Race Combinations


Gold Member
We all have own preferences of what race the bull, wife, and cuckold are. If it isn't obvious, I prefer a black bull and a white wife and I myself am white. What are your preferences? Does anyone like the couple to be of different races? Does anyone prefer that all three are of different races?
It's kind of obvious, with this Q being asked on this website, that the preference of the majority will be similar to yours. That's kind of like going to a baseball game and asking the fans what their favorite sport is, or even who their favorite baseball team is. The data will be skewed and biased based on the sampling.
Try asking the same question at a lesbian or gay convention or website and see what feedback you receive. gif_Yellowball-dancing.gif
I knew the majority of the answers would be the same. Was kind of asking out of respect for others. Was kind of asking to start a legitimate conversation. Was mostly asking to find others into it.
As long as He's not a jerk and don't look like a Bulldog chewing a wasp and fuck's good I like all races :) just to answer your question, however also agree with the above most people are here for Hung black men which is most definitely fine with me too;)