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  1. Explor3r

    Advice and help

    For AI & Inpainting - I would suggest learning Stable Diffusion, if you don't have a good GPU try running it off Google Collab & downloading some nsfw models (I use urpm) off Here's a Google Collab you can try (press the play buttons in order) that will launch an interface for you...
  2. Explor3r

    please fake my wife

    Hope you liked these ! I spent some time on them even though it's ai art it's actually quite tedious to attain somewhat acceptable results! (:
  3. Explor3r

    Another Request Thread - AI & Digital here

    Either open submission or DM. I will be using different stable diffusion models, and am no pro. I prefer doing inpainting (adding to an image via making transparent masks) as I don't want to train off individual faces. Must be consenting, as in a verified profile that is your own pictures...