BlacktoWhite - Amateur Interracial Community - Cuckold Sex Forum

Fabian Perez
just thanked you back lol, guessing you're spanish?
Mariposa blanca
Mariposa blanca
100% white, but love the Hispanic culture. My fav vacation spot is Dominican Republic.
Fabian Perez
Nice, love to see someone embracing other cultures. Nice, I'm travelling around the Caribbean and U.S very soon and Canada. Only going to once city in Canada though
Mariposa blanca
Mariposa blanca
Excellent! Where in Canada? If it's Toronto, would be happy to show you some of the city.
Fabian Perez
Definitely Toronto lol, largest city in Canada :) You seem cool
Mariposa blanca
Mariposa blanca
:) terrific! Add me on Yahoo Messenger if you'd like. We can get to know each other. Soytumariposablanca
Fabian Perez
alright miss