Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Latest NBC poll has Trump up to 48% approval rating. Up 3 points from 45%
and NBC is as anti-Trump as you can get - wonder what the real numbers are. In any event the trend is UP. The Squad is the best thing that has ever happened for the Republican Party - THANK you Squad!!!!!
Imaoooo! And yes I saw those bullshit videos. STIFFBBC can show me a 1000 more, and it still will not change the obvious, ie, small minded, simple thinking, bullying, rasist, bigot, Xenophobic, Narcissistic, lying, no class guy that's only occupying in White House. FYI, he's not a leader, he's simply a wannabe dictator. And people who support him and foolishness should take a look in mirror, because it speaks volumes about their character.

Bill Cosby and R Kelly go to Jail, Dumb Trump get to be the President for doing some of the same crazy ******* to innocent women, WOW, Only in this Great country. ??☹??
The accusations that Trump did do "crazy ******* to innocent women" has yet to be proved much like a certain nameless president that had a fling proven beyond any reasonable doubt with Monica Lewinsky and in my following post where I prove that same president had an association with Jeffery Epstein as well and it is very damning! Trump is not perfect. I cannot justify all his imperfections that you rightfully cited just like that nameless president's character but for issues that concern me like the welfare of Israel that all Christians should be concerned about where few prior POTUSes took such a determined stand and the fact that he is also pro-life and he stands against Planned Parenthood. Both these issues are incendiary and controversial and I know critics will say he is an opportunist to save his own skin but that is my motivation as well as my position on those issues. Moreover his brash character is an asset when standing against trade imbalances with China as well as the ingenious manner in which they acquire American technology resulting in the loss of American jobs and entire industries. As well as for the time being making enemy that wanted to bomb America into a friend in the form of Kim Jung-Un in North Korea without a loss of life except for Otto Warmbier who never had to go there in the first place and while there he should not have committed such a foolish fratboy type stunt resulting in the punishment that he got. I don't vindicate Kim Jung-Un for torturing him but it is not as if he kidnapped him to go to North Korea in the first place. In recent years can you recall any American manufacturers of TV's or other electronic products? There used to be a time when they originated in America now they all are made in Taiwan generally. Trump is trying to reverse that. By the way I compliment one of your prior posts where you mention me to be youthful. I thank you for that. I'm not revealing my age, but I do recall seeing live coverage of Neil Armstrong and others go to the moon from my parent's old black and white TV. If that is still youthful to you then I would be a young kid from your perspective @Igotskillz27. :)

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trump by his own admission is a pervert....and a pervert is a pervert no matter the stature or title

Donald Trump 2005 tape: I grab women “by the pussy.”
Oct 07, 2016 · Trump Was Recorded in 2005 Bragging About Grabbing Women “by the Pussy”. Trump and Bush remark on the attractiveness of Days of Our Lives actress Arianne Zucker while she's waiting outside the bus. When they exit the bus, Bush asks Zucker to give both of them hugs. (Watch the video. Said Trump to the Post: “This was locker room banter,...

Donald Trump Brags About Groping Women - The Atlantic
Trump Brags About Groping Women. Former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman, a Republican, called on Trump to drop out, and current Governor Gary Herbert, also a Republican, said he could not vote for Trump. Longstanding Trump critics like Senators Jeff Flake and Mark Kirk piled on, too.

Donald Trump Access Hollywood tape - Wikipedia
Donald Trump Access Hollywood tape. In the video, Trump described his attempt to seduce a married woman and indicated he might start kissing a woman that he and Bush were about to meet. He added, "I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy.
You raise a legitimate concern @subhub174014. It is interesting how Trump manages to escape the wrath of #metoo while people like Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby and Jeffery Epstein are sunk for similar activities. Personally I don't try to go after married women as I greatly prefer women still single. I was not raised that way and my values discourage that activity. However we are on a site that seems to encourage that activity where men pursue married women. So if such activities were never desired there would be no cucks and hotwives and we would not be having such a conversation on this site where people like them are trying to hook-up with Black guys. If Trump was never POTUS perhaps he might be on this site too? Anyways I do not condone Trump's behaviour as he had wives then and Melania now to grope their pussies. But if you look back to Trump's predecessors going back to George Washington all of them have cheated on their wives. Why would Trump be any different as the position of POTUS provides incredible temptation. If you ever read Dinesh D'Souza's book "Hillary's America" I suspect why Hillary was allowed to run for office was that she not only had a degree of skill where she was a lawyer, a Senator and a Congresswoman but she too had affairs with women. In fact on page 25 it states:

"Two of Clinton's former mistresses - former Miss Arkansas Sally Miller and Geniffer Flowers - have quoted Bill as saying Hillary likes girls. Flowers somewhat colorfully cites Bill to the effect that Hillary 'has probably eaten more pussy than I have.' ", and "Hillary is a lesbian. This would explain her apparent indifference to Bill's carrying-on."

Also now finally shamed Jeffery Epstein also was mentioned in that same book too revealing an association with the Clintons as well even forgetting about Monica Lewinsky. So if you are going to throw Trump under the bus for any association with Jeffery Epstein don't forget about Bill Clinton as well and who knows who else. On pages 248 and 249 it states:

"Jeffery Epstein gave $3.5 million to the Clinton Foundation in 2006, shortly after the FBI began investigating him for participating in the exploitation of teenaged girls as sex slaves. Epstein's standard practice was to fly celebrities on his plane to a private island near the U.S. Virgin Islands. The plane was nicknamed the ******* Express and the island Orgy island because both were venues for older men to have sex with ******* girls.

The case came to public light when one of the girls, Virginia Roberts - now 32, was pimped out by Epstein starting at the age of 15 - spoke out about Epstein's sex trafficking operation. Roberts named Bill Clinton as one of the regular travelers on the ******* Express. Flight records show that Bill made 26 trips on Epstein's jet on at least 5 occasions ditching his Secret Service detail in order to avoid a record of his travel on the Secret Service logs.

Epstein faced a long prison sentence, but somehow the investigation was concluded in 2008 with a secret settlement. Epstein pleaded guilty to one count of soliciting ******* girls, for which he served a year in prison. All other charges were dropped, and all the records in the case were sealed. Only Swiss bank records leaked by a whistle-blower brought the secret settlement to public light. So far Hillary has not said a word about the case, even though she undoubtedly knows about it."

If you scrutinize other former POTUSes you will discover similar forms of weaknesses in those leaders as well. So if we are to raise the bar to throw out Trump his future successor will be very difficult to find as very few people, if any, in Washington D.C. would appear to have never succumbed to that level of temptation?
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I'm a Democrat, if I see crazy *******, I'm calling it out. What I will not do is support wrong doing or turning my head and acting like I don't see it.
If president Obama did half the ******* this horrific, Narcissus no class President does I would want his mom fucken ass impeach too. The Trump fans support wrong doing, disrespect, and Corruption on a daily basis.?
If you are truly a Black Democrat @Igotskillz27 LBJ thanks you for from the grave for fulfilling his prophecy. As a Black male I wonder if you think LBJ had any class @Igotskillz27 ? :unsure:

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Wow, where do these black Trump supporters come from? These joker are Crazy if they think Trump gives a damn about us. Have you ever heard of the Central Park 5, your president took out a full page ad on 5 little black boys that were innocent of ******* a female in Central Park. He wanted the dead Penalty for them. What about being sued more than one time for not renting to people that look like your black ass? WOW, WOW, WOW!

Just as you might be rightfully embarassed to share an association with LBJ and possibly hesistant to provide an answer to that @Igotskillz27 there is no defence for Trump's actions at that time as a Black male. But there is growth in Trump's character though as he came to the defence of Blacks in his administration as he posthumously pardoned Jack Johnson on May 24th of 2018 as he was a famed Black boxer, convicted by an all-white jury in 1913 for traveling with his white girlfriend. It was then illegal to transport women across state lines for "immoral" purposes. And Trump pardoned Alice Marie Johnson on June 6th of 2018 as she is a Black woman who was a first-time, non-violent ******* offender. Johnson's sentence was commuted following a meeting between Trump and Kim Kardashian. Johnson had served more than 21 years in prison; Trump's commutation allowed her to be released from incarceration immediately.

And very recently have you heard that Trump is helping A$AP Rocky's wrongful conviction in Sweden? The article in The Guardian is very interesting as it says:

Trump says he is working to free rapper A$AP Rocky from Swedish custody
President says that after speaking with Kanye West about musician’s predicament, he will call Sweden’s prime minister

A$AP Rocky was allegedly involved in a fight in Sweden. Photograph: David McNew/AFP/Getty Images

Donald Trump has said he is working to free the American rapper A$AP Rocky, who has been held in police custody in Sweden for weeks.
“I will be calling the very talented Prime Minister of Sweden to see what we can do about helping A$AP Rocky,” Trump tweeted from aboard Air ******* One on Friday, and said he had just spoken with Kanye West about Rocky’s situation.

“So many people would like to see this quickly resolved!” Trump said.

Rocky, a platinum-selling, Grammy-nominated artist whose real name is Rakim Mayers, has been in police custody since early July as Swedish police investigate his alleged involvement in a fight in Stockholm that occurred before his appearance at a music festival. Videos published on social media appear to show a person being violently thrown onto the ground by Rocky. A defense lawyer has said he acted in self-defense.

Congressman Adriano Espaillat, of New York, has been pushing for the rapper’s release and has been in contact with the state department and the US embassy in Sweden. Rocky is originally from the neighborhood of Harlem in New York City.

The case has earned the attention of a slew of celebrities, including Sean “Diddy” Combs, Justin Bieber, Jada Pinkett Smith, Nicki Minaj and Post Malone.

Kim Kardashian West encouraged Trump to take action to free Rocky. Kardashian West has previously worked with the Trump administration on criminal justice reform issues.

One senior administration official, speaking to the Associated Press on condition of anonymity to outline private conversations, said Kardashian West had reached out to Trump’s *******-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, whom she has worked with closely, to tell him about the situation on behalf of her husband, a supporter of the president.

Kushner then briefed Trump, according to the official, who said Trump felt the case was worth looking into and directed his secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, to see what could be done.

The state department said Friday that it was following the case but declined to provide details, citing privacy considerations. Providing assistance to US citizens detained abroad is one of the department’s most important functions, it said.

Kardashian West thanked Trump, Pompeo and Kushner via Twitter, along with “everyone involved with the efforts to Free ASAP Rocky & his two friends”.

“Your commitment to justice reform is so appreciated,” she wrote on Thursday.

Rocky’s lawyer, Slobodan Jovicic, told the Associated Press that his client was aware of the president’s comments and “is very thankful for everyone who has reached out to show their support”.

“It means a lot to him, but we are focused on the case that we have in front of us,” he added.

Trump did not mention Kardashian West or Kushner to reporters in the Oval Office on Friday and said it was his wife, Melania Trump, who had originally brought the case to his attention.

“She was telling me about, ‘Can you help A$AP Rocky?’” said Trump, who said he had also heard from others.

“Many, many members of the African American community have called me, friends of mine, and said, ‘Could you help?’ So I personally don’t know A$AP Rocky, but I can tell you that he has tremendous support from the African American community in this country,” he [Trump] said.
“We’ll be talking to them,” Trump said, referring to Swedish officials. “We’ve already started.”

“We’re working with the state department, and we hope to get him home soon,” added the first lady.

The Ohio pastor Darrell Scott, a longtime Trump supporter who is African American and has worked with the administration on urban justice issues, said he was among those who raised the issue with Trump last Friday night after Rocky’s management reached out for assistance.

“We know that this is a high priority for the president and the state department, at the instruction of the president,” said Kareem Lanier, the co-chair of the Urban Revitalization Coalition who credited the White House with ensuring Rocky was moved to better holding conditions.

Both Lanier and Scott rejected the idea that Trump was calling attention to the issue to distract from criticism of his attacks against four Democratic congresswomen of color, noting the administration had been working on the issue before the latest brouhaha.

They applauded Trump for shining attention on the issue.

“Any time President Trump gets involved in anything, it brings a level of attention” to an issue that cannot be matched by those who “don’t have that cache or reach”, Lanier said.

Stockholm’s district court decided on Friday that Rocky would remain in custody another week to allow police to complete their investigation. They have until 25 July.

Jovicic, Rocky’s attorney, said he felt the decision was “unjust”, but remained confident in his case.
The Associated Press contributed reporting

If you noticed what I highlighted it shows that even if Trump was like the fictitious Archie Bunker hating Blacks during the incident with the Central Park 5 which obviously was outside the time frame of Archie Bunker ( I only cited Archie Bunker because much like Trump I see growth in Trump's character as well and that he was a famous fictitious character that we all know about as it was during the 1970's and most people have had a chance to know about the characters ), the examples that I cited illustrate a degree of growth where he is a champion for Blacks instead. Just as with Archie Bunker as well too if you ever watched the sequel to "All In The Family" called "Archie Bunker's Place" after Edith's death. In that forgotten series not only did he invite the now late Sammy Davis Jr to his bar ( Season 1, Episode 19 ) but he also punched out a racist insulting his Black housekeeper ( Season 2, Episode 9 ).

It is interesting that such a man that seems to hate Blacks like Trump appears to have so many friends that are Black? I saw Darrell Scott on TV once speaking about Trump and he said he was friends with Trump for years before he was ever president where initially he was skeptical but then they became good friends and if you are curious about who that Black man is look back to where I shared all those video links ( as I am getting criticism for reposting them such as from @subhub174014 for slowing the webpage down or if you want me to specifically send that to you personally I will PM that to you if you are curious or you can click here to see it for yourself where Pastor Darrell Trump speaks ( ) ) and look for the Black man speaking for Trump during the RNC convention. I hope with the remainder of Trump's first term or perhaps after he is re-elected Trump can correct that mistake by pardoning the Central Park 5 now that he is president just as he did with Jack Johnson and Alice Marie Johnson?

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did he?….lied his way into it...….most of the world thinks he is a joke....
look at Iran he broke the agreement with Iran because it was an Obama achievement......and breaking the word of America in doing he is letting Israel goad him into doing more...and has us close to war...they shoot down one of our drones and he does nothing!...not showing a lot of leadership there...….plus if you notice no one else is backing us on the Iran deal......all of them told him to leave it alone...….he know more than our intelligence and that of other countries....he just wanted to show his ass...break something Obama put together and thought because he is trump and the US he could buffalo his way through iran…...It didn't happen!

look at his tariffs on china......the American people are going to pay for that...he wanted to make them buckle and they didn't....had he gone to the WTO and got others involved it would have worked and the avg American wouldn't be paying for his mistake
Interesting you cite Iran @subhub174014. It was Obama's achievement sending who knows how many billions to Iran and in return it seizes oil tankers crossing the Strait of Hormuz? Nice legacy that Obama left that Trump has to clean up.
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You raise a legitimate concern @subhub174014. It is interesting how Trump manages to escape the wrath of #metoo while people like Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby and Jeffery Epstein are sunk for similar activities. Personally I don't try to go after married women as I greatly prefer women still single. I was not raised that way and my values discourage that activity. However we are on a site that seems to encourage that activity where men pursue married women. So if such activities were never desired there would be no cucks and hotwives and we would not be having such a conversation on this site where people like them are trying to hook-up with Black guys. If Trump was never POTUS perhaps he might be on this site too? Anyways I do not condone Trump's behaviour as he had wives then and Melania now to grope their pussies. But if you look back to Trump's predecessors going back to George Washington all of them have cheated on their wives. Why would Trump be any different as the position of POTUS provides incredible temptation. If you ever read Dinesh D'Souza's book "Hillary's America" I suspect why Hillary was allowed to run for office was that she not only had a degree of skill where she was a lawyer, a Senator and a Congresswoman but she too had affairs with women. In fact on page 25 it states:

"Two of Clinton's former mistresses - former Miss Arkansas Sally Miller and Geniffer Flowers - have quoted Bill as saying Hillary likes girls. Flowers somewhat colorfully cites Bill to the effect that Hillary 'has probably eaten more pussy than I have.' ", and "Hillary is a lesbian. This would explain her apparent indifference to Bill's carrying-on."

Also now finally shamed Jeffery Epstein also was mentioned in that same book too revealing an association with the Clintons as well even forgetting about Monica Lewinsky. So if you are going to throw Trump under the bus for any association with Jeffery Epstein don't forget about Bill Clinton as well and who knows who else. On pages 248 and 249 it states:

"Jeffery Epstein gave $3.5 million to the Clinton Foundation in 2006, shortly after the FBI began investigating him for participating in the exploitation of teenaged girls as sex slaves. Epstein's standard practice was to fly celebrities on his plane to a private island near the U.S. Virgin Islands. The plane was nicknamed the ******* Express and the island Orgy island because both were venues for older men to have sex with ******* girls.

The case came to public light when one of the girls, Virginia Roberts - now 32, was pimped out by Epstein starting at the age of 15 - spoke out about Epstein's sex trafficking operation. Roberts named Bill Clinton as one of the regular travelers on the ******* Express. Flight records show that Bill made 26 trips on Epstein's jet on at least 5 occasions ditching his Secret Service detail in order to avoid a record of his travel on the Secret Service logs.

Epstein faced a long prison sentence, but somehow the investigation was concluded in 2008 with a secret settlement. Epstein pleaded guilty to one count of soliciting ******* girls, for which he served a year in prison. All other charges were dropped, and all the records in the case were sealed. Only Swiss bank records leaked by a whistle-blower brought the secret settlement to public light. So far Hillary has not said a word about the case, even though she undoubtedly knows about it."

If you scrutinize other former POTUSes you will discover similar forms of weaknesses in those leaders as well. So if we are to raise the bar to throw out Trump his future successor will be very difficult to find as very few people, if any, in Washington D.C. would appear to have never succumbed to that level of temptation?

well if you go back and check the record.....with WikiLeaks and etc.....right after that tape came out his people knew he screwed up and they announced some more missing always when there is news coming out he doesn't want to pay attention to he will do something to distract......good example being the Mueller report

once in office......they just said people knew and voted for him anyway....will give him credit...somehow he has pretty much killed "me too"
Interesting you cite Iran @subhub174014. It was Obama's achievement sending who knows how many billions to Iran and in return it seizes oil tankers crossing the Strait of Hormuz? Nice legacy that Obama left that Trump has to clean up.
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defend the crook anyway you want....and you trumpies go all out to do so...….but all of what you bring up now has been brought up several times many times do I have to post the same seems like once for every trumpie

and if you take the time to look...something you trump supporters want to overlook that was covered also

but one more time for you since I have to do this for everyone one of you individually…….

(Leaked Memo)Trump Ditched Iran Nuclear Deal as ...
Jul 14, 2019 · Britain’s ambassador to Washington Sir Kim Durroch believed US President Donald Trump pulled out of the landmark Iran nuclear deal for “personality reasons”, because it was associated with his predecessor in the Oval Office, newly-leaked memos seen …

it has been obvious for a long time he has gone out of his way to destroy everything Obama has done....just more of his racial hate!.......his racial hate has almost got the country into war....and he does not have any idea on how to handle.....he let Iran shoot down one of our drones because he knows he created this mess...….most of the world told him to leave the Itan deal ALONE if was fine...he took it upon himself to start this and the world does NOT support him on it

Trump wants a new nuclear deal with Iran. No one else does ...
white house. Trump wants a new nuclear deal with Iran. No one else does. Trump will meet with world leaders at the G-20 conference to discuss the issue, but there’s little support for his Iran ...

starting a war with someone all because of your racial hatred for a man...… pretty fucking stupid

so twist and turn how you want....the guy is no leader....just a pervert with the abilty to conn people into thinking he is some kind of god
well if you go back and check the record.....with WikiLeaks and etc.....right after that tape came out his people knew he screwed up and they announced some more missing always when there is news coming out he doesn't want to pay attention to he will do something to distract......good example being the Mueller report

once in office......they just said people knew and voted for him anyway....will give him credit...somehow he has pretty much killed "me too"
After the fact just as Dinesh D'Souza wrote "Hillary's America" perhaps you or someone else can write "Trump's America"? Where you list all of his indiscretions while Trump was in office. D'Souza had the luxury of time to do that research and fact checking which is obviously being done as we speak if such a book is being written. When I get time I will look for the Mueller Report book and analyze what it says. But if you recall our prior debates @subhub174014 a Harvard Law Professor once vindicated Trump by once saying even if everything about Russia could be true and it would not be a crime. And ironically that Harvard Law Professor, Alan Dershowitz, voted for Hillary?

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do i get to hear your Trump positive points today

I said there was some in there....they are pretty straight forward....have to be or most wouldn't rely on them.....although when they post something trump doesn't like he and his supporters call it fake news but they do that with everything he doesn't like
After the fact just as Dinesh D'Souza wrote "Hillary's America" perhaps you or someone else can write "Trump's America"? Where you list all of his indiscretions while Trump was in office. D'Souza had the luxury of time to do that research and fact checking which is obviously being done as we speak if such a book is being written. When I get time I will look for the Mueller Report book and analyze what it says. But if you recall our prior debates @subhub174014 a Harvard Law Professor once vindicated Trump by once saying even if everything about Russia could be true and it would not be a crime. And ironically that Harvard Law Professor, Alan Dershowitz, voted for Hillary?

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save your time...….Mueller will be in front of the Senate on Wed!
and again if you had paid attention to the Mueller report ...Mueller said he could not find him guilty...but there was more than enough there to show he was not innocent …..he put it back on congress to handle since they are the only ones to do anything with a sitting president

\and hell I suppose you could say that even the current Billionaire has been vindicated of **THIS IS A SPAM, REPORT PLEASE*** a lot of times......he paid people.…...just like it is coming out now ...trump AND hope Hicks and several others were all in on how to pay Stormy covers a lot of "innocence".....
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defend the crook anyway you want....and you trumpies go all out to do so...….but all of what you bring up now has been brought up several times many times do I have to post the same seems like once for every trumpie

and if you take the time to look...something you trump supporters want to overlook that was covered also

but one more time for you since I have to do this for everyone one of you individually…….

(Leaked Memo)Trump Ditched Iran Nuclear Deal as ...
Jul 14, 2019 · Britain’s ambassador to Washington Sir Kim Durroch believed US President Donald Trump pulled out of the landmark Iran nuclear deal for “personality reasons”, because it was associated with his predecessor in the Oval Office, newly-leaked memos seen …

it has been obvious for a long time he has gone out of his way to destroy everything Obama has done....just more of his racial hate!.......his racial hate has almost got the country into war....and he does not have any idea on how to handle.....he let Iran shoot down one of our drones because he knows he created this mess...….most of the world told him to leave the Itan deal ALONE if was fine...he took it upon himself to start this and the world does NOT support him on it

Trump wants a new nuclear deal with Iran. No one else does ...
white house. Trump wants a new nuclear deal with Iran. No one else does. Trump will meet with world leaders at the G-20 conference to discuss the issue, but there’s little support for his Iran ...

starting a war with someone all because of your racial hatred for a man...… pretty fucking stupid

so twist and turn how you want....the guy is no leader....just a pervert with the abilty to conn people into thinking he is some kind of god
Not a God, but maybe a prophet for standing up for Israel in the fashion Trump did making him a modern day Cyrus? For my argument feel free to check out a prior post.
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You raise a legitimate concern @subhub174014. It is interesting how Trump manages to escape the wrath of #metoo while people like Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby and Jeffery Epstein are sunk for similar activities. Personally I don't try to go after married women as I greatly prefer women still single. I was not raised that way and my values discourage that activity. However we are on a site that seems to encourage that activity where men pursue married women. So if such activities were never desired there would be no cucks and hotwives and we would not be having such a conversation on this site where people like them are trying to hook-up with Black guys. If Trump was never POTUS perhaps he might be on this site too? Anyways I do not condone Trump's behaviour as he had wives then and Melania now to grope their pussies. But if you look back to Trump's predecessors going back to George Washington all of them have cheated on their wives. Why would Trump be any different as the position of POTUS provides incredible temptation. If you ever read Dinesh D'Souza's book "Hillary's America" I suspect why Hillary was allowed to run for office was that she not only had a degree of skill where she was a lawyer, a Senator and a Congresswoman but she too had affairs with women. In fact on page 25 it states:

"Two of Clinton's former mistresses - former Miss Arkansas Sally Miller and Geniffer Flowers - have quoted Bill as saying Hillary likes girls. Flowers somewhat colorfully cites Bill to the effect that Hillary 'has probably eaten more pussy than I have.' ", and "Hillary is a lesbian. This would explain her apparent indifference to Bill's carrying-on."

Also now finally shamed Jeffery Epstein also was mentioned in that same book too revealing an association with the Clintons as well even forgetting about Monica Lewinsky. So if you are going to throw Trump under the bus for any association with Jeffery Epstein don't forget about Bill Clinton as well and who knows who else. On pages 248 and 249 it states:

"Jeffery Epstein gave $3.5 million to the Clinton Foundation in 2006, shortly after the FBI began investigating him for participating in the exploitation of teenaged girls as sex slaves. Epstein's standard practice was to fly celebrities on his plane to a private island near the U.S. Virgin Islands. The plane was nicknamed the ******* Express and the island Orgy island because both were venues for older men to have sex with ******* girls.

The case came to public light when one of the girls, Virginia Roberts - now 32, was pimped out by Epstein starting at the age of 15 - spoke out about Epstein's sex trafficking operation. Roberts named Bill Clinton as one of the regular travelers on the ******* Express. Flight records show that Bill made 26 trips on Epstein's jet on at least 5 occasions ditching his Secret Service detail in order to avoid a record of his travel on the Secret Service logs.

Epstein faced a long prison sentence, but somehow the investigation was concluded in 2008 with a secret settlement. Epstein pleaded guilty to one count of soliciting ******* girls, for which he served a year in prison. All other charges were dropped, and all the records in the case were sealed. Only Swiss bank records leaked by a whistle-blower brought the secret settlement to public light. So far Hillary has not said a word about the case, even though she undoubtedly knows about it."

If you scrutinize other former POTUSes you will discover similar forms of weaknesses in those leaders as well. So if we are to raise the bar to throw out Trump his future successor will be very difficult to find as very few people, if any, in Washington D.C. would appear to have never succumbed to that level of temptation?

the old republican stand by....everytime Trump is in trouble they switch the topic to Clinton.....hell why not go all the way back to Ike having a mistress....or Hayes? I believe it was gay......anything to switch it off the topic at hand....Trump!

but then that is trumps specialty also......expect something to come out this week to try and take the eyes off mueller
The latest Trump scandal would have destroyed any other ...
Jul 25, 2018 · The latest Trump scandal would have destroyed any other president Jonathan Freedland Audio released of president discussing buying a model’s story will change little.

The Many Scandals of Donald Trump: A Cheat Sheet - The ...
Jan 23, 2017 · The dirt: While married to Ivana Trump, Donald Trump became angry at her—according to a book by Harry Hurt, over a painful scalp-reduction surgery—and allegedly forcibly had sex

Will sex scandals bring down Donald Trump? - Chicago Tribune
Feb 12, 2018 · Scandals of the past reveal something about President Donald Trump's seeming immunity to allegations of sexual misconduct. ... How should we make sense of Trump's seeming immunity to sex scandals ...
the old republican stand by....everytime Trump is in trouble they switch the topic to Clinton.....hell why not go all the way back to Ike having a mistress....or Hayes? I believe it was gay......anything to switch it off the topic at hand....Trump!

but then that is trumps specialty also......expect something to come out this week to try and take the eyes off mueller
I cite recent presidents but very recently you can see I cited LBJ to @Igotskillz27 @subhub174014. I try not to go too far back in time with Democratic presidents as their position on Blacks were not very appealing where I would uncover several things the Democrats prefer to keep swept under the rug where presidents like FDR never acknowledged Jesse Owens single handed outstanding victory over the Nazi machine during the Olympics in Germany at 1936. Where even Hitler acknowledged and praised Jesse Owens but FDR could not personally or even get a staffer to equally celebrate Owens's victory for America or to send him a telegram? As proof from Jesse Owens's wiki page:

"Later, on October 15, 1936, Owens repeated this allegation when he addressed an audience of African Americans at a Republican rally in Kansas City, remarking: 'Hitler didn't snub me—it was our president who snubbed me. The president didn't even send me a telegram.'[40][41]"

That is very damning to the Democrats and one could look back further before the Democrats understood that they should court the Black vote. So I will keep our examples during recent years for sake of modern familliarity in addition to shield you from countless embarassing points in history @subhub174014 where in general Republicans were ahead of the curve with rights for Blacks. Moreover if you check out Jesse Owens wiki page after his career as an olympian he was a Republican as well. Part of it even states:

" a staunch Republican, he [Jesse Owens] endorsed Alf Landon, Roosevelt's Republican opponent in the 1936 presidential race.[48]

Owens joined the Republican Party after returning from Europe and was paid to campaign for African American votes for the Republican presidential nominee Alf Landon in the 1936 presidential election.[49][50] Speaking at a Republican rally held in Baltimore on October 9, 1936, Owens said: "Some people say Hitler snubbed me. But I tell you, Hitler did not snub me. I am not knocking the President. Remember, I am not a politician, but remember that the President did not send me a message of congratulations because, people said, he was too busy."[51][52]"

If @Igotskillz27 is reading this I wonder how he as a Black man is rationalizing supporting LBJ's prophecy as seen here ( ) and opposing a party that Jesse Owens believed in as it does not seem like something a Black man should be doing? :unsure:

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I cite recent presidents but very recently you can see I cited LBJ to @Igotskillz27 @subhub174014. I try not to go too far back in time with Democratic presidents as their position on Blacks were not very appealing where I would uncover several things the Democrats prefer to keep swept under the rug where presidents like FDR never acknowledged Jesse Owens single handed outstanding victory over the Nazi machine during the Olympics in Germany at 19. Where even Hitler acknowledged and praised Jesse Owens but FDR could not personally or even get a staffer to equally celebrate Owens's victory for America or to send him a telegram? As proof from Jesse Owens's wiki page:

"Later, on October 15, 1936, Owens repeated this allegation when he addressed an audience of African Americans at a Republican rally in Kansas City, remarking: "Hitler didn't snub me—it was our president who snubbed me. The president didn't even send me a telegram."[40][41]"

That is very damning to the Democrats and one could look back further before the Democrats understood that they should court the Black vote. So I will keep our examples during recent years for sake of modern familliarity in addition to shield you from countless embarassing points in history @subhub174014 where in general Republicans were ahead of the curve with rights for Blacks. Moreover if you check out Jesse Owens wiki page after his career as an olympian he was a Republican as well. Part of it even states:

" a staunch Republican, he [Jesse Owens] endorsed Alf Landon, Roosevelt's Republican opponent in the 1936 presidential race.[48]

Owens joined the Republican Party after returning from Europe and was paid to campaign for African American votes for the Republican presidential nominee Alf Landon in the 1936 presidential election.[49][50] Speaking at a Republican rally held in Baltimore on October 9, 1936, Owens said: "Some people say Hitler snubbed me. But I tell you, Hitler did not snub me. I am not knocking the President. Remember, I am not a politician, but remember that the President did not send me a message of congratulations because, people said, he was too busy."[51][52]"

If @Igotskillz27 is reading this I wonder how he is rationalizing supporting LBJ's prophecy as seen here ( ) and opposing a party that Jesse Owens believed in? :unsure:

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still just a tactic to switch things from the topic at hand.....they all did what they did and history has them down for whatever...all long gone...…..trump is not history YET!
some would say the demigod....or I saw a black preacher on tv last night say

Well I doubt that Trump is the anti-Christ but even if he was I did make you confess that Trump is at least smart @subhub174014 as the anti-Christ is not a stupid man if you recall? :ROFLMAO:

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