Question for BULLS about cuckolds

We've never had any of her Lovers suggest I get "snipped", but plenty of them have requested she limit or eliminate sex with me. And LOTS of them try to talk her out of using her diaphragm which is all the birth control she uses.....and she is easily convinced not to use it also.

Her current Boss/Lover actually asked her not to have ANY intimacy at all with me...…..we tried that for about 90 days, NOTHING, not even kissing or holding hands......I got bored with that REAL quick and said if that was the way it was to be I was no longer interested and we needed to have a SERIOUS talk. We settled in to the routine we have currently whereby we have limited intercourse but are intimate and sexual otherwise.....and I actually prefer this.

If she had a Lover that seriously WANTED me snipped so he could be the only one possible to get her pregnant, I might consider it. We don't plan any more children together, if she does get pregnant again it will be by someone else, so I wouldn't really be giving anything up and it would be pretty exciting to do something so permanent for her and her Lover too.
