Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Don't see that happening at of his biggest group of voters is the religious right......and they are slowly eroding away …… are starting to see more of them jump he has to keep those voters...he has pissed off to many groups of people...……..just like these little parties he is having at camp david for the's all about keeping their support

he is losing groups right and left and getting hit with far to much ******* all of a sudden...he knows he is on thin ice......what is working in his favor.....all coming at one time and people can't keep track and just give up....also he is an expert manipulator...throw in all coming at once...his bullshit magic...and he comes out fine

just like pardoning those war criminals....he knows he is pissing off the military....but it is a diversion from what else is going on......before the election he will throw them a bone and things be fine

the American voter is probably the dumbest group of people in the matter what all the ******* that happens or what goes on......a year from now they will listen to the TV ads and vote by that

You call those men war criminals but you are in NO position to make that statement - to me they might be war heroes - only they know what was in their hearts and minds - based on what I know I’m glad they were pardoned. If President Trump had them executed or thrown in prison forever you’d a been pissed about that - whatever he does you lefties just fall over yourselves criticizing him - while you do nothing.
You call those men war criminals but you are in NO position to make that statement - to me they might be war heroes - only they know what was in their hearts and minds - based on what I know I’m glad they were pardoned. If President Trump had them executed or thrown in prison forever you’d a been pissed about that - whatever he does you lefties just fall over yourselves criticizing him - while you do nothing.

wrong again there Porsche breath...….one killed a 10 year old girl and a few front of his own troops....determined to do the mission and ******* anyone in the way is the way I read it

we have always tried and sentenced war criminals to jail....clear back to Viet Nam......remember the Lt that went in a killed just about a whole village because he though they were lying…. we just can't have that
Yup the Vietnam massacre was one thing - fighting ISIS something quite different - you weren’t there - my ******* saw 10 year olds ******* GIs in WW2. Doesn’t matter though - anything President Trump does is wrong in your eyes.
Yup the Vietnam massacre was one thing - fighting ISIS something quite different - you weren’t there - my ******* saw 10 year olds ******* GIs in WW2. Doesn’t matter though - anything President Trump does is wrong in your eyes.

well...yes anything trump does IS wrong in my eyes...….funny trump knows more than the military?....for a man who never served.....and now fires the secretary of the Navy for disagreeing with him......trump can just do no wrong in YOUR eyes...….besides this is just another trump diversion away from all his corruption....a tactic he has always used......willing to fuck over the military judicial system to turn eyes away from his other issues

as for not being there....that might apply to you......but in every war the enemy has always used children to ******* our troops....we are just unsuspecting of children and that's why they use them
Navy SEAL charged with Iraq war crimes also under ...
A Navy SEAL awaiting trial for alleged war crimes in Iraq in 2017 also is being investigated in the shooting death of an Afghan civilian in 2010, according to his defense attorney, who complained to the judge about the investigation last week.

Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher sentenced to reduced rank ...
Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher will have his rank reduced and is sentenced to four months of confinement, which he has already served, for posing with the body of a dead Islamic State fighter, the San Diego jury decided Wednesday.

it's not like he is being executed...…….demoted and kicked out of the seals!
that is very common in the military and yet trump gets I said a publicity stunt for trump...… ALL branches of the fuck up you get demoted....just the way it is....although I think the MF should be kicked out of the military just because of the ******* he pulled against his superiors....has to be discipline!

he did get off on most charges...….the the president is supposed to be...are held to a higher standard....he fucked up so being removed......just like we need to do to the pres
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so is trump doing some booking....but it is jail time.....for you people that follow the tickle down economics I'm sure it is....your bank account just getting fat...…..while the worker has to dig deeper to make ends meet

little news flash for you...…..yes the biz people always love whatever the right does......but if it doesn't generate into the workers pockets...he is in deep ******* matter how much you are booking.....guessing your employees will vote Dem!.....the workers have seen NOTHING from the trump administration except higher inflation...loss of health care...higher taxes

republicans always like whatever the right does for them...even if it is fucking them...….trumps cult to fucking stupid to know they are getting fucked....but the cult getting smaller except for those die hards with practically no sense
No party runs my company I do we are non union and care for each other it's the unions and dems that want you down hungry and needing help we strive to be in the fuck you position were we are not dependent
No party runs my company I do we are non union and care for each other it's the unions and dems that want you down hungry and needing help we strive to be in the fuck you position were we are not dependent

sure they don' keep saying did no good under Obama....when he was responsible for turning the country around......and yet you praise trump for how well you are doing....but no politics involved there I guess
He pandered to unions not private companies. Trump fosters capitalism not communism

sure he did....that's why unions are just about non existent….trump fosters a dictatorship and is a part of communism

just proof of your communist brainwashing

right now if they found a birth certificate showing trump was p.utins brother....and P.utin admitted guys would call it fake news....right up until things fall apart and it's to late
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14 conservative Christians who are not supporting Trump

  1. Russell Moore.
  2. Denny Burk.
  3. Max Lucado.
  4. Thabiti Anyabwile.
  5. Erick Erickson.
  6. Robert P. George.
  7. Alan Noble.
  8. Eric Teetsel.
  9. Owen Strachan.
  10. Matthew Lee Anderson.
14 conservative Christians who are not supporting Trump ...

The Evangelical Case Against Donald Trump - The Christian Post
If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless. James 1:26 (NIV) But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is …

Christians Against Trump - Home | Facebook
You pro-TrumpChristians” don’t get it. I agree with you Bill — Christianity is not partisan but prophetic. This page was a critique to the so-called evangelicals that swallow the ******* Trump serves up because he can grant you your Supreme Court nominations and gun protections.

Christians Against Trump Public Group | Facebook
Christians Against Trump
has 5,701 members. We are Christians from all parts of the theological and political spectrum who are for love and justice. We...

A Christian Case Against Donald Trump - Beliefnet
A Christian Case Against Donald Trump The concern is whether Donald Trump's stated views and beliefs line up with Christian thought. And it is clear that many of them do not.
Christians who support trump are deceiving themselves and making a mockery of religion

How Donald Trump has already broken all 10 Commandments ...
Feb 18, 2017 · How Donald Trump has already broken all 10 Commandments Graven images, coveting his neighbor's possessions, adultery...The Donald pretty much violated all …

How many commandments you reckon trump has broken? | …
Dec 18, 2017 · You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them.-again, trump demands worship of himself. You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God. -broken.

Trump shatters commandments | Letters To Editor ...
As important as the Ten Commandments are in our lives, it saddens me as I watch Donald Trump break all 10 commandments at least 10 times each day. Many of these breaks are obvious, such as ignoring God, lying and coveting. However, killing and stealing are the ones that concern me most. Each day, Mr.
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Evangelical Christianity

Under Trump, America's religious right is rewriting its code of ethics
Randall Balmer

The religious right’s wholesale embrace of the Republican party and of Donald J Trump, both as candidate and as president, has necessitated a rewriting of evangelical ethics. Here’s a summary, with annotations.

Lying is all right as long as it serves a higher purpose
Yes, we know all about that business about not bearing false witness in the Ten Commandments, but that was a very long time ago. Can’t we get beyond that? Truth and truthiness are overrated. After all, did it really matter that the “birther” nonsense was hokum? Not at all. It enraged those godless liberals and launched our brother in Christ Donald Trump toward the presidency.

And all those websites fact-checking our president, claiming that he told more than 2,000 lies his first year in office? Big deal. He’s also pro-life, and he’s trying to root out transgender folks in the military, so cut the guy some slack. Besides, that same website that tracks lying concluded that Barack Obama told 28 lies during his two terms in office. So there. (Democrats are such hypocrites!)

It’s no problem to be married more than, well, twice
Let’s be clear here. We’re not talking about polygamy (sorry, Mitt), only serial marriages. This revision has been a long time in the making. Yes, Jesus said: “Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and whoever marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery.” Through the 1970s, we evangelicals ostracized anyone who was divorced, let alone divorced and remarried. But then we decided to ditch a family man (and fellow evangelical) in favor of a divorced and remarried Hollywood actor in 1980. Once that barrier was breached, we concluded that, hey, if two marriages are okay, why not three?

Immigrants are scum
We grant that Jesus said something about welcoming the stranger and feeding the hungry. And Leviticus says: “The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself.” But our careful study of scriptural texts has led us to conclude that the almighty had Norwegians in mind, not Mexicans or Salvadorans.

Vulgarity is a sign of strength and resolve
The president’s scatological comments about Haiti and African nations provided a welcome relief to the rhetoric of those coddling the so-called Dreamers. As Robert Jeffress, pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas, noted, Brother Trump was “right on target”.

White lives matter (much more than others)
Our political movement began in the late 1970s in opposition to desegregation (although our sleight of hand to persuade everyone we organized to outlaw abortion was nothing short of, well, miraculous). On racial matters we’re also indebted to our colleague Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, who did business with David Duke, longtime leader of the Ku Klux Klan, way back in 1996.

Perkins also addressed the Council of Conservative Citizens, the “uptown Klan”, when he was a state representative in Louisiana. Therefore, we had no problem whatsoever with Steve Bannon or with the president’s statement blaming the violence in Charlottesville on “many sides,” both the white supremacists and those demonstrating against them. We took the Brother Trump at his word when he declared that the ranks of white supremacists and neo-Nazis included “some very fine people”. That’s why none of us criticized him. Besides, he wants to jettison the Johnson amendment to allow us to campaign from the pulpit while retaining our tax exemptions.

There’s no harm in spending time with porn stars
Once again, we have a precedent: David Vitter, the Republican senator from Louisiana and outspoken champion of “family values” whose phone number appeared in the date book of a Washington madam – and who continued to enjoy our support. Regarding that messy situation with Stormy Daniels, think of the opportunities for the president to share what Franklin Graham calls his “concern for Christian values”. We’re confident that as details emerge, we’ll learn that the Brother Trump was discussing his theological perspectives on human depravity and the second coming.

It’s all right for adults to date children
We’re not yet prepared to embrace *******, but we see nothing wrong with a 30-something attorney trolling the local shopping mall for young dates. After all, didn’t Jesus say, “suffer the little children to come unto me”? Roy Moore was simply being Christ-like. Besides, he opposes abortion, and he asked their mothers for permission.

The ends justify the means
Enough said.

Too many Americans think of evangelicals as dogmatic and uncompromising, so we’re eager to demonstrate that when it comes to ethical standards we can indeed be flexible. Very flexible.

Randall Balmer is the John Phillips Professor in Religion at Dartmouth College and the author of Evangelicalism in America.

sure he did....that's why unions are just about non existent….trump fosters a dictatorship and is a part of communism

just proof of your communist brainwashing

right now if they found a birth certificate showing trump was p.utins brother....and P.utin admitted guys would call it fake news....right up until things fall apart and it's to late
Try working in Boston non union
14 conservative Christians who are not supporting Trump

  1. Russell Moore.
  2. Denny Burk.
  3. Max Lucado.
  4. Thabiti Anyabwile.
  5. Erick Erickson.
  6. Robert P. George.
  7. Alan Noble.
  8. Eric Teetsel.
  9. Owen Strachan.
  10. Matthew Lee Anderson.
14 conservative Christians who are not supporting Trump ...

The Evangelical Case Against Donald Trump - The Christian Post
If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless. James 1:26 (NIV) But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is …

Christians Against Trump - Home | Facebook
You pro-TrumpChristians” don’t get it. I agree with you Bill — Christianity is not partisan but prophetic. This page was a critique to the so-called evangelicals that swallow the ******* Trump serves up because he can grant you your Supreme Court nominations and gun protections.

Christians Against Trump Public Group | Facebook
Christians Against Trump
has 5,701 members. We are Christians from all parts of the theological and political spectrum who are for love and justice. We...

A Christian Case Against Donald Trump - Beliefnet
A Christian Case Against Donald Trump The concern is whether Donald Trump's stated views and beliefs line up with Christian thought. And it is clear that many of them do not.
14 that's a huge number
Iowa is not Boston they will come to job and tell you to pack your *******. Seen it happened to others we seem to be left alone . Your union seems a lot different then ours
Iowa is not Boston they will come to job and tell you to pack your *******. Seen it happened to others we seem to be left alone . Your union seems a lot different then ours

A GOOD union shop will do that....just before I quit working as a mechanic they passed right to work....anyone could come no dues and get the same benefits that we all did....came time to strike for better benefits they just stayed right in and worked...

you being a biz owner look at it a lot different...but if it wasn't for unions be no working wages....40hour work overtime weekends off and so much more......unions on their way out...not many left....and look what we have now....barely any of the above and trying to do away with the rest!

big biz spent a lot of money to do away with any rights unions naturally you don't like can pay as little as possible no overtime......vacation….nothing if you don't want to...assuming you do any of that anyway
14 conservative Christians who are not supporting Trump

  1. Russell Moore.
  2. Denny Burk.
  3. Max Lucado.
  4. Thabiti Anyabwile.
  5. Erick Erickson.
  6. Robert P. George.
  7. Alan Noble.
  8. Eric Teetsel.
  9. Owen Strachan.
  10. Matthew Lee Anderson.
14 conservative Christians who are not supporting Trump ...

The Evangelical Case Against Donald Trump - The Christian Post
If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless. James 1:26 (NIV) But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is …

Christians Against Trump - Home | Facebook
You pro-TrumpChristians” don’t get it. I agree with you Bill — Christianity is not partisan but prophetic. This page was a critique to the so-called evangelicals that swallow the ******* Trump serves up because he can grant you your Supreme Court nominations and gun protections.

Christians Against Trump Public Group | Facebook
Christians Against Trump
has 5,701 members. We are Christians from all parts of the theological and political spectrum who are for love and justice. We...

A Christian Case Against Donald Trump - Beliefnet
A Christian Case Against Donald Trump The concern is whether Donald Trump's stated views and beliefs line up with Christian thought. And it is clear that many of them do not.
Are you serious in posting all of this ? Without a doubt Donald Trump is a sinner, anyone that claims not to be, is a liar and a hypocrite. For any religious System to openly involve themselves in politics is Anti-Christ. For any religious System to put down the leadership that God has put in place, by declaring that it supports or doesn't support God's placement is Anti-Christ. Satan has done and continues to do a fantastic job of deceiving the people of this world to believe that the Anti-Christ mentioned in the Word of God is to be a man that will appear and sit in the Temple of God claiming that he is God. Question; what is the real Temple of God? It is not a man made earthly temple like the Jewish people built in Jerusalem or The Tabernacle built by the Israelite's while they where wandering in the desert for 40 years. These were symbolic representations of a Temple made by God, never by man.