Recent content by Rural Bull

  1. Rural Bull

    Pimping you.

    Thanks for sharing that -- good to hear. I have a couple of buddies who are landlords who collect some of their rent similarly today. Sex is a good form of currency for college girls whether it's used for rent or better grades or a better shift at work, whatever. They know what they've got and...
  2. Rural Bull

    I am a white m0ther with a white teenage s0n

    As they should. The role of white fathers is evolving from what it was years ago as black men take care of the mom's sexual needs and often provide needed discipline.
  3. Rural Bull

    I am a white m0ther with a white teenage s0n

    Sex is as natural as breathing or eating when you are hungry or drinking when you are thirsty. Sex is an appetite like those. I grew up in the country and live in the country now. I think rural people have more of an appreciation for the naturalness of sex than city people do. We see it around...
  4. Rural Bull

    I am a white m0ther with a white teenage s0n

    That is sometimes the case. Why hide what the woman really is? The world has too much of two-faced people already. Even if they don't peek they can hear the sounds of sex.
  5. Rural Bull

    Baby Talk

  6. Rural Bull

    I am a white m0ther with a white teenage s0n

    That is a great point. Most of today's youth have no hangups against interracial sex and yes, white youths often favor their moms going black.
  7. Rural Bull

    White Lady in a Black Bar

    A white woman in a black bar is there for one purpose.
  8. Rural Bull


    It's progressing, brothers! More and more women are shaking loose the shackles of "white only" and "white superiority" and giving themselves to us. Just yesterday one white couple was in my store, each with a black young'un. I know them well, know the guy who bred her twice. Another couple in...