Black women in control of white ones

I would love to be used by a black couple. It seems to be a hard combination to find though.
James, yes this is all truth ... as a former college professor for over 25 years I have seen just how much TOTAL CONTROL these black girls have over the submissive, subservient and Obedient white girls ... on campuses .. at the campus workout centers and of course the living areas around the campus, especially. White girls carrying the books/ book bags of the black girls "for" them as the Superior Black Girl walks hands free ... and still the white girl/s are holding doors open for them ... tying their shoes ... cleaning up their lunch trays, etc etc. Yes, the Univ's were about 5% Black girls but they completely & undeniably "ruled" over and "lorded over" the white girls ... it was 100% more obvious with other things, too .. sexually or Non sexually ... the white girls "totally" submitted & served the Black Girls!
This is the way it should be all the time- inferior white girls serving, obeying and worshipping Black Women, both in public and in private life.