Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

and more from our commander and thief

This Trump real estate deal looks awfully like criminal ...
Aug 04, 2017 · According to New York City property records, Trump paid $13,000 in state and local transfer taxes for these two sales. That is the correct amount for a sale between strangers.

There’s so much more about Trump to investigate than just ...
Jun 08, 2017 · Donald Trump’s fake charity may be criminal tax evasion. Trump himself paid $12,000 at a charity auction for a football helmet autographed by Tim Tebow. The Foundation also donated money to Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, which was clearly illegal and resulted in a fine when it came to light.

Donald Trump and ******* Named in $250M Tax Scam*******-named-in-dollar250m-tax-scam
Lucas Jackson/Reuters. He carried a business card, issued by the Trump Organization, identifying him as a “senior adviser” to Trump. The tax fraud lawsuit included 212 pages of documents, among them a flow chart that the plantiff claims showed how the scheme worked. The lawsuit alleges the tax fraud scheme as simple,...

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches ...
Oct 02, 2018 · President Trump participated in dubious tax schemes during the 1990s, including instances of outright fraud, that greatly increased the fortune he received from his parents, an investigation by …

Trump Used 'Dirty Tax Scam' To Avoid Millions In Taxes For ...
Trump Used ‘Dirty Tax Scam’ To Avoid Millions In Taxes For Mar-a-Lago and Golf Courses: Report. Before he ascended to the country’s highest political office, Donald Trump reportedly agreed to maintain parts of the Mar-a-Lago club in South Florida in order to turn the estate into a private club and claim millions in tax breaks,...

BREAKING: Donald Trump is facing multiple fraud charges ...
Sep 21, 2016 · BREAKING: Donald Trump is facing multiple fraud charges. That’s a slightly hyperbolic but basically fair distillation of Gallup editor in chief Frank Newport’s findings. If Mr. Trump talks about Muslim parents and their ******* who was killed in action, that’s what the public remembers. If he goes to Mexico or Louisiana,...

How Trump’s $50m golf club became $1.4m when it came time ...
Mar 12, 2016 · How Trump’s $50m golf club became $1.4m when it came time to pay tax. The Trump property also features a series of gleaming condominiums and villas overlooking the fairways, whose owners are also fighting to lower their tax bills. Trump owns a mansion and 230-acre estate about 12 miles to the east of the golf club.

Ocasio-Cortez May Have Unlocked the Trump Tax Returns ...
Feb 28, 2019 · Cohen told Ocasio-Cortez that Trump’s tax returns could help to reveal whether the president has committed insurance fraud. This information could take several forms.

Trump National Golf Club files lawsuit over property tax ...
Jan 29, 2018 · A Trump golf course in Florida is suing over its property tax bill. The corporation that owns Trump National Golf Club is suing Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Dorothy Jacks, saying her office’s estimated value of $19 million is too high. The course received a tax bill of nearly $400,000. Trump, however, in his federal financial disclosure lists the course’s value at more than $50 million.

Could the IRS get its money back from the Trumps' alleged ...
Oct 03, 2018 · The New York State tax authority is “vigorously pursuing” an investigation into decades of alleged tax fraud by the Trump family, after the New York Times reported that Donald Trump and his ...
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a ******* pusher also? I will be damned....

Trump Made Millions of Dollars From ******* Money Laundering ...*******-corruption...
President Donald Trump made tens of millions of dollars in profits by allowing Colombian ******* cartels and other groups to launder money through a Trump-affiliated hotel in Panama, according to a ...

NRA, Russia and Trump: Money laundering poisoning US ...
Feb 15, 2018 · NRA, Russia and Trump: How 'dark money' is poisoning American democracy. ... money laundering describes the process by which illicit funds are …

Trump’s Russian Laundromat | The New Republic
Jul 13, 2017 · Trump’s Russian Laundromat How to use Trump Tower and other luxury high-rises to clean dirty money, run an international crime syndicate,

How Donald Trump Shifted *******-Cancer Charity Money Into ...*******...
Jun 06, 2017 · The Donald J. Trump Foundation famously acted like an arm of the overall business, using the charity's money to settle a Trump business lawsuit, make a …

BOMBSHELL: Trump's Been Laundering Russian Mob Money For ...


Jul 24, 2017 · Russian mobsters needed a lot of property from a sleazy businessman who never asks questions... Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section ...
  • Author: The Young Turks
just showing support for their President.....and you know trump really likes this....he already said the BLM movement should be labeled a terrorist group...….nothing about the white supremist though.....even though the gov says the problem is the white supremists

Portland prepares for city's largest far-right rally of ...
Aug 16, 2019 · Portland is preparing for a large far-right rally on Saturday that may be the largest in a series of demonstrations that have descended on the city in …

Portland, Oregon, braces for far-right rally, counterprotest
3 days ago · Portland police are mobilizing to prevent clashes between out-of-state far-right groups planning a rally here and the homegrown anti-fascists who oppose them as …

Portland braces for possible violence at far-right rally
Click to view


Aug 17, 2019 · In recent years, Portland has become a magnet for protests, with some of them turning ugly. ... Portland braces for possible violence at far-right rally Jonathan Vigliotti. 2 hrs ago.
  • Author: Jonathan Vigliotti
trump needs the help and he knows it...wouldn't have made it last time without it...although won't admit that

Is Russia Already Messing with the 2020 Election? | Vanity ...
Is Russia
Already Messing with the 2020 Election? ... “We can conclusively state that a large group of suspicious accounts that were active in one of the largest influence operations of the 2018 ...

Russia Is Going to Up Its Game for the 2020 Elections | WIRED
Russia Is Going to Up Its Game for the 2020 Elections ... and our intelligence community was more active as well. But the intelligence community's own reporting was that Russia didn't throw its ...

Russia Could Hack 2020 Election, Too, Report Says—39 ...
Russia Could Hack 2020 Election, Too, Report Says—39 States Hit in 2016 ... The Illinois database held some 15 million names—half were active voters—and 90,000 records were potentially …

Russia Could Hack 2020 Election, Too, Report Says—39 ...
Russia Could Hack 2020 Election, Too, Report Says—39 States Hit in 2016 ... The Illinois database held some 15 million names—half were active voters—and 90,000 records were potentially ...

and more from our own blooming idiot

Donald Trump doubts Russian meddling in 2020 election ...
Aug 01, 2019 · WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump on Thursday questioned former special counsel Robert Mueller's assessment that Russia is already interfering in the 2020 presidential election
and if you take the time to read my post they name several parts of the bible that shows a lot of similarities comparing the two!.....but that is not something you want to hear
I did take the time to read this article @subhub174014 featured here
( Trump Antichrist 666.htm ) and you should really be consistent with your material as it does cite:

"Donald Trump is definitely not a racist, bigot or chauvinist: he's just worlds better than everyone else."

So hopefully that should end the debate about Donald Trump not being a racist as your own material confirms Donald Trump is not a racist @subhub174014.

However it does raise curious numerical coincidences regarding Donald Trump's association with 666, the ******* Moon, and his betrayal of Israel that did not occur yet. To be the antichrist your prior material also suggested that the antichrist would have a Jewish ancestry which is something that Donald Trump lacks.

In addition the antichrist will have a deadly wound that was healed as I said earlier that also has not occurred yet ( ). Ronald Reagan was shot and he was revived so he was a better candidate for the antichrist on that basis but because he is dead so it is unlikely he will be the antichrist as

"On March 30, 1981 (shortly into his new administration), Reagan, his press secretary James Brady, Washington police officer Thomas Delahanty, and Secret Service agent Tim McCarthy were struck by gunfire from would-be assassin John Hinckley Jr. outside the Washington Hilton hotel. Although 'close to death' upon arrival at George Washington University Hospital, Reagan was stabilized in the emergency room, then underwent emergency exploratory surgery.[130] He recovered and was released from the hospital on April 11, becoming the first serving U.S. president to survive being shot in an assassination attempt."

Furthermore the antichrist will desire to rule the world, including Russia. Because as you regularly state Trump is such a pawn of MrPutin do you think Trump will conquer Russia? As

"In Revelation 13:5-8, the Antichrist is referred to as 'the beast:'

'Then the beast was allowed to speak great blasphemies against God. And he was given authority to do whatever he wanted for forty-two months. And he spoke terrible words of blasphemy against God, slandering his name and his dwelling—that is, those who dwell in heaven. And the beast was allowed to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And he was given authority to rule over every tribe and people and language and nation. And all the people who belong to this world worshiped the beast. They are the ones whose names were not written in the Book of Life before the world was made—the Book that belongs to the Lamb who was slaughtered.' (NLT)
We see "the beast" used for Antichrist several times in the book of Revelation.

The Antichrist will gain political power and spiritual authority over every nation on earth. He will most likely begin his rise to power as a very influential, charismatic, political or religious diplomat. He will rule the world government for 42 months. According to many eschatologists, this time frame is understood to be during the latter 3.5 years of the tribulation. During this period, the world will endure a time of unprecedented trouble."
from ( )

Besides @subhub174014 being somewhat of a math nerd I could link you to being the antichrist from your very handle. Did you know that 174014 from your handle factors is equivalent to 2 x 167 x 521? From 167 you have a "6", and 7-1 is another "6", and from 521 (5+1="6"), "666". So there you have it could you be giving us all a clue on B2W that you are the antichrist @subhub174014? No, and if I knew your phone number, cell phone number, your address, your zip code, your birthdate I could arrive at other possible coincidences of "666" as well.

To be the antichrist @subhub174014 everything has to line up or it is false and our mutual friend who wishes to be unnamed arrived at that same conclusion as well.
( )

My Evidence
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who is the one that doesn't want to face the proper evidence...….it's all over the trump thread......but not something that agrees with you so it's false.....I provided links to all his corruption's...right off the net....but you want to post a movie or someone's pic and call the isn't.....I think mac gave a shortened version on here....all can you idolize someone so corrupt....even the record shows the majority of the country doesn't like look it up and see for yourself...but you won't
The evidence from the websites and videos are based on fact @subhub174014 . If anyone desired to challenge those facts can simply contact those individuals and ask them if they have those views like Steve Cortes or Robert L. Johnson of BET where they support President Trump or not. Just as in the same fashion professors of a university would check the footnotes of a doctoral thesis of a Phd candidate. Have you done so? Did you contact these individuals and ask them their opinion of Trump? If you have verified proof of that I will gladly retract that as evidence but I don't think you ever did @subhub174014 for fear of them more vociferously supporting Trump where he is not a racist.

Our ongoing debates about Trump which literally spanned over years essentially started off where we debated Trump's longevity and I always stated he would not only last throughout his first term, which is something you are finally beginning to accept, but also serve a second term.

Afterwards I was defending the fact that Trump is not a racist which is something that you strongly disbelieve. And I don't think I could ever prove to you that Donald Trump is not a racist even after finding a video from 2000 where he was interviewed on the "Today Show" where he shunned any association with David Duke as seen here ( ), in addition to the testimony of a Black woman that dated Donald Trump before he married any of his wives as seen here ( ), plus the testimony of loads of other people seen here ( ). Frankly I am not sure what kind of evidence you need @subhub174014 to even develop an ounce of doubt about Donald Trump being a racist? If I could resurrect the late Chuck Berry and have him tell you that Trump was not racist I would as I recall you greatly respect him, otherwise I am at a loss as what could convince you? So here I don't really post so much to convince you but instead it is for others who stumble on these threads who might be more objective about the fact that Donald Trump is not a racist.

After the charges of racism you are literally throwing everything against Trump except the kitchen sink where he is a Nazi, a white supremacist, a *******, a pawn of Russia, and countless other things. It is becoming a full time job to counter every one of those charges and my sole focus is to say he will serve another term and that Donald Trump is not a racist. Those various charges are an attack on his legacy
after he is POTUS. Here anything can happen? He could be to your disgust regarded as a legendary president where all your allegations overtime are disproved with evidence I currently lack, or Donald Trump's legacy will be just as a disgrace as Jeffery Epstein and a scammer like Bernard Madoff? Time will have to tell with that.

I concede that you provided disturbing evidence of Trump being a ******* @subhub174014. I hope you did you exercised your right as an American to blow the whistle against Trump on this issue but one has to wonder that Trump has many enemies in the media and the FBI and many others hate his guts to the degree where they are itching to jump on his ass and impeach him and then arrest him. If this evidence is so widely known that Donald Trump is a ******* why is there no ongoing breaking news about Trump's sexual weaknesses just as they did with Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky on CNN? If professional media companies like CNN and the FBI lack professional data miners like you to find that evidence by all means, share it with them, impeach Trump, and arrest his ass. If this is chess you have checkmate so why not make the checkmating move @subhub174014 where at the very least you say you emailled all these institutions at the very least?

My Evidence
got to be money tied to this somehow.......trump does nothing for free or for the good of the country

Trump orders major military withdrawal from Afghanistan as ...
Dec 21, 2018 · It marks a significant departure from Trump’s August 2017 decision to slightly increase the number of U.S. troops there and keep them in place with conditions on the ground dictating withdrawal ...

A hasty US withdrawal from Afghanistan will throw a ...
Just as a withdrawal of U.S. presence in Afghanistan can embolden extremist groups worldwide, a peace agreement there could serve as a groundbreaking precedent for the international community and ...

Senate Rebukes Trump’s Troop Withdrawal from Syria and ...
Jan 31, 2019 · Senate Rebukes Trump’s Troop Withdrawal from Syria and Afghanistan ... He said withdrawing troops from Syria and Afghanistan would allow terrorist groups to find safe haven from which to plan terrorist attacks against the U.S. ... He also said Al Qaeda still exists, and is working to expand their reach inside Syria. .
everything this guy does is for money for himself......nothing for the country...has so many fooled

As a Businessman, Trump Was the Biggest Loser of All | The ...
May 08, 2019 · It reveals Trump to be a reckless conman who burned money and relied on his *******, even as he was fashioning a myth that eventually took him all the way to the White House.

For the Love of Their Country or Money? - Truthdig
The next day, March 2, according to The Intercept, Kushner Companies reportedly approached the government of Qatar for loans and, after being rebuffed, President Trump backed a Saudi Arabian blockade of Qatar, bizarrely accusing the latter country of financing terrorism networks.

EXCLUSIVE: Donald Trump made millions from Saudi Arabia ...
Sep 04, 2016 · Donald Trump has blasted Hillary Clinton for accepting money from Saudi Arabia through her foundation, but a Daily News investigation reveals …

Trump’s Russian Laundromat | The New Republic
Jul 13, 2017 · By Craig Unger. Two buyers in Sunny Isles, Anatoly Golubchik and Michael Sall, were convicted for taking part in a massive international gambling and money-laundering syndicate that was run out of Trump Tower in New York. The ring, according to the FBI, was operating under the protection of the Russian mafia.

Trump’s businesses are full of dirty Russian money. The ...
Collusion or not, President Trump and the Russians are thick as thieves. What I mean is that for more than three decades, at least 13 people with known or alleged links to the Russian Mafia held ...

Trump Has Laundered Russian Mafia Money 1300 Times Through ...
Aug 19, 2018 · All of Russia's natural resources were up for grabs. If you needed to launder huge sums of money, the best ways are casinos and real estate—both of which Trump was in. Casinos have a $10,000 [reporting threshold under the Bank Secrecy Act]. The Trump Taj Mahal violated that more than a hundred times.

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business – Foreign ...
Dec 21, 2018 · Investigation How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in.

Bank that lent $300m to Trump linked to Russian money ... · Aug 09, 2019

Just a reminder that no US banks will give loans to Trump ...
· Aug 15, 2019
Trump Should Be In Prison, Here Are Five Times He Could ...
  • Author: Bruce White
    1. The obstruction of justice, 1981. Trump shared ties with a confidential FBI informant named Daniel …
    2. The Empty Box, 1986. Trump avoided paying sales tax on some $65,000 worth of purchases. …
    3. The briefcase full of cash, 1988. In 1989, Trump sold two units in Trump Tower to the mob …
    4. The consistent money laundering, 1998-2014, inclusive. This has been an issue since the late 90s. …
    See all full list on
Should Trump go to prison? -
Apr 12, 2018 · If he's guilty of a crime that normally requires prison time, absolutely. For some reason many Trump supporters seem to think that he should be legally immune to prosecution for violating our laws just because they adore him. Doesn't work that way, guys, we all live under these laws and your boy doesn't get a free pass.
the reason they were camping is they can't afford a home anymore.....saturated?...I really doubt they had flag poles outside those tents.....besides most trump people came from the woods anyway just going back to their roots