Recent content by goyse

  1. G

  2. G

    I'm on this web site to read the stories and the forums. I write stories myself so reading the...

    I'm on this web site to read the stories and the forums. I write stories myself so reading the stories and the postings from others helps me to develop new ideas. I also occasionally find people who want a story written for them so I look for their ideas and interests then develop a story...
  3. G

    Write me a story?

    I have well over 60 stories in my folder written that may interest you. Altogether I have a few hundred in total. Some are posted on Lushstories and other web sites. Give me a few hints on what you would like included in your story and I'll see what I can do for you. To give you an idea I will...
  4. G

    writng stories

    I have well over 60 stories in my folder written that may interest you. Altogether I have a few hundred in total. Some are posted on Lushstories and other web sites. Give me a few hints on what you would like included in your story and I'll see what I can do for you. To give you an idea I will...
  5. G


    I have well over 60 stories in my folder written that may interest you. Altogether I have a few hundred in total. Some are posted on Lushstories and other web sites. Give me a few hints on what you would like included in your story and I'll see what I can do for you. To give you an idea I will...