Overboard Roll playing

I’ve been helping this married couple for the last almost 5 months. The husband stays out on the road and the wife needed some attention at home. He gave me the “go ahead” anytime his wife needs to some pleasure. She likes rough sex and being slapped around. I’ve never been down for all that but,still push myself to do it because that’s what she wants and he’s fine with it. Now I’m in a sticky situation where they want to roll play *******!
I get it, some people fantasize about some crazy things but I’m thinking their best bet it to find someone else. They like roll playing a lot and I’m okay with that but when it comes down to how they want it to play out….nah! He wants to get her sloppy *******, then have me come in after she’s ******* and fuck her while she’s ******* until she wakes up. All while being videotaped! I call that prison time. She knows nothing how about it should happen but I’m not the one. Has anyone else been in a more screwed up situation?
Why all these asterisks? I understood almost nothing!
Man you’re out of you fucking mind to do that ******* ! Ain’t no way I’m meeting a doing any type of rough play in this day and age . Fuck that ******* … . You’re taking penitentiary chances. Easy way up to get your black ass 60+ years in jail ! You’re meeting a wife solo at their house while husband is working . Lol look at your situation through the eyes of a prosecutor and judge . Translation: Black man break into home , sexually assaulted a white woman , beats her ass 🤢! You’re done in a court room !
He gave me the okay to fuck his wife whenever he’s out on the road. Most of our encounters are recorded via camera phone or camcorder. I cut communication once the husband wanted me to fuck his wife being *******… I’m on top of it with video evidence and phone records if there was ever a need for it. I’ve been doing this for a while!
My BLACK husband and I love rollplaying
r a p e scenes but still, we never video any of our scenes whether it be role-playing or not.
But we both agree biggrssp that he shouldn’t go along with this couples request to role-play a “r a p e” scene, especially when they want to videotape it..
They may be wanting it for their own enjoyment but what if they get very madd at him at a later time and use it against him putting him in serious trouble..
My BLACK husband and I love rollplaying
r a p e scenes but still, we never video any of our scenes whether it be role-playing or not.
But we both agree biggrssp that he shouldn’t go along with this couples request to role-play a “r a p e” scene, especially when they want to videotape it..
They may be wanting it for their own enjoyment but what if they get very madd at him at a later time and use it against him putting him in serious trouble..
My BLACK husband and I love rollplaying
r a p e scenes but still, we never video any of our scenes whether it be role-playing or not.
But we both agree biggrssp that he shouldn’t go along with this couples request to role-play a “r a p e” scene, especially when they want to videotape it..
They may be wanting it for their own enjoyment but what if they get very madd at him at a later time and use it against him putting him in serious trouble..
I have a white cop friend that’s in the lifestyle. We were at a house party and he and I were fucking a female in a room . She keep saying ******* me slap me . He got up and left the room . So after we finished fucking . Everyone was sitting around talking . He and I went outside . He told me to never leave bruises or slap lifestyle women ( which I would never do anyway) . He said that could lead to some dangerous consequences. I take is advice to heart . I listen to folks and you don’t have to tell me twice . I would NEVER roleplay R@pe Never , never role play intruder either .
I’ve been helping this married couple for the last almost 5 months. The husband stays out on the road and the wife needed some attention at home. He gave me the “go ahead” anytime his wife needs to some pleasure. She likes rough sex and being slapped around. I’ve never been down for all that but,still push myself to do it because that’s what she wants and he’s fine with it. Now I’m in a sticky situation where they want to roll play r a p e!
I get it, some people fantasize about some crazy things but I’m thinking their best bet it to find someone else. They like roll playing a lot and I’m okay with that but when it comes down to how they want it to play out….nah! He wants to get her sloppy d r u n k, then have me come in after she’s p a s s e d out and fuck her while she’s p a s s e d out until she wakes up. All while being videotaped! I call that prison time. She knows nothing how about it should happen but I’m not the one. Has anyone else been in a more screwed up situation?
Hell naw bro don’t do that ******* .
It is too bad so many black man are scared of this type of play, some women really enjoy being used by a man in this way
I’ve been helping this married couple for the last almost 5 months. The husband stays out on the road and the wife needed some attention at home. He gave me the “go ahead” anytime his wife needs to some pleasure. She likes rough sex and being slapped around. I’ve never been down for all that but,still push myself to do it because that’s what she wants and he’s fine with it. Now I’m in a sticky situation where they want to roll play r a p e!
I get it, some people fantasize about some crazy things but I’m thinking their best bet it to find someone else. They like roll playing a lot and I’m okay with that but when it comes down to how they want it to play out….nah! He wants to get her sloppy d r u n k, then have me come in after she’s p a s s e d out and fuck her while she’s p a s s e d out until she wakes up. All while being videotaped! I call that prison time. She knows nothing how about it should happen but I’m not the one. Has anyone else been in a more screwed up situation?

That's a very over the top scenario and it makes me think hubby has some deeper underlying issues you don't need to be a part of in any form. It's good you broke things off, but I would save all the texts, pics, vids, etc somewhere on your laptop in the event something comes up down the road. It's too easy to just delete everything in the name of moving on, but if you keep your 'evidence', you can provide context. Good luck otherwise.
It is too bad so many black man are scared of this type of play, some women really enjoy being used by a man in this way
It’s too dangerous for us . You know it’s 2 Americas. The real America and the court system don’t give a fuck about black people . That type of play could get a person 60+ years to life in prison .
I’ve been helping this married couple for the last almost 5 months. The husband stays out on the road and the wife needed some attention at home. He gave me the “go ahead” anytime his wife needs to some pleasure. She likes rough sex and being slapped around. I’ve never been down for all that but,still push myself to do it because that’s what she wants and he’s fine with it. Now I’m in a sticky situation where they want to roll play r a p e!
I get it, some people fantasize about some crazy things but I’m thinking their best bet it to find someone else. They like roll playing a lot and I’m okay with that but when it comes down to how they want it to play out….nah! He wants to get her sloppy d r u n k, then have me come in after she’s p a s s e d out and fuck her while she’s p a s s e d out until she wakes up. All while being videotaped! I call that prison time. She knows nothing how about it should happen but I’m not the one. Has anyone else been in a more screwed up situation?
I definitely would not do that.
It’s too dangerous for us . You know it’s 2 Americas. The real America and the court system don’t give a fuck about black people . That type of play could get a person 60+ years to life in prison .
The amount of white men who have actually concocted this plan and asked me makes me more concerned about their wives than anything else. Majority of the wives don't even come up with this fantasy, they might think about it but never outright say it, much less think about videotaping it!
The amount of white men who have actually concocted this plan and asked me makes me more concerned about their wives than anything else. Majority of the wives don't even come up with this fantasy, they might think about it but never outright say it, much less think about videotaping it!