illiterate idiots

lol....Have you been reading my mail?

I've been a member long enough and a Admin / Moderator just as long to see the insane illiterate comments posted by members, along with their sad dick photos to know how this sites goes... it's funny, but not funny, but I keep on trucking'

Happy holidays to all my freaky peeps... you know who you are.

The rest can Gho Fuk U Shelf
I've been a member long enough and a Admin / Moderator just as long to see the insane illiterate comments posted by members, along with their sad dick photos to know how this sites goes... it's funny, but not funny, but I keep on trucking'

Happy holidays to all my freaky peeps... you know who you are.

The rest can Gho Fuk U Shelf are funny... Happy Holidays.... Still can't stop laughing...
WAT?? U R CRZY.. Let me send numerous super close ups of my ugly cock.. U don't want 2 fuk mee?
Purhapps I Kall you bitch, kunt, hore... mayb that will get me lade...

hose next?

Finally stopped laughing long enough to
Amazingly, these same people complain about not being able to "link up" on the site. .smh
No, no, have to take the ugly cock picture over the toilet. That just makes me so horny...NOT

Now that is funny! - Yes!! The classic dick sitting on toilet picture... God you don't know how that works for us. LOL
I also love when you can also look in the background and see some very, very dirty rooms, houses, etc... it tells us a lot about someone.
You don't often come across too many "blacks with brains" coz most of their brains are in thier knees and they think with thier dicks. Most like to speak so called "thug" language.:):help: