Butt Exercise

Leg curls
Deadlift (conventional, sumo, hexbar)
Barbell hip thrust
Stair stepper
Glute kickback machine (don’t know the official name lol)
Basically, anything that focuses on hamstrings and glutes, but it’s important to also work quads and core too because this helps for stability and balance. It’s def possible without surgery and you’ll feel really prideful about your progress! Post your progress here even, so we can boost your confidence and join you on your journey!🦾
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The gf has a program I created for her, that makes sure she got her thick ass. Its designed to target all muscles including those around her glutes
She went from 3 to now trains approx 5 - 7 days a week
It targets all the glute(ass) muscles.
Its wise to buy bands you can place around both legs to create more tension.
with some exercises squezing when extending and 2 sec holds will help.
If you’re interested send a pm.
In general build up slow to build the discipline to show up and keep going.
The below is a fraction of it.
Donkey kicks
Sumo donkey kicks
Dog fire hydrant
Dog fire hydrant turns
Split squat
Hip thrusts