his business colleagues. Sensible reasoning loses out to hot passion.
Sandy gracefully pulls her tight desirable body up and smoothes her scrunched up tight white dress. She walks down the aisle of the crowded church searching for an excuse to tell her husband. As she walked up the aisle she noticed that her friend had already hurriedly left.
"Jim, I am going with Phyllis and Andy. I will be home before supper. Love......" she softly told her husband.
Jim merely nodded, not paying any more attention today than was normal. He was too self absorbed in his own importance to notice his wife quickly depart out the back door.
The sun was bright and warm as she exited the back door. Sandy quickly reached for her sun glasses to cut the glare and mercifully seen the black seated in his 1967 White Mustang Convertible. The engine was running and she walked to the passenger side with a puzzled look on her face. "What was she doing, she continually asked herself? How could she leave a place of worship and plan to commit adultery with this arrogant black ?"
> Standing by the door, she looked at the black as if to ask why he wasn't getting out to open the door as her husband Jim would do.
"GIT IN," came the response.
The arrogant attitude cut thought the charade. This wasn't a date............. This was pure unadulterated dominance; a trait that the black was a master at. He broke the white women from the very first moment. He understood that once his black cock had tunneled it's long hard thickness into the tight and yielding womanhood that the illusion of romance would be over.
Hesitantly Sandy reached for the door handle; pulled the door open and slid into the white leather bucket seat. As she made her entrance her dress rose up her long silk covered thighs but she made no attempt at pulling the cloth of the skirt down. Thinking to herself that she would play with the black to enact a small degree of revenge for his recent slight, she embarked on a very dangerous game. A game where the black had never lost. . . .. . . . . . A game in which Sandy had never before played.
The car sped away. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The black smiled. Yes........ This was the one. The one that he was searching for..................
The warm wind blew through Sandy's long blonde hair and she felt alive as the car sped through the open countryside. Neither of the two spoke for nearly ten minutes.
The black was the first. Turning he gave his first command, "Unbutton the top three buttons of your dress."
Sandy quickly digested the command. And then smiling she nimbly undid the top three buttons, and when completed parted her dimpled knees just slightly. Turning to the black she almost mockingly stated, "Did you think that I wouldn't ?"
Sandy felt daring as she toyed with the black. What she didn't understand is that you don't toy with a Cobra. A dangerous Cobra that is about to spring.
The black looked at the beautiful white wife seated next to him. The wind was playing havoc with her dress and he observed the small but perky breasts and nipples. The white silk bra was tight against the hardening nipples. The ******* was running into the tips and causing them to become rock hard against the smooth cloth.
"Where are we going ?" Sandy finally asks.
"I'm taking you to the lake. It's where I take teasing white wives to give them their first taste of black cock." the black answers matter-of-factly.
The sharpness and directness of the answer catches Sandy by surprise. She leans back in the comfortable leather seat and quietly contemplates what she has set in motion.
The sleek car finally arrives at the remote section of the tree shaded lake and slides to a complete halt. The black opens his door and starts walking to the water's edge.
Sandy, suddenly tense and agitated meekly follows the blacks lead. As she approaches the black, she has buttoned up her dress and regaining her sense of morality quietly speaks, "I've changed my mind. I want you to take me back to the church. I will have my husband pick me up there."
Not turning to face the beautiful wife, Jerome merely gives his next command, "Take your dress off. I am ready to fuck you now bitch !"
"I guess you didn't hear me. I am ordering you to take me back to the church. I have no intention of having sex with you. You will do what I tell you or I'll call my husband and I assure you, you will regret it, when he meets up with you. Do you understand ?" Sandy arrogantly commands.
The rage is boiling in Jerome as he hears his latest acquisition give HIM orders. Controlling his anger, he quickly turns and spins placing himself between the car and Sandy. The rapid movement startles Sandy and she stumbles into the cold water of the lake's edge. She is still wearing her white four inch heels and the water comes up to her calves. Jerome walks one menacing step towards Sandy, who backs up even more with the water coming to nearly to her knees. The water is extremely cold and she starts shivering; desperately wanting to exit the cold lake. Her heels dig into the soft sand bottom. She has quickly determined that the upper hand has shifted; and not to her favor.
"I told you to strip your dress off. I want to see that pasty white body of yours before I plant my seed," reiterates the black master. As he finishes his command, he unbuckles his think black leather belt.
Sandy begs with her eyes. Her lips tremble from the cold............ Her lips tremble from the anticipation.
Her delicate fingers find the eyelet of the button hole and gently slip the button from its secure place. Each button in turn is unfastened. After several minutes the dress falls open from it's own weight.
The black feels a quick hardening as he sucks in the beauty of the trembling white wife in the cold lake water. The coldness has caused her nipples to harden even more and goose pimples coat her tight and firm body. Jerome steps back and with his index finger motions for her to exit the lake.
Her eyes lowered Sandy makes her way the several feet to the dry warm sand. She is only six inches away from the muscular black and feels his muscular hands slide the dress from her thin shoulders. The dress falls to the sand and Sandy keeps her eyes lowered. . . . . . . . . . . . . She cannot look the black master in the eyes.
"You disobeyed me. Get on your hands and knees. You will be punished for your indiscretion........." orders the black..
Sandy starts to protest; but then meekly turns and drops to her knees. She hears the belt being pulled from it's loops. Although she is still looking at the ground, she can sense as Jerome falls to his knees behind her. She feels his hands grip her at the waist. . . . . . . . . His thumbs and finger insert itself in her white satin panties................. The panties are slowly; so very slowly are dragged down her tight butt.
"Are you ready ?" the black questions.
Sandy's mind reels; "Is she ready for what? A ******* beating ? The deep insertion of black cock ? Or ?????
"Yes," came the meek response.
Jerome shifts.......... The first smack is on Sandy's precious right ass cheek. Jerome uses his hand. The punishment spanking takes nearly ten minutes and when completed Sandy's tight ass buns are a bright crimson. There are small cuts and bruises and Sandy is begging for the punishment to stop.
"Don't ever question my orders again Mrs. Jenkins," came the casual directive.
Without thinking Sandy quickly answers, "I won't Master." After the response Sandy's mind reacts; "Master ?" How could that response been so immediate ?
Sandy turns and sees that the Black is completely naked. Her eyes quickly focus on the huge manhood; only partially erect but reaching half way down his leg. She gasps as she contemplates the size when the manhood becomes truly angry.
Jerome senses the fear; the anticipation of the young white housewife. His anger has subsided and now he craves the next chapter of the book of domination.
"Suck IT," the order is direct and there is no room for mistake.
Still awestruck, Sandy rises to her knees and lovingly cradles the huge black cock. Her fingers find the peach size nuts hanging below the long black hardening cock. She brings the purple head to her lips and sucks the large organ into her mouth. Her tongue finds the pre cum and licks it off. As the tip is inserted into her warm oral chamber, her tongue caresses each part as she pays homage to the black manhood.
Sandy feels the tip grow within her mouth. Jerome merely stands with his legs apart and allows the young housewife to lovingly suck his hard black manhood deeper and deeper into her wet and warm oral crevice. Her delicate fingers lovingly caress his nut sack bringing them to a boil.
"You will swallow. Do not let any juice escape. When I shoot you will look into my eyes. I want to see your pretty married face when I fill your mouth with my spunk," came the now undisputed command.
Sandy had no intention of letting the spunk escape. She increased her suction and her hands tightened on the large black nut sacks. The eruption came suddenly and violently and she strained to keep all the precious man fluid to herself. As soon as the first blast hit the back of her throat, she obediently looked up from her knees into the mocking face of her new owner. As each scorching blast pelted her throat her eyes grew larger and she frantically sucked harder. At long last the discharge was complete and she momentarily fell back on her haunches only to be reminded of her raw and tender ass cheeks. She rebounded quickly and grasped the muscular black by the back of his thighs.
Sandy had released her mouth from the woman pleasing black cock but it still dripped it's sticky rope like spunk. The end of the rope caught Sandy's face and as she fell away the string of man cum followed her face.
Jerome looked down admirably to his latest conquest. The white housewife with her face streaked with cum was ready to start her training. He stroked his cock of the last vestiges of emission and let the spunk fall on Sandy's contorted face.
"Are you on birth control Mrs. Jenkins ?" Jerome softly asked.
"The pill makes me sick. I make my husband wear a condom," Sandy honestly answers.
"You are now mine. You will not allow him to fuck you with his pathetic little white boy cock. If he follows my dictates I may allow him to clean you after I service you. Do you understand ?" questions Jerome.
Sandy, kneeling in the warm sand with her pussy lips throbbing silently nods her head.
Sandy looks up to her master and pleadingly begs, "Will you fuck me Master ?"
A large sneer envelops Jerome's face. "Not today........ I will call you when I feel like it. I have a date with Phyllis later this afternoon. Andy needs another session in humility and I promised Phyllis a reward.............. For You."
After Jerome dressed, he slowly walked back to his car with Sandy obediently following her master. She has forfeited her bra and panties. Discretely, she has removed her white silk hose. The tears would be a give away.......... Her mind is rapidly contemplating how to tell Jim.................
Sandy slides in beside Jerome and starts to button her dress. Jerome turns his stare to the beautiful white housewife and the stern look alone forces Sandy to drop her hands to her side. The top three buttons of the white summer dress remain open and exposes her small pert breasts to the Black's dark eyes. The cool spring day has caused the nipples to harden and Sandy squirms uncomfortably in the white leather seat. Her ass cheeks still burn from the harsh spanking she received at the hands of the black. Her mind vows to not disobey him again, as she tries to find a comfortable position.
The ride along the country lanes is silent. Jerome does not want to be bothered with idle prattle and Sandy tries to adjust to the new rules of her life. Never in her twenty four years has she ever been totally dominated by a man; especially one of color. Absently, she turns and takes in his six foot four inch solid muscular body. Her gaze then drops to his lap; under his loose fitting dress pants, rests the black monster that has only invaded her mouth. Her mind recalls the huge hard black steel rod as it ****** it's way down her delicate throat and discharged a seemingly unending torrent of hot man creme.
Her mind drifts away and in the next instant it appears that she had arrived at her house. Her hands unconsciously come to the top of her dress and then she remembered the black's admonishment. She lets her hands fall to her side and she makes her way to the front door. She could feel her neighbor's eyes follow each step as the black casually followed along behind her. When she reached the door, she opened it and stepped inside the lavish great room.
Her husband, sitting in a large chair become somewhat befuddled. His beautiful wife stepped into the room with her dress partially undone with her bare breasts thrusting against the cloth and making their charms known. Only after several moments, did he see Jerome behind his wife and he suddenly arose and walked over to where they stood.
"What the hell is going on Sandy ?" questioned the irate husband. He was still in his puzzled state and could not comprehend the current situation.
"It's really quite simple. I saw your wife at church and concluded that she needed a real man; since you were such a dip ******* it was really very easy to make your wife mine," stated Jerome matter-of-factly.
Rage boiled within Jim and he closed the distance between himself and the large muscular black. "I have a mind to give your black ass a thorough thrashing you fucking prick," he stated, as he waved his fist.
Jerome, merely stared through his dark eyes at the irate husband. Unbeknownst to the people in the small suburb, Jerome had a Masters Degree in Psychology and realized he was quickly gaining an advantage over the irate and humiliated husband.
Jim came to a sudden halt when Jerome refused to give ground. He realized that his five foot eleven inch, one hundred sixty pound frame would not fare well against Jerome's six feet four inch two hundred frame of iron. Rather meekly, given the circumstances, he then sort of whimpered, "I want you to leave my house."
Jerome became amused at the rapid developments and moved quickly to gain dominance over the now frightened husband.
"I was going over to Phyliss' and Andy's this evening but I think I might stay here and breed Sandy. That is if you don't mind me sticking my cock deep into your wife's belly MR. JENKINS ?" Jerome stated in a mocking attitude.
"I, . . . . . . . .. . . . . Please just leave.......... I want you to leave now....." continued the broken husband.
"Take down your pants," countered Jerome.
Jerome could tell by the frightened hallow looks in the husband's eyes that he was broken. He wanted to continue while Sandy was present; while she was present to observe the total deflation of her husband.
Sandy, anxious and tense merely stood to the side of her husband; and her new black lover. Jim has always been over bearing and boastful and now, face to face with a muscular black man was backing down. Not only, was he backing down but Sandy could detect the fear and trepidation in his shattered voice.
"You were told to remove your pants white boy," continued Jerome. Turning to the trembling man's wife, he made a simple statement, "Show you husband what happens when he disobeys me."
Her eyes wide, and her mouth gaping, Sandy slowly turns and with her back to the two men bends and the waist and grabs the hem of her short dress. As she bends her reddened and swollen ass cheeks leap into view. Even though it has been several hours since her spanking, her beautiful ass still shines bright red from her disobedience.
Jim, the husband is in a total state of shock. He tries to focus his mind on what has transpired in the last few moments. He feels the black grasp his belt and start to unclasp the buckle. Immediately his hands grasp the larger and stronger hands of the black.
Jerome merely looks into his face and Jim's hands slide away. The black continues to roughly undo the belt. When the belt is pulled from it's loops, he reaches for the clasp and roughly pulls the eyelet apart and unzips the shivering husband. Once the zipper has been pulled down the pants fall to the floor. Only then does Jim look into the Black's face.
"Take your underpants off," comes the direct and complete command.
"I, ah. . . . . . . . . . ." Jim hesitates and stammers.
Jerome bores down with his intense stare and the broken white husband meekly pulls down the white briefs. He lets them fall to the bunched up suit pants around his ankle.
"Put your hands behind your back and clasp them. You put them in front of you without my permission and I will break every finger you fucking wimp." orders Jerome.
Jim meekly complies like a terrified rabbit and absently looks over to Sandy whose face has a mask of horror. The complete dominance; complete degradation of her husband in so short a time has totally overwhelmed the nearly naked wife.
The white husband's attention is again gained when the black fills his hand with the shriveled and shrinking manhood hanging between his legs. The sudden and harsh contact brings a little tear to his eyes.
"No wonder your wife needs a man. You don't have enough manhood to tickle a six year old girl." Jerome then looks over at the distraught wife, "When was the last time this little boy satisfied you ?"
Sandy, her voice trembling merely sobs, "Jim has had a hard time keeping himself hard.. . . . . . ." her voice quietly fades.
"Little boy, you best keep out of my way," Jerome states; and reiterates his order by forcefully squeezing the sensitive but completely flaccid white organ.
"Listen up.... both of you. I plan to move in here with you two so that I can properly breed the mare," Jerome states in a forceful voice. Looking at Jim, who is on his tiptoes trying to relieve the strain on his scrotum, Jerome asks the simple question, "You don't mind if a breed your wife do you white boy ?"
Jim, about to lose control of his bladder quietly sobs the obvious answer, "No..........."
"When you speak to me you will address me as Daddy," simply states the dominating black man.
Still firmly in control of the husband's jewels, Jerome turns and gives Sandy her next instructions, "Go clean yourself. Put on something sexy and come to me when you are ready to have my bury my cock in that tight pussy of yours."
Sandy, glances quickly at her husband and turns to leave. She hurriedly makes her way up to the martial bedroom to comply with her instructions.
Both of the men's eyes follow the sexy creature as she makes her departure. Disgustedly, Jerome looks into the husband's face and releasing his grip on the man's cock and nuts, leisurely walks over to the sofa and gracefully spreads his large muscular body into it's deep cushions.
Jim doesn't turn but meekly asks his captor, "I have to pee. May I go to the bathroom ?"
Amused, and wanting to continue the drama, Jerome forcefully answers, "No. You have to pee, you do it where you stand."
The husband merely tightens his groin muscles and stands in the middle of the room in agony.
"Your wife sucks cock like a pro. I may put her out on the street after I get tired of her. By the way Jim, have you ever fucked her in the ass?" continues the black tormentor.
Facing away from his tormentor and looking at the stairs Jim merely answers a sobbing, "No. . . . . . "
"I bet your wife's ass is tighter than a garden hose. After I get her tight little pussy stretched I'll stick her with my woman trainer. It's obvious that the little noodle you pack would never bother her. Why would a woman as pretty as your wife stick with such a fucking loser like you wimp ass ?" comments Jerome.
The constant humiliation brings moisture to the eyes of the grown man. His mind reels at the onslaught. His bladder begs for relieve but he continues to strain to hold it in.
After what seems an eternity Sandy yells from the up stairs bedroom, "I'm coming down."
As the beautiful wife makes her way gracefully down the stairs she captures the attention of both of the men. Her husband, straining to control his bladder, has a look of disbelief on his face. His eyes are wide open as he captures the total beauty of his wife. She is clad in a black leather mini skirt with dark hose. Her legs are covered with her black four inch knee high boots and she is wearing a short black leather vest exposing her tight rippled stomach. She has over applied her make up and her lips are painted a bright red.
Sandy does not make eye contact with her husband but walks by him and stands in front of her black master who is sitting on the sofa. She does not look down but continues to look straight ahead.
"Spread. . . . . . . " was his only word.
Sandy obediently spreads her legs still looking straight forward. The black leans forward and places his large hand on the inside of her ankle. His hand slowly made it's way up the inside of her leg. He takes his time and lets his hand go up and down the inside of the thigh; his fingers resting on the lip of the leather boots. As they travel up her tight leg he feels the soft texture of the expensive hose. A gasp escapes Sandy's lips as she feels the strong forceful finger make contact with her warm flesh above the tops of her hose.
Her tongue coats her lips when the finger rubs the throbbing orb. Jerome smiles; his new plaything had not worn panties. Yes, Mrs. Sandy Jenkins will be very trainable. She is complying with his wishes and he has yet to mount her. Once she enjoys his long black cock she will be his forever.
Sandy lets her eyes close as the black man manipulates her sensitive love bud. Her juices start to flow and coat his fingers.
"Go tell your husband that I am going to fuck you," Jerome orders.
"Yes, Daddy," she softly answers.
Sandy turns and walks the short distance. She feels her creme slide down her inner leg. When she is directly behind her husband she meekly states, "Jerome and I are going to make love." Wickedly she then adds, "You don't mind do you?"
Jim, her husband merely trembles. His bladder is about to burst and his beautiful and sexy wife had just told him that she was going to make love to a black man she had met only eight hours before. What troubled Jim even more was his meek and cowardly stance when the black had walked into his home and not only taken over his domicile. . . . . . . . . but also His Wife.
Sandy then turned and returned to her place before her new owner. The black rose from the couch and cradled the pretty face in his large black hand. He slid his tongue from his thick lips and inserted it in Sandy's warm and wet oral cavity. His tongue dueled with hers and he kept up the teasing for several minutes. Sandy rubbed her tight body against his hard black frame and tried to entice his large powerful organ to emerge.
Jim stood painfully at attention facing the other direction. He could hear the initial stirrings of arousal and it made it doubly painful.
Jerome lowered Sandy down on the sofa and ran his hand up her crumpled leather mini skirt. She opened her legs and his fingers again found the steaming pussy hole beckoning him to pleasure the aroused white housewife.
The black manipulated the ******* engorged orb and Sandy gasped at the pleasure the black home wrecker was creating. The large black index finger found it's way deep into her sloppy hole and he delighted in making her squirm as she moaned under his talented hand.
Sandy clutched the broad powerful shoulders and pulled the black onto her prone body. Her tongue rapidly found it's way into his cavernous mouth and she teased his tongue. She felt him slide his pants down his powerful thighs and her mind exploded with memories only a few short hours old. She remembered sucking the head of the monster cock until it exploded deep into her belly.
Sandy squirmed against the black tempting him with her tight body and encouraging him to enter her; to provide her never before experienced pleasure. She tried to look at the mammoth organ as it grazed against her nylon covered thigh. The monster left it's rope like substance coating her thigh from his pre cum drippings.
"God. . . . . . . Please take me," begged the open and willing housewife. Her pleadings ripped at the soul of her tormented husband only ten feet away.
"Please fuck me Daddy.......... Pleassssseeeeeee," came her tormented moaning.
Jerome needed no encouragement. His long black cock was rock solid and he was a master at it's use. He roughly spread the delightful nylon covered legs and with one hand rubbed the dark purple tip against the sopping chamber beckoning it for pleasure. Jerome roughly caressed the elongated clit and Sandy's moaning became almost continual.
She had surrendered to her black master and all she could think of was is the large black cock head probing the outer defenses of her pussy. "Daddy....... I want it..... Please OH GOD, give it to me............"
Her tormented husband could stand no more. His bladder near rupturing finally broke free and emptied his entire inventory down his legs. The urine coated his pants and socks and he felt totally broken. Finally, he fell to his knees in his own debris with his wife begging, now pleading for the black to skewer her lovely white body.
Jerome finally tired of the desperate woman and in one ******* and unforgiving instance buried his eleven inch rod of black steel deep into her tight pussy chamber. She could not adjust quickly enough to the unforgiving rod and she desperately tried to claw her way away from the ******* implantation of the black pole. Jerome gave her no quarter and with a jack hammer, ass pounded his cock deep into her womb.
After what seemed like an eternity to the married housewife, her stuffed pussy chamber was becoming sufficiently lubricated and accepting to the invading black prong.
As Jerome grabbed Sandy by the shoulders and pulled her back against his hard body it implanted his cock deeper into the tight pussy hole. A ******* curdling scream escaped Sandy's throat and she attempted to spread her long legs wider but the sofa cushions prevented this self protecting mechanism. The unrelenting black cock pushed against her cervix and she screamed again. Sandy could not determine if it was pleasure or . . . . . . . . . . . pain. She struggled desperately to adjust to the ******* fucking but every time she shifted Jerome implanted the huge cock deep within her. Her fingers tore at the black's muscular shoulders and she drew *******.
The black man relished the scratches and thrust his hips forcefully between the widely splayed boot covered legs. His balls thumped against her still raw and tender ass cheeks. The constant friction and the unrelenting assault finally wore down the young housewife. She could not keep up with the ******* insertion of the black cock and she finally collapsed and laid against the sofa and merely accepted each now pleasure filled thrust of black meat.
"I plan to bury my seed deep in your womb you little bitch," Jerome finally screamed. As he spoke, his huge nut sack discharged it's scrotum full of black seed deep into Sandy's willing womb.
His discharge brought about the immediate and never ending orgasm so long sought by the voluptuous housewife. Her constant scream and body shudders, marked that she had finally reached her climax.
The orgasm was not lost on the kneeling and broken white boy husband. He had never brought his wife to such a climax. As he swayed on his knees, he looked down at his four inch cock and observed that it too had deposited it's seed in his piss soaked clothing.
Jerome let his body cover the wife and he rested. The sudden shift of weight caused Sandy to push against his massive pectorals. "Daddy, please, you are very heavy...."
"I will get up after my seed has soaked your pussy. I want this to be a successful breeding. I want you to carry my baby, you little whore," Jerome answers.
Up until this point Sandy had not considered that she might get pregnant. The thought brought a startled gasp. "Oh, my God. I can't carry a Black Baby, not in Southern Mississippi." The thought reverberated around her numb mind and sex soaked body.
Jerome, at long last pulled himself out of the tight cunt. Even though it had been stretched it still gripped his long thick cock like a glove. As soon as he pulled out, his white seed flowed over Sandy's swollen pussy lips. The sticky fluid coated the blonde hair covering the pussy lips. Jerome removed his pants and pulled off his shirt as he walked to the kneeling white boy husband.
"Your wife was good on her first mating session. I will be moving into your bedroom. I have to break her pussy in. . . . .My cock is too big for it and it will take some time to stretch it so it can accommodate a REAL COCK. When I'm done you can remove your clothes. You will sleep in the basement from now on. Do you have any questions Mr. Jenkins ?"
The humiliated husband still stared down at the floor. He thought about how broken he must look. Even with the humiliation and degradation he only had one question, "May I watch your next breeding session Daddy ?"
Smiling at the submissive husband he looked back at the sex satisfied wife on the sofa. Her boot covered legs were widely splayed and Jerome's thick spunk was oozing out of her stretched pussy channel. Her breathing was still heavy and her eyes were closed. Her lipstick was smeared over her cheeks and a contented smile appeared on her face.
Mrs. Sandy Jenkins and her wimp husband were now his as well. Although his black cock felt a spark of excitement he turned and walked up the long stairway. A long warm shower would soothe the tears on his shoulder. Yes, Mrs. Sandy Jenkins could turn on when she had a long black cock wedged between her legs. This next week that he allocated to breed the pretty wife would be very satisfying indeed.
Are you on birth control Mrs. Jenkins ?" Jerome softly asked.
"The pill makes me sick. I make my husband wear a condom," Sandy honestly answers.
"You are now mine. You will not allow him to fuck you with his pathetic little white boy cock. If he follows my dictates I may allow him to clean you after I service you. Do you understand ?" questions Jerome.
Sandy, kneeling in the warm sand with her pussy lips throbbing silently nods her head.
Sandy looks up to her master and pleadingly begs, "Will you fuck me Master ?"
A large sneer envelops Jerome's face. "Not today........ I will call you when I feel like it. I have a date with Phyllis later this afternoon. Andy needs another session in humility and I promised Phyllis a reward.............. For You."
After Jerome dressed, he slowly walked back to his car with Sandy obediently following her master. She has forfeited her bra and panties. Discretely, she has removed her white silk hose. The tears would be a give away.......... Her mind is rapidly contemplating how to tell Jim.................
Sandy slides in beside Jerome and starts to button her dress. Jerome turns his stare to the beautiful white housewife and the stern look alone forces Sandy to drop her hands to her side. The top three buttons of the white summer dress remain open and exposes her small pert breasts to the Black's dark eyes. The cool spring day has caused the nipples to harden and Sandy squirms uncomfortably in the white leather seat. Her ass cheeks still burn from the harsh spanking she received at the hands of the black. Her mind vows to not disobey him again, as she tries to find a comfortable position.
The ride along the country lanes is silent. Jerome does not want to be bothered with idle prattle and Sandy tries to adjust to the new rules of her life. Never in her twenty four years has she ever been totally dominated by a man; especially one of color. Absently, she turns and takes in his six foot four inch solid muscular body. Her gaze then drops to his lap; under his loose fitting dress pants, rests the black monster that has only invaded her mouth. Her mind recalls the huge hard black steel rod as it ****** it's way down her delicate throat and discharged a seemingly unending torrent of hot man creme.
Her mind drifts away and in the next instant it appears that she had arrived at her house. Her hands unconsciously come to the top of her dress and then she remembered the black's admonishment. She lets her hands fall to her side and she makes her way to the front door. She could feel her neighbor's eyes follow each step as the black casually followed along behind her. When she reached the door, she opened it and stepped inside the lavish great room.
Her husband, sitting in a large chair become somewhat befuddled. His beautiful wife stepped into the room with her dress partially undone with her bare breasts thrusting against the cloth and making their charms known. Only after several moments, did he see Jerome behind his wife and he suddenly arose and walked over to where they stood.
"What the hell is going on Sandy ?" questioned the irate husband. He was still in his puzzled state and could not comprehend the current situation.
"It's really quite simple. I saw your wife at church and concluded that she needed a real man; since you were such a dip ******* it was really very easy to make your wife mine," stated Jerome matter-of-factly.
Rage boiled within Jim and he closed the distance between himself and the large muscular black. "I have a mind to give your black ass a thorough thrashing you fucking prick," he stated, as he waved his fist.
Jerome, merely stared through his dark eyes at the irate husband. Unbeknownst to the people in the small suburb, Jerome had a Masters Degree in Psychology and realized he was quickly gaining an advantage over the irate and humiliated husband.
Jim came to a sudden halt when Jerome refused to give ground. He realized that his five foot eleven inch, one hundred sixty pound frame would not fare well against Jerome's six feet four inch two hundred frame of iron. Rather meekly, given the circumstances, he then sort of whimpered, "I want you to leave my house."
Jerome became amused at the rapid developments and moved quickly to gain dominance over the now frightened husband.
"I was going over to Phyliss' and Andy's this evening but I think I might stay here and breed Sandy. That is if you don't mind me sticking my cock deep into your wife's belly MR. JENKINS ?" Jerome stated in a mocking attitude.
"I, . . . . . . . .. . . . . Please just leave.......... I want you to leave now....." continued the broken husband.
"Take down your pants," countered Jerome.
Jerome could tell by the frightened hallow looks in the husband's eyes that he was broken. He wanted to continue while Sandy was present; while she was present to observe the total deflation of her husband.
Sandy, anxious and tense merely stood to the side of her husband; and her new black lover. Jim has always been over bearing and boastful and now, face to face with a muscular black man was backing down. Not only, was he backing down but Sandy could detect the fear and trepidation in his shattered voice.
"You were told to remove your pants white boy," continued Jerome. Turning to the trembling man's wife, he made a simple statement, "Show you husband what happens when he disobeys me."
Her eyes wide, and her mouth gaping, Sandy slowly turns and with her back to the two men bends and the waist and grabs the hem of her short dress. As she bends her reddened and swollen ass cheeks leap into view. Even though it has been several hours since her spanking, her beautiful ass still shines bright red from her disobedience.
Jim, the husband is in a total state of shock. He tries to focus his mind on what has transpired in the last few moments. He feels the black grasp his belt and start to unclasp the buckle. Immediately his hands grasp the larger and stronger hands of the black.
Jerome merely looks into his face and Jim's hands slide away. The black continues to roughly undo the belt. When the belt is pulled from it's loops, he reaches for the clasp and roughly pulls the eyelet apart and unzips the shivering husband. Once the zipper has been pulled down the pants fall to the floor. Only then does Jim look into the Black's face.
"Take your underpants off," comes the direct and complete command.
"I, ah. . . . . . . . . . ." Jim hesitates and stammers.
Jerome bores down with his intense stare and the broken white husband meekly pulls down the white briefs. He lets them fall to the bunched up suit pants around his ankle.
"Put your hands behind your back and clasp them. You put them in front of you without my permission and I will break every finger you fucking wimp." orders Jerome.
Jim meekly complies like a terrified rabbit and absently looks over to Sandy whose face has a mask of horror. The complete dominance; complete degradation of her husband in so short a time has totally overwhelmed the nearly naked wife.
The white husband's attention is again gained when the black fills his hand with the shriveled and shrinking manhood hanging between his legs. The sudden and harsh contact brings a little tear to his eyes.
"No wonder your wife needs a man. You don't have enough manhood to tickle a six year old girl." Jerome then looks over at the distraught wife, "When was the last time this little boy satisfied you ?"
Sandy, her voice trembling merely sobs, "Jim has had a hard time keeping himself hard.. . . . . . ." her voice quietly fades.
"Little boy, you best keep out of my way," Jerome states; and reiterates his order by forcefully squeezing the sensitive but completely flaccid white organ.
"Listen up.... both of you. I plan to move in here with you two so that I can properly breed the mare," Jerome states in a forceful voice. Looking at Jim, who is on his tiptoes trying to relieve the strain on his scrotum, Jerome asks the simple question, "You don't mind if a breed your wife do you white boy ?"
Jim, about to lose control of his bladder quietly sobs the obvious answer, "No..........."
"When you speak to me you will address me as Daddy," simply states the dominating black man.
Still firmly in control of the husband's jewels, Jerome turns and gives Sandy her next instructions, "Go clean yourself. Put on something sexy and come to me when you are ready to have my bury my cock in that tight pussy of yours."
Sandy, glances quickly at her husband and turns to leave. She hurriedly makes her way up to the martial bedroom to comply with her instructions.
Both of the men's eyes follow the sexy creature as she makes her departure. Disgustedly, Jerome looks into the husband's face and releasing his grip on the man's cock and nuts, leisurely walks over to the sofa and gracefully spreads his large muscular body into it's deep cushions.
Jim doesn't turn but meekly asks his captor, "I have to pee. May I go to the bathroom ?"
Amused, and wanting to continue the drama, Jerome forcefully answers, "No. You have to pee, you do it where you stand."
The husband merely tightens his groin muscles and stands in the middle of the room in agony.
"Your wife sucks cock like a pro. I may put her out on the street after I get tired of her. By the way Jim, have you ever fucked her in the ass?" continues the black tormentor.
Facing away from his tormentor and looking at the stairs Jim merely answers a sobbing, "No. . . . . . "
"I bet your wife's ass is tighter than a garden hose. After I get her tight little pussy stretched I'll stick her with my woman trainer. It's obvious that the little noodle you pack would never bother her. Why would a woman as pretty as your wife stick with such a fucking loser like you wimp ass ?" comments Jerome.
The constant humiliation brings moisture to the eyes of the grown man. His mind reels at the onslaught. His bladder begs for relieve but he continues to strain to hold it in.
After what seems an eternity Sandy yells from the up stairs bedroom, "I'm coming down."
As the beautiful wife makes her way gracefully down the stairs she captures the attention of both of the men. Her husband, straining to control his bladder, has a look of disbelief on his face. His eyes are wide open as he captures the total beauty of his wife. She is clad in a black leather mini skirt with dark hose. Her legs are covered with her black four inch knee high boots and she is wearing a short black leather vest exposing her tight rippled stomach. She has over applied her make up and her lips are painted a bright red.
Sandy does not make eye contact with her husband but walks by him and stands in front of her black master who is sitting on the sofa. She does not look down but continues to look straight ahead.
"Spread. . . . . . . " was his only word.
Sandy obediently spreads her legs still looking straight forward. The black leans forward and places his large hand on the inside of her ankle. His hand slowly made it's way up the inside of her leg. He takes his time and lets his hand go up and down the inside of the thigh; his fingers resting on the lip of the leather boots. As they travel up her tight leg he feels the soft texture of the expensive hose. A gasp escapes Sandy's lips as she feels the strong forceful finger make contact with her warm flesh above the tops of her hose.
Her tongue coats her lips when the finger rubs the throbbing orb. Jerome smiles; his new plaything had not worn panties. Yes, Mrs. Sandy Jenkins will be very trainable. She is complying with his wishes and he has yet to mount her. Once she enjoys his long black cock she will be his forever.
Sandy lets her eyes close as the black man manipulates her sensitive love bud. Her juices start to flow and coat his fingers.
"Go tell your husband that I am going to fuck you," Jerome orders.
"Yes, Daddy," she softly answers.
Sandy turns and walks the short distance. She feels her creme slide down her inner leg. When she is directly behind her husband she meekly states, "Jerome and I are going to make love." Wickedly she then adds, "You don't mind do you?"
Jim, her husband merely trembles. His bladder is about to burst and his beautiful and sexy wife had just told him that she was going to make love to a black man she had met only eight hours before. What troubled Jim even more was his meek and cowardly stance when the black had walked into his home and not only taken over his domicile. . . . . . . . . but also His Wife.
Sandy then turned and returned to her place before her new owner. The black rose from the couch and cradled the pretty face in his large black hand. He slid his tongue from his thick lips and inserted it in Sandy's warm and wet oral cavity. His tongue dueled with hers and he kept up the teasing for several minutes. Sandy rubbed her tight body against his hard black frame and tried to entice his large powerful organ to emerge.
Jim stood painfully at attention facing the other direction. He could hear the initial stirrings of arousal and it made it doubly painful.
Jerome lowered Sandy down on the sofa and ran his hand up her crumpled leather mini skirt. She opened her legs and his fingers again found the steaming pussy hole beckoning him to pleasure the aroused white housewife.
The black manipulated the ******* engorged orb and Sandy gasped at the pleasure the black home wrecker was creating. The large black index finger found it's way deep into her sloppy hole and he delighted in making her squirm as she moaned under his talented hand.
Sandy clutched the broad powerful shoulders and pulled the black onto her prone body. Her tongue rapidly found it's way into his cavernous mouth and she teased his tongue. She felt him slide his pants down his powerful thighs and her mind exploded with memories only a few short hours old. She remembered sucking the head of the monster cock until it exploded deep into her belly.
Sandy squirmed against the black tempting him with her tight body and encouraging him to enter her; to provide her never before experienced pleasure. She tried to look at the mammoth organ as it grazed against her nylon covered thigh. The monster left it's rope like substance coating her thigh from his pre cum drippings.
"God. . . . . . . Please take me," begged the open and willing housewife. Her pleadings ripped at the soul of her tormented husband only ten feet away.
"Please fuck me Daddy.......... Pleassssseeeeeee," came her tormented moaning.
Jerome needed no encouragement. His long black cock was rock solid and he was a master at it's use. He roughly spread the delightful nylon covered legs and with one hand rubbed the dark purple tip against the sopping chamber beckoning it for pleasure. Jerome roughly caressed the elongated clit and Sandy's moaning became almost continual.
She had surrendered to her black master and all she could think of was is the large black cock head probing the outer defenses of her pussy. "Daddy....... I want it..... Please OH GOD, give it to me............"
Her tormented husband could stand no more. His bladder near rupturing finally broke free and emptied his entire inventory down his legs. The urine coated his pants and socks and he felt totally broken. Finally, he fell to his knees in his own debris with his wife begging, now pleading for the black to skewer her lovely white body.
Jerome finally tired of the desperate woman and in one ******* and unforgiving instance buried his eleven inch rod of black steel deep into her tight pussy chamber. She could not adjust quickly enough to the unforgiving rod and she desperately tried to claw her way away from the ******* implantation of the black pole. Jerome gave her no quarter and with a jack hammer, ass pounded his cock deep into her womb.
After what seemed like an eternity to the married housewife, her stuffed pussy chamber was becoming sufficiently lubricated and accepting to the invading black prong.
As Jerome grabbed Sandy by the shoulders and pulled her back against his hard body it implanted his cock deeper into the tight pussy hole. A ******* curdling scream escaped Sandy's throat and she attempted to spread her long legs wider but the sofa cushions prevented this self protecting mechanism. The unrelenting black cock pushed against her cervix and she screamed again. Sandy could not determine if it was pleasure or . . . . . . . . . . . pain. She struggled desperately to adjust to the ******* fucking but every time she shifted Jerome implanted the huge cock deep within her. Her fingers tore at the black's muscular shoulders and she drew *******.
The black man relished the scratches and thrust his hips forcefully between the widely splayed boot covered legs. His balls thumped against her still raw and tender ass cheeks. The constant friction and the unrelenting assault finally wore down the young housewife. She could not keep up with the ******* insertion of the black cock and she finally collapsed and laid against the sofa and merely accepted each now pleasure filled thrust of black meat.
"I plan to bury my seed deep in your womb you little bitch," Jerome finally screamed. As he spoke, his huge nut sack discharged it's scrotum full of black seed deep into Sandy's willing womb.
His discharge brought about the immediate and never ending orgasm so long sought by the voluptuous housewife. Her constant scream and body shudders, marked that she had finally reached her climax.
The orgasm was not lost on the kneeling and broken white boy husband. He had never brought his wife to such a climax. As he swayed on his knees, he looked down at his four inch cock and observed that it too had deposited it's seed in his piss soaked clothing.
Jerome let his body cover the wife and he rested. The sudden shift of weight caused Sandy to push against his massive pectorals. "Daddy, please, you are very heavy...."
"I will get up after my seed has soaked your pussy. I want this to be a successful breeding. I want you to carry my baby, you little whore," Jerome answers.
Up until this point Sandy had not considered that she might get pregnant. The thought brought a startled gasp. "Oh, my God. I can't carry a Black Baby, not in Southern Mississippi." The thought reverberated around her numb mind and sex soaked body.
Jerome, at long last pulled himself out of the tight cunt. Even though it had been stretched it still gripped his long thick cock like a glove. As soon as he pulled out, his white seed flowed over Sandy's swollen pussy lips. The sticky fluid coated the blonde hair covering the pussy lips. Jerome removed his pants and pulled off his shirt as he walked to the kneeling white boy husband.
"Your wife was good on her first mating session. I will be moving into your bedroom. I have to break her pussy in. . . . .My cock is too big for it and it will take some time to stretch it so it can accommodate a REAL COCK. When I'm done you can remove your clothes. You will sleep in the basement from now on. Do you have any questions Mr. Jenkins ?"
The humiliated husband still stared down at the floor. He thought about how broken he must look. Even with the humiliation and degradation he only had one question, "May I watch your next breeding session Daddy ?"
Smiling at the submissive husband he looked back at the sex satisfied wife on the sofa. Her boot covered legs were widely splayed and Jerome's thick spunk was oozing out of her stretched pussy channel. Her breathing was still heavy and her eyes were closed. Her lipstick was smeared over her cheeks and a contented smile appeared on her face.
Mrs. Sandy Jenkins and her wimp husband were now his as well. Although his black cock felt a spark of excitement he turned and walked up the long stairway. A long warm shower would soothe the tears on his shoulder. Yes, Mrs. Sandy Jenkins could turn on when she had a long black cock wedged between her legs. This next week that he allocated to breed the pretty wife would be very satisfying indeed.
"Are you on birth control Mrs. Jenkins ?" Jerome softly asked.
"The pill makes me sick. I make my husband wear a condom," Sandy honestly answers.
"You are now mine. You will not allow him to fuck you with his pathetic little white boy cock. If he follows my dictates I may allow him to clean you after I service you. Do you understand ?" questions Jerome.
Sandy, kneeling in the warm sand with her pussy lips throbbing silently nods her head.
Sandy looks up to her master and pleadingly begs, "Will you fuck me Master ?"
A large sneer envelops Jerome's face. "Not today........ I will call you when I feel like it. I have a date with Phyllis later this afternoon. Andy needs another session in humility and I promised Phyllis a reward.............. For You."
After Jerome dressed, he slowly walked back to his car with Sandy obediently following her master. She has forfeited her bra and panties. Discretely, she has removed her white silk hose. The tears would be a give away.......... Her mind is rapidly contemplating how to tell Jim.................
Sandy slides in beside Jerome and starts to button her dress. Jerome turns his stare to the beautiful white housewife and the stern look alone forces Sandy to drop her hands to her side. The top three buttons of the white summer dress remain open and exposes her small pert breasts to the Black's dark eyes. The cool spring day has caused the nipples to harden and Sandy squirms uncomfortably in the white leather seat. Her ass cheeks still burn from the harsh spanking she received at the hands of the black. Her mind vows to not disobey him again, as she tries to find a comfortable position.
The ride along the country lanes is silent. Jerome does not want to be bothered with idle prattle and Sandy tries to adjust to the new rules of her life. Never in her twenty four years has she ever been totally dominated by a man; especially one of color. Absently, she turns and takes in his six foot four inch solid muscular body. Her gaze then drops to his lap; under his loose fitting dress pants, rests the black monster that has only invaded her mouth. Her mind recalls the huge hard black steel rod as it ****** it's way down her delicate throat and discharged a seemingly unending torrent of hot man creme.
Her mind drifts away and in the next instant it appears that she had arrived at her house. Her hands unconsciously come to the top of her dress and then she remembered the black's admonishment. She lets her hands fall to her side and she makes her way to the front door. She could feel her neighbor's eyes follow each step as the black casually followed along behind her. When she reached the door, she opened it and stepped inside the lavish great room.
Her husband, sitting in a large chair become somewhat befuddled. His beautiful wife stepped into the room with her dress partially undone with her bare breasts thrusting against the cloth and making their charms known. Only after several moments, did he see Jerome behind his wife and he suddenly arose and walked over to where they stood.
"What the hell is going on Sandy ?" questioned the irate husband. He was still in his puzzled state and could not comprehend the current situation.
"It's really quite simple. I saw your wife at church and concluded that she needed a real man; since you were such a dip ******* it was really very easy to make your wife mine," stated Jerome matter-of-factly.
Rage boiled within Jim and he closed the distance between himself and the large muscular black. "I have a mind to give your black ass a thorough thrashing you fucking prick," he stated, as he waved his fist.
Jerome, merely stared through his dark eyes at the irate husband. Unbeknownst to the people in the small suburb, Jerome had a Masters Degree in Psychology and realized he was quickly gaining an advantage over the irate and humiliated husband.
Jim came to a sudden halt when Jerome refused to give ground. He realized that his five foot eleven inch, one hundred sixty pound frame would not fare well against Jerome's six feet four inch two hundred frame of iron. Rather meekly, given the circumstances, he then sort of whimpered, "I want you to leave my house."
Jerome became amused at the rapid developments and moved quickly to gain dominance over the now frightened husband.
"I was going over to Phyliss' and Andy's this evening but I think I might stay here and breed Sandy. That is if you don't mind me sticking my cock deep into your wife's belly MR. JENKINS ?" Jerome stated in a mocking attitude.
"I, . . . . . . . .. . . . . Please just leave.......... I want you to leave now....." continued the broken husband.
"Take down your pants," countered Jerome.
Jerome could tell by the frightened hallow looks in the husband's eyes that he was broken. He wanted to continue while Sandy was present; while she was present to observe the total deflation of her husband.
Sandy, anxious and tense merely stood to the side of her husband; and her new black lover. Jim has always been over bearing and boastful and now, face to face with a muscular black man was backing down. Not only, was he backing down but Sandy could detect the fear and trepidation in his shattered voice.
"You were told to remove your pants white boy," continued Jerome. Turning to the trembling man's wife, he made a simple statement, "Show you husband what happens when he disobeys me."
Her eyes wide, and her mouth gaping, Sandy slowly turns and with her back to the two men bends and the waist and grabs the hem of her short dress. As she bends her reddened and swollen ass cheeks leap into view. Even though it has been several hours since her spanking, her beautiful ass still shines bright red from her disobedience.
Jim, the husband is in a total state of shock. He tries to focus his mind on what has transpired in the last few moments. He feels the black grasp his belt and start to unclasp the buckle. Immediately his hands grasp the larger and stronger hands of the black.
Jerome merely looks into his face and Jim's hands slide away. The black continues to roughly undo the belt. When the belt is pulled from it's loops, he reaches for the clasp and roughly pulls the eyelet apart and unzips the shivering husband. Once the zipper has been pulled down the pants fall to the floor. Only then does Jim look into the Black's face.
"Take your underpants off," comes the direct and complete command.
"I, ah. . . . . . . . . . ." Jim hesitates and stammers.
Jerome bores down with his intense stare and the broken white husband meekly pulls down the white briefs. He lets them fall to the bunched up suit pants around his ankle.
"Put your hands behind your back and clasp them. You put them in front of you without my permission and I will break every finger you fucking wimp." orders Jerome.
Jim meekly complies like a terrified rabbit and absently looks over to Sandy whose face has a mask of horror. The complete dominance; complete degradation of her husband in so short a time has totally overwhelmed the nearly naked wife.
The white husband's attention is again gained when the black fills his hand with the shriveled and shrinking manhood hanging between his legs. The sudden and harsh contact brings a little tear to his eyes.
"No wonder your wife needs a man. You don't have enough manhood to tickle a six year old girl." Jerome then looks over at the distraught wife, "When was the last time this little boy satisfied you ?"
Sandy, her voice trembling merely sobs, "Jim has had a hard time keeping himself hard.. . . . . . ." her voice quietly fades.
"Little boy, you best keep out of my way," Jerome states; and reiterates his order by forcefully squeezing the sensitive but completely flaccid white organ.
"Listen up.... both of you. I plan to move in here with you two so that I can properly breed the mare," Jerome states in a forceful voice. Looking at Jim, who is on his tiptoes trying to relieve the strain on his scrotum, Jerome asks the simple question, "You don't mind if a breed your wife do you white boy ?"
Jim, about to lose control of his bladder quietly sobs the obvious answer, "No..........."
"When you speak to me you will address me as Daddy," simply states the dominating black man.
Still firmly in control of the husband's jewels, Jerome turns and gives Sandy her next instructions, "Go clean yourself. Put on something sexy and come to me when you are ready to have my bury my cock in that tight pussy of yours."
Sandy, glances quickly at her husband and turns to leave. She hurriedly makes her way up to the martial bedroom to comply with her instructions.
Both of the men's eyes follow the sexy creature as she makes her departure. Disgustedly, Jerome looks into the husband's face and releasing his grip on the man's cock and nuts, leisurely walks over to the sofa and gracefully spreads his large muscular body into it's deep cushions.
Jim doesn't turn but meekly asks his captor, "I have to pee. May I go to the bathroom ?"
Amused, and wanting to continue the drama, Jerome forcefully answers, "No. You have to pee, you do it where you stand."
The husband merely tightens his groin muscles and stands in the middle of the room in agony.
"Your wife sucks cock like a pro. I may put her out on the street after I get tired of her. By the way Jim, have you ever fucked her in the ass?" continues the black tormentor.
Facing away from his tormentor and looking at the stairs Jim merely answers a sobbing, "No. . . . . . "
"I bet your wife's ass is tighter than a garden hose. After I get her tight little pussy stretched I'll stick her with my woman trainer. It's obvious that the little noodle you pack would never bother her. Why would a woman as pretty as your wife stick with such a fucking loser like you wimp ass ?" comments Jerome.
The constant humiliation brings moisture to the eyes of the grown man. His mind reels at the onslaught. His bladder begs for relieve but he continues to strain to hold it in.
After what seems an eternity Sandy yells from the up stairs bedroom, "I'm coming down."
As the beautiful wife makes her way gracefully down the stairs she captures the attention of both of the men. Her husband, straining to control his bladder, has a look of disbelief on his face. His eyes are wide open as he captures the total beauty of his wife. She is clad in a black leather mini skirt with dark hose. Her legs are covered with her black four inch knee high boots and she is wearing a short black leather vest exposing her tight rippled stomach. She has over applied her make up and her lips are painted a bright red.
Sandy does not make eye contact with her husband but walks by him and stands in front of her black master who is sitting on the sofa. She does not look down but continues to look straight ahead.
"Spread. . . . . . . " was his only word.
Sandy obediently spreads her legs still looking straight forward. The black leans forward and places his large hand on the inside of her ankle. His hand slowly made it's way up the inside of her leg. He takes his time and lets his hand go up and down the inside of the thigh; his fingers resting on the lip of the leather boots. As they travel up her tight leg he feels the soft texture of the expensive hose. A gasp escapes Sandy's lips as she feels the strong forceful finger make contact with her warm flesh above the tops of her hose.
Her tongue coats her lips when the finger rubs the throbbing orb. Jerome smiles; his new plaything had not worn panties. Yes, Mrs. Sandy Jenkins will be very trainable. She is complying with his wishes and he has yet to mount her. Once she enjoys his long black cock she will be his forever.
Sandy lets her eyes close as the black man manipulates her sensitive love bud. Her juices start to flow and coat his fingers.
"Go tell your husband that I am going to fuck you," Jerome orders.
"Yes, Daddy," she softly answers.
Sandy turns and walks the short distance. She feels her creme slide down her inner leg. When she is directly behind her husband she meekly states, "Jerome and I are going to make love." Wickedly she then adds, "You don't mind do you?"
Jim, her husband merely trembles. His bladder is about to burst and his beautiful and sexy wife had just told him that she was going to make love to a black man she had met only eight hours before. What troubled Jim even more was his meek and cowardly stance when the black had walked into his home and not only taken over his domicile. . . . . . . . . but also His Wife.
Sandy then turned and returned to her place before her new owner. The black rose from the couch and cradled the pretty face in his large black hand. He slid his tongue from his thick lips and inserted it in Sandy's warm and wet oral cavity. His tongue dueled with hers and he kept up the teasing for several minutes. Sandy rubbed her tight body against his hard black frame and tried to entice his large powerful organ to emerge.
Jim stood painfully at attention facing the other direction. He could hear the initial stirrings of arousal and it made it doubly painful.
Jerome lowered Sandy down on the sofa and ran his hand up her crumpled leather mini skirt. She opened her legs and his fingers again found the steaming pussy hole beckoning him to pleasure the aroused white housewife.
The black manipulated the ******* engorged orb and Sandy gasped at the pleasure the black home wrecker was creating. The large black index finger found it's way deep into her sloppy hole and he delighted in making her squirm as she moaned under his talented hand.
Sandy clutched the broad powerful shoulders and pulled the black onto her prone body. Her tongue rapidly found it's way into his cavernous mouth and she teased his tongue. She felt him slide his pants down his powerful thighs and her mind exploded with memories only a few short hours old. She remembered sucking the head of the monster cock until it exploded deep into her belly.
Sandy squirmed against the black tempting him with her tight body and encouraging him to enter her; to provide her never before experienced pleasure. She tried to look at the mammoth organ as it grazed against her nylon covered thigh. The monster left it's rope like substance coating her thigh from his pre cum drippings.
"God. . . . . . . Please take me," begged the open and willing housewife. Her pleadings ripped at the soul of her tormented husband only ten feet away.
"Please fuck me Daddy.......... Pleassssseeeeeee," came her tormented moaning.
Jerome needed no encouragement. His long black cock was rock solid and he was a master at it's use. He roughly spread the delightful nylon covered legs and with one hand rubbed the dark purple tip against the sopping chamber beckoning it for pleasure. Jerome roughly caressed the elongated clit and Sandy's moaning became almost continual.
She had surrendered to her black master and all she could think of was is the large black cock head probing the outer defenses of her pussy. "Daddy....... I want it..... Please OH GOD, give it to me............"
Her tormented husband could stand no more. His bladder near rupturing finally broke free and emptied his entire inventory down his legs. The urine coated his pants and socks and he felt totally broken. Finally, he fell to his knees in his own debris with his wife begging, now pleading for the black to skewer her lovely white body.
Jerome finally tired of the desperate woman and in one ******* and unforgiving instance buried his eleven inch rod of black steel deep into her tight pussy chamber. She could not adjust quickly enough to the unforgiving rod and she desperately tried to claw her way away from the ******* implantation of the black pole. Jerome gave her no quarter and with a jack hammer, ass pounded his cock deep into her womb.
After what seemed like an eternity to the married housewife, her stuffed pussy chamber was becoming sufficiently lubricated and accepting to the invading black prong.
As Jerome grabbed Sandy by the shoulders and pulled her back against his hard body it implanted his cock deeper into the tight pussy hole. A ******* curdling scream escaped Sandy's throat and she attempted to spread her long legs wider but the sofa cushions prevented this self protecting mechanism. The unrelenting black cock pushed against her cervix and she screamed again. Sandy could not determine if it was pleasure or . . . . . . . . . . . pain. She struggled desperately to adjust to the ******* fucking but every time she shifted Jerome implanted the huge cock deep within her. Her fingers tore at the black's muscular shoulders and she drew *******.
The black man relished the scratches and thrust his hips forcefully between the widely splayed boot covered legs. His balls thumped against her still raw and tender ass cheeks. The constant friction and the unrelenting assault finally wore down the young housewife. She could not keep up with the ******* insertion of the black cock and she finally collapsed and laid against the sofa and merely accepted each now pleasure filled thrust of black meat.
"I plan to bury my seed deep in your womb you little bitch," Jerome finally screamed. As he spoke, his huge nut sack discharged it's scrotum full of black seed deep into Sandy's willing womb.
His discharge brought about the immediate and never ending orgasm so long sought by the voluptuous housewife. Her constant scream and body shudders, marked that she had finally reached her climax.
The orgasm was not lost on the kneeling and broken white boy husband. He had never brought his wife to such a climax. As he swayed on his knees, he looked down at his four inch cock and observed that it too had deposited it's seed in his piss soaked clothing.
Jerome let his body cover the wife and he rested. The sudden shift of weight caused Sandy to push against his massive pectorals. "Daddy, please, you are very heavy...."
"I will get up after my seed has soaked your pussy. I want this to be a successful breeding. I want you to carry my baby, you little whore," Jerome answers.
Up until this point Sandy had not considered that she might get pregnant. The thought brought a startled gasp. "Oh, my God. I can't carry a Black Baby, not in Southern Mississippi." The thought reverberated around her numb mind and sex soaked body.
Jerome, at long last pulled himself out of the tight cunt. Even though it had been stretched it still gripped his long thick cock like a glove. As soon as he pulled out, his white seed flowed over Sandy's swollen pussy lips. The sticky fluid coated the blonde hair covering the pussy lips. Jerome removed his pants and pulled off his shirt as he walked to the kneeling white boy husband.
"Your wife was good on her first mating session. I will be moving into your bedroom. I have to break her pussy in. . . . .My cock is too big for it and it will take some time to stretch it so it can accommodate a REAL COCK. When I'm done you can remove your clothes. You will sleep in the basement from now on. Do you have any questions Mr. Jenkins ?"
The humiliated husband still stared down at the floor. He thought about how broken he must look. Even with the humiliation and degradation he only had one question, "May I watch your next breeding session Daddy ?"
Smiling at the submissive husband he looked back at the sex satisfied wife on the sofa. Her boot covered legs were widely splayed and Jerome's thick spunk was oozing out of her stretched pussy channel. Her breathing was still heavy and her eyes were closed. Her lipstick was smeared over her cheeks and a contented smile appeared on her face.
Mrs. Sandy Jenkins and her wimp husband were now his as well. Although his black cock felt a spark of excitement he turned and walked up the long stairway. A long warm shower would soothe the tears on his shoulder. Yes, Mrs. Sandy Jenkins could turn on when she had a long black cock wedged between her legs. This next week that he allocated to breed the pretty wife would be very satisfying indeed.

Thank You, Subhub!! I enjoyed your story very much. Please continue !!!