Black women in control of white ones

thanks for the post. my wife had many black men in college, but she had a long relationship with a very domiant black woman, campus cop, 6ft 2 44G breasts., wanted to be called "sarge"
thanks for the post. my wife had many black men in college, but she had a long relationship with a very domiant black woman, campus cop, 6ft 2 44G breasts., wanted to be called "sarge"
Oh my gawd that is so hot!
Thanks for the reply Pellie, my wife is very independent and self confident. She has called me a dildo or wimp. I only have 4.5 inches. It takes a big black female cop to take her down.
So True!!!! Ive never shared with anyone how my black room mates made me eat them out over and over my freshman year. I thought it was hazing until I could see the dominance all over campus. Black girls total rule over us in school. I never saw someone else share that until now.
May I ask you, how exactly did they 'make' you eat them out? Did they threaten you? Did they physically overpower you? If they did, wouldn't that be *******? I'm just curious what you mean by "made you". Thanks.