Interracial relationships unite us all as one nation?


Hi and welcome to my discussion can Interracial relationships unite us all as one nation? Can they put a stop to the black and white stigma that has plagued us now for so many years. I feel that interracial relationships are important to the survival of mankind (ok you must be saying what the hell does that fool mean lol) Well what im saying is if mankind was to continue along the path of hatred for each other based on race colour and even gender in some case, would we not just be heading for pure destruction and anarchy. So my belief is if we started to mix more and become more involved in each others culture and races maybe we may find that we are all not that different after all. What are your views on this? Do you agree or disagree?

Match N Chat with Loovla
You offer a very shallow solution to a very complex problem. In fact, creating a gray world to go around racial issues isn't a solution to anything, actually. You need to look at it a lot deeper than that.
Your heart may be in the right place, but your logic "doesn't compute".
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You offer a very shallow solution to a very complex problem. In fact, creating a gray world to go around racial issues isn't a solution to anything, actually. You need to look at it a lot deeper than that.
Your heart may be in the right place, but your logic "doesn't compute".
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He's right. I'm taking a class that talks a lot about these issues (not just between black and white). There is too much going on for there to be a simple pancea. It seems like the problems would have to be addressed both individually, and as a whole at the same time to get things done, which is as difficult as it sounds.
... plus, you have some (individuals, govn'mt, & corps) who profit off of the chaos & conflicts, and will do whatever is necessary to continue the discontent, then point the fingers at others.
Loovla, you come up with a solution, you'll win a Nobel Prize.