How should interracial be promoted more in society?

It's funny they use to ban showing of Little Rascals because of interactions between blacks and whites. Now a Justice League cartoon has a romance between a black Green Lantern and a white Hawk girl who later have a ch ild together. Getting the young prepared.
jag har gjort alla dessa steg. Jag är en glad pussyfri onanerande vit pojke som stöttar BNWO av hela mitt hjärta.
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This is just how I live as a white man. I have been pussy free for more than 16 years. Before that I fucked one woman a cupple of times. I support BNWO. I only watch BBC fuck white woman porn when I maTurbate my little white swedish dick. Always waisting my cum and genes in toilet. I do my best to spred the message about BNWO.
Sincerely and respectfully speaking, I think we're asking the wrong question(s). This is something that is widely known throughout history and growing vastly in present day. A better question is 'What steps should be taken to remove the challenges, impedance and/or hinderances that prevent the proliferation of interracial relationships/encounters?' Once those 'corrections' are made, the movement will self-promote without any intervention...
Money talks. Change the tax deduction for couples so that IR married or common law couples will only be taxed on the lower of the two incomes. And all chiild costs for IR children are 100% deductible.
Always have felt that BLACK KINGS should not pay taxes..
Yep, that would be an inevitable next step;
1) IR families explode (they're already the fastest growing while white couples are fastest shrinking),
2) No longer facing economic restraints more Blacks assume positions of control (already happening)
3) With enough Blacks and submissive whites and IR offspring influencing law making (50%+1) tax exemption would follow. It's probably the most acceptable form of reparation. In Canada we already have tax exempt status for Natives on reserve. There's precedence.

How about juries? I don't see how any Black defendant could have a jury of one's peers unless it were all Black. A peer is "one belonging to the same societal group especially based on age, grade, or status". We need a legal challenge to enforce real peer juries and ensure no white person sits in judgment over a Black citizen. Same laws for all but Blacks can apply them for themselves. This already happens in Canada among the Native population.
Money talks. Change the tax deduction for couples so that IR married or common law couples will only be taxed on the lower of the two incomes. And all chiild costs for IR children are 100% deductible.
Hmmm...Not sure I'm fully aligned with this. That's not to infer that either of us is right or wrong. I'm just concerned this would create more division than we are presently experiencing. While the idea of offering tax benefits based on income levels or baby-related expenses might seem appealing, singling out interracial couples and their children for special tax treatment raises significant concerns. Tax policy should aim to treat all families equally, regardless of race or ethnicity. Creating separate deductions for interracial couples and their children could unintentionally perpetuate division and foster the idea that certain families deserve different treatment based on their racial background.
Yep, that would be an inevitable next step;
1) IR families explode (they're already the fastest growing while white couples are fastest shrinking),
2) No longer facing economic restraints more Blacks assume positions of control (already happening)
3) With enough Blacks and submissive whites and IR offspring influencing law making (50%+1) tax exemption would follow. It's probably the most acceptable form of reparation. In Canada we already have tax exempt status for Natives on reserve. There's precedence.

How about juries? I don't see how any Black defendant could have a jury of one's peers unless it were all Black. A peer is "one belonging to the same societal group especially based on age, grade, or status". We need a legal challenge to enforce real peer juries and ensure no white person sits in judgment over a Black citizen. Same laws for all but Blacks can apply them for themselves. This already happens in Canada among the Native population.
Vice idees
Hmmm...Not sure I'm fully aligned with this. That's not to infer that either of us is right or wrong. I'm just concerned this would create more division than we are presently experiencing. While the idea of offering tax benefits based on income levels or baby-related expenses might seem appealing, singling out interracial couples and their children for special tax treatment raises significant concerns. Tax policy should aim to treat all families equally, regardless of race or ethnicity. Creating separate deductions for interracial couples and their children could unintentionally perpetuate division and foster the idea that certain families deserve different treatment based on their racial background.
You are a very thoughtful and intelligent person. I appreciate the feedback and viewpoint. In light of the current explosion in IR relationships, concern over special treatment by race should become less and less of a problem. From the Canadian perspective, where we already have tax exemption for Natives who choose to remain on reserves, the precedent already exists. Changing demographics will change many things.
It's called "BLACK Friday" for a reason. 🤣
But what are they trying to say?: "Family is magical." ("Modern white marriage"?) - Guest beds aren't. ("Let the 'family friend' sleep with the wife in the marital bed, not the guest bed"?) o_O ...couldn't get any more obvious! Great job. (y)
Wow! That's so blatant it's almost hard to believe!
I had to read it twice....absolutely brilliant!👏👏