Its actually happening now......

A few weeks ago I posted a thread that I thought my girlfriend was about to cuck me with her ex. I got some really good advice from some members here and decided to stop pushing/encouraging anything with him and the whole thing stoppped. I figured nothing like that would ever happen with my girl, as she has said multiple times that she would never do anything with anyone else. A lot has changed in a very short time...

She started a new job a few weeks ago and immediately started talking about her boss. He is exactly her type, black, dreads, lots of tats, and glasses. She would tell me about him saying she looked nice at work and what not. I made a bet with her that if he ever asked her out she would have to do it. She agreed because she said she was 100% certain nothing like that would ever happen because he is her boss.

Well, they started texting a lot, and today when I met her for lunch she told me that he told her he wanted her, kissed her, and grabbed her ass. She said his cock was hard and she could feel it pressing against her as they kissed. He is apparently huge. He told her he wants them to get together very soon, and she is thinking he might ask her over tonight. She is as excited as Ive ever seen her, and im beginning to feel the old cuckold excitement mixed with angst. I asked her who was a better kisser between him and me. Her response was oh he is by a long shot. He doesn't know she has a boyfriend so she explained to me that she doesnt want him to know, so she has changed her pictures on her phone and is taking the ring i got her off everytime they are near each other. Something may happen as early as tonight, but amazingly they have the same days off next week, so I guess all I can do now is sit back and wait...
She was there for about 2 hours, but unfortunately was a little disappointed. Said he has a huge dick, but didnt know what to do with it. She plans on teaching him though lol. So its happened which is awesome, wasnt as good as she expected, but she is looking forward to trying again.