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  1. R

    How to deal with people noticing QoS tattoo / HW jewelry.

    I have the QOS leggings and wear them often in town. The only real issue I’ve ever had is when my ******* asked what brand they were because she wanted to wear them… 😳 she’s 17.
  2. R

    unsure of how to proceed!!!

    I guess I see the response completely different than you. However, have battled with the same issue of religious morals vs seeking experience and fun for both of us. I relate to the reply of “I wouldn't pressure her if I were in your shoes. Not judging or anything but sounds like you're doing...
  3. R

    How to deal with people noticing QoS tattoo / HW jewelry.

    I have that same ankle bracelet! Love love love that toe ring!!!! ❤️