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  1. D

    Its titty tuesday

    The wife
  2. D

    The wife.

    I don't give a damn to be honest
  3. D

    The wife.

    Ok inspector. Can't you find someone else on here to say pointless ******* to?? If that's what you think you can keep scrolling correct... Yes yes you could have.
  4. D

    The wife.

    It's in the mirror dumbass
  5. D

    The wife.

    Didn't know you ran this for me!!!
  6. D

    My wife

    One of her favorites
  7. D

    The wife.

    She's solid all around no doubt
  8. D

    The wife.

    Yea they are for sure nice I can't lie lol
  9. D

    My wife

    Not that simple lol
  10. D

    My wife

    Maybe lol
  11. D

    The wife.

    A little selfie as an opener she says?
  12. D

    My wife

    Shoot me a message
  13. D

    My wife

    Yea that would be the start of it. Not sure how to approach the hints lol
  14. D

    My wife

    Yea she's pretty hot lol I think if the right scenario came about naturally it would happen.
  15. D

    My wife

    It's been talked about and she likes the idea of it