Porn videos

There are plenty of places on which to post videos, such as Vidme. Or you can post on X-Hamster, PornHub, etc. Set up an account (they're free) and post away.

Most/all allow you to set conditions under which the videos can be seen. For example, X-Hamster lets you lock videos except to those members you choose as Friends. Just be very aware that once you post, there's really no way to prevent your videos from being copied, reposted, etc. And even where you choose to restrict access, there are always plenty of computer nerds who will figure out ways to get around the restrictions.

You can copyright the videos, which gives you the ability to ******* hosting sites to delete illegal posts, and you may be able to take hackers to court for copyright violations if you really want to pursue that, but it will be your time and energy spent in pursuit of what may in the end be little to no compensation.

Prudent to assume that what y0u post will likely be hard for you to control. More power to you if that's not an issue.
There are plenty of places on which to post videos, such as Vidme. Or you can post on X-Hamster, PornHub, etc. Set up an account (they're free) and post away.

Most/all allow you to set conditions under which the videos can be seen. For example, X-Hamster lets you lock videos except to those members you choose as Friends. Just be very aware that once you post, there's really no way to prevent your videos from being copied, reposted, etc. And even where you choose to restrict access, there are always plenty of computer nerds who will figure out ways to get around the restrictions.

You can copyright the videos, which gives you the ability to ******* hosting sites to delete illegal posts, and you may be able to take hackers to court for copyright violations if you really want to pursue that, but it will be your time and energy spent in pursuit of what may in the end be little to no compensation.

Prudent to assume that what y0u post will likely be hard for you to control. More power to you if that's not an issue.

Thank you, esp for the cautions. We will consider other ways to be exhibitionistic.
Thank you, esp for the cautions. We will consider other ways to be exhibitionistic.

Welcome. Do consider that you can always edit out posts including your faces; there's also easy-to-use "blur" software to blur out faces and other things that might be distinguishing. Or you could always wear masks, though that does make it look a bit like the 1950s.

Just saying.
Welcome. Do consider that you can always edit out posts including your faces; there's also easy-to-use "blur" software to blur out faces and other things that might be distinguishing. Or you could always wear masks, though that does make it look a bit like the 1950s.

Just saying.
Thanks again. Sounds a bit too technical.
We admire the photo you posted May we assume it is you (and a friend)?