Married Hotwives over 50 ???

57 Here and I'm actually living with my black lover and have been for quite a while and it's amazing :love:. My husband is fine with this setup and we still love each other very much. BBC has revived me and made me feel much younger than I am :bigsmile:
What an exciting progressive marriage you have.

Soon after our honeymoon 10 years ago, my new bride started staying overnight far more often at her black boyfriend's house. He had already black bred her 2 months before our wedding. Her emotional feelings for him as her baby daddy were growing stronger by the day. She eventually moved in with him full time as her baby bump grew bigger and bigger.

After suffering a tragic miscarriage in the 7th month, she moved back into our marital home when he blamed her for losing his *******.
The magic age of perimenopause.

The year she asked for anon bbc gb

Only gardened naked, despite neighbor men pedestrians

Kept waving her undercheeks directly at a couple of young men on Halloween.
Etc etc etc
49 was fun

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The magic age of perimenopause.

The year she asked for anon bbc gb

Only gardened naked, despite neighbor men pedestrians

Kept waving her undercheeks directly at a couple of young men on Halloween.
Etc etc etc
49 was fun

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Still look great rockin' a two piece ;) (y)
The magic age of perimenopause.

The year she asked for anon bbc gb

Only gardened naked, despite neighbor men pedestrians

Kept waving her undercheeks directly at a couple of young men on Halloween.
Etc etc etc
49 was fun

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Wife was married for 16 years and had three ******* when we met. She was 36 and in her prime but it was a late start but an amazing 18 years now. I asked her to cuck me when we were only dating for 6 weeks and told her I wanted her to fuck black bulls and wanted to marry a slutwife who agreed to cuck me. She agreed to try it for me and thank god her first bull was amazing and she dated him for over a year. She fucked six more bulls before she told me she wouldn’t cuck again til we got married. She vowed to only fuck black bulls and that’s all she wanted and was doing it for herself first and my needs came second. So our entire marriage she always sought out steady bulls but was open to them lending her out to select friends if they wanted. Well almost every bull loaned her out. When she was 40 she was dating her bull for two years and he made her dance twice a week at an all black strip club and she loved it and made tons of money. It was a small club and some nights it was her and two other girls but they were Latina and black girls mostly and she was often the only white woman and would make all the money. And it was a totally nude club so she’d do private lap dances totally nude and she said almost every guy fingered her. So the amazing thing about aging gracefully is that my wife is over 50 now and her new bull is only 22 and she’s been with him since he was 19! And he asked her to be his steady slut and his girlfriend but told her he wanted to loan her out to his friends and wanted her to dance at private party’s for him and his friends. So for the past three years she’s been loaned out to a regular group of friends but he has asked her to fuck other guys at parties sometimes and she always does. And all of his friends are 22 and under and some are barely 18. So when he loans her out to his regulars they always come over and fuck her at home and sleep over and fuck her in the morning before they leave. But I swear that these younger guys are so dominant with her and fuck her like I’ve never seen and are so vocal and degrading. But they all appreciate her and tell her she’s amazing too! I admit that I’ve looked thru the crack of the door and couldn’t believe I saw this 18 year old black teen smaking my wife’s ass so hard and she asked for it harder. He puts her hair in a pony tail and pulls her hair so hard! I’ve seen my wife fuck in every way but I love that she’s over 50 now and has a steady bull who’s 22 and his friends all get to fuck her, and she danced at parties and provides the entertainment. To know my 54 year old wife dresses like a slut and dances at parties for young black bulls and they do whatever they want to her. Her bull will control what happens and loan her out to guys that he chooses!

So I love seeing so many young couples get started early and start cucking in their 20s or 30s. And I see how young and pretty they are with amazing bodies and know their bulls love fucking them. But I know that there are lots of younger bulls who like fucking mature wives in their 40s and 50s who know their way around a black cock and know how to fuck and entertain. And to know my wife is over 50 and got asked by her 22 year old bull to be his girlfriend is an amazing feeling for me and for her. She tells me she loves dancing at parties and they tell her bull how hot she is and can’t believe she’s over 50 and has an amazing body and is so pretty. She goes to the gym and stays in shape and has been blessed with good genes. And she’ll get Botox and fillers and she looks great!