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  1. liamlion10

    London, England: party Friday 26th April

    Hey, are there any UK bulls planning to attend Le Boudoir play party in London on Friday 26th April, it's an R&B theme night? Me and my asian gf are potentially going to go. Could be fun.
  2. liamlion10

    Questionable Verify as a Real Person Here

    Hello, couple for England, UK. Please verify's wannabe cuckold who is primary user
  3. liamlion10

    Real Asian approaching first BBC meet

    My asian girlfriend (in her mind 30s) and a prospective BBC bull in his 20s are arranging their first date on WhatsApp! Sooooo hot and arousing
  4. liamlion10

    First cuckold experience incoming...

    Myself and my Asian gf of 10 years are going to an event at a club called Black Man Fans Club this coming Friday in the UK. It's play party in a sex club. My gf has never been shared before and it's going to be an experience!