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  1. C

    Bye bye Tumblr

    problem with twitter is many people use it for work stuff so now will have to manage a couple accounts to maintain privacy and the chance of leaving the wrong twitter feed up can backfire. i will try it though.
  2. C

    Bye bye Tumblr

    no choice but to accept it. agreed. have you or anyone you know seen anything illegal on tumblr? i have not and don't know anyone who has. (total of 6 people i know in real life on tumblr... so not many..) tasteless AS LONG AS NOT illegal is ok in my book. Move along if not cup of tea. Just...
  3. C

    Bye bye Tumblr

    illegal content should not be tolerated. but all porn being banned is extreme. they are the throwing the CP excuse out there as a hotbutton to the public but it is an excuse. i have been un tumblr for a long while and never saw anything. i would have thought those types of blogs get taken down...
  4. C

    Bye bye Tumblr

    Google now filtering searches in China, Tumblr (owned by Verizon) starting to censor tumblr. Reddit not what it once was, banned many sub's. We are way too politically correct. We are s l o w l y heading towards a conforming society with a few governments and a few large entities controlling...