Recent content by RedShield

  1. R

    What if you don't like the bull but your wife does?

    That's the price you pay for being in a relationship. Sometimes, you have to compromise.
  2. R

    What if you don't like the bull but your wife does?

    Idk, everyone has a different dynamic.
  3. R

    What if you don't like the bull but your wife does?

    As it should be. That's queen ******* right there!
  4. R

    African Supremacy: BBC NWO

    Yea. Your post is in agreement with mine.
  5. R

    African Supremacy: BBC NWO

    Parenting is hard, and the responsibility of parenting should not be on black families, unless they wish to rear their own children. Reparations are white families relieving black families of the burdens society has placed on them.
  6. R

    How should interracial be promoted more in society?

    It's not outside of reality at all. A simple government regulation banning the sale and production of all dildos except black dildos in an effort to promote racial parity.
  7. R

    African Supremacy: BBC NWO

    Why should black people have to work? Give them a stipend from the taxes of white families. A 20% tax on all white families, and 2% gets taken off for each black baby the wife has. Half a percent if she adopts a black baby.
  8. R

    One day you will pick, cleanup or connection

    Having dated quite a few women, I have noticed that it's difficult to find a connection, but she will never love you the way you love her. I'll choose cleanup duty every time. As long as I can make her happy, I'm content.
  9. R

    Black men making babies

    A mom is a mom. Having children and raising children have nothing to do with each other. No one else but a mom can have a baby, but it's up to her how she wants to raise it, if she even wants to raise it at all. It's her decision, but as long as she decides, she is a good mom.
  10. R

    African Supremacy: BBC NWO

    You'd be surprised. Most people in public aren't going to talk about it, but if you bring it up, you'll be stunned at what people will tell you. People you thought you knew.
  11. R

    Why do husbands want cream pie for their wives ?

    Yeah, that's called "nature."
  12. R

    Eventual End to the White Race

    Yes, but most people here are white. The interracial movement is becoming more popular in Japan, and soon, the same thing will happen over there.