
  1. S

    If a woman travels to Kenya "alone" and without her husband...

    Serious question. A work colleague, 40+ years old, whose girl, about 20 years old, is going to Kenya for six months. Allegedly to a village for "reconstruction aid" and so on. The colleague is going to fly there for a few weeks to visit her girl. She is married, attractive and well-behaved (at...
  2. Jaxrussellbbc

    Culture Vultures you thought would fuck BBC

    Culture Vultures that you thought would fuck black men and Culture Vultures that notoriously fuck black men !
  3. whiteSAnerd

    Statements After an Arrest Under the Immorality Act

    Hello everyone, Quick cultural announcement: the South African play "Statements After an Arrest Under the Immorality Act", by Athol Fugard, is being staged at the Orange Tree Theater in Richmond, England this summer and fall. I believe there is also going to be a live stream on the September...