Do girls know when a guy has submissive tendencies?

If being nice is submissive and women don't respect submissive men, does that mean they only want men who are not nice and don't care ??

No, mister chip ... I just meant that the guys that are submissive are usually pretty nice to me ... that was a compliment to them ... and that doesn't mean I don't respect submissive men ... maybe I can have one for other reasons ... but, I tend to gravitate towards more confident, assertive guys in my real life. xoxx, Dana
No, mister chip ... I just meant that the guys that are submissive are usually pretty nice to me ... that was a compliment to them ... and that doesn't mean I don't respect submissive men ... maybe I can have one for other reasons ... but, I tend to gravitate towards more confident, assertive guys in my real life. xoxx, Dana
Thanks for clearing that up!
Not discounting the idea that submissive men-and women-generally display good manners. At least that's my anecdotal experience. But it's a pretty sad commentary on modern life when just being courteous makes someone question whether they are submissive or not. Whatever happened to being courteous just because that was how people were raised?
Well today I was taking some post to reception when one of the girls was cranking the post, and she asked me if that was for cranking, I told her it wasn't, and she told me good boy.
Then she asked me who was doing the post and when I said me, and I said I would pop down and bring it right back up, she again told me good boy.

Her tone for me going, and I was thinking, has she picked up on my submissive tendencies?

What do you think?

i don't know about "submissive" perse, but i know i can tell when a guy just isn't assertive or confident in the way that i prefer. there's the lack of eye contact, the poor posture, the nervousness, the weak uninspiring voice.