caught another fake

Not too sure this guy is real...He sent me pictures in our correspondance said he was in Amsterdam, but was going home to the US for a few weeks and then heard nothing from him. Tonight by accident I find his other profile.

Current profile is xpatblack.
first is bbbcdatsme.

Its the very same face in the pictures sent to me yet he is holding 2 very different profiles..One stating he lives in Germany , the other in Amsterdam. Very Very suspicious to say the least.

Thanks for posting this. bbcdatsme was exposed a fake a few years back and has had several profiles.
Here is a little trick I use so I don't get my time wasted. If your lucky enough to find someone that fits the mold of what you are some what looking for but not sure if they are real or maybe their photos are leaving some doubt in your mind. Do what I do. Everyone has a camera phone now a days. I don't know anyone who doesn't. Ask for a couple selfies. But be specific. Ask them to hold up a certain amount of fingers. Ask for a certain colored shirt. Holding a certain item. If they have stolen photos. They will now have their work cut out for them. Trust me. It's works. As soon as I ask for these. They either disappear. Or they ignore the question. Or they say - I'm working on some good photos for you. They are coming soon. Bla bla bla. All bullshit! In the mean time they want more photos of me. Haaaaaaaa.
So use this. It works for me every time. Some get mad cause they ARE real and feel I shouldn't be testing them. But I don't care. I've had my time wasted too many times. I'm not in a hurry or desperate to find someone!!!
Any ways! This is not full proof. But you'll weed out 99 percent of fakes this way. TRY IT AND WATCH!!!
It works every time when confronted to come clean and verify themselves. Either you're going to box or throw rocks and mostly they throw rocks. it's saves me a lot of time and cut out all the foolishness.