fast2222's latest activity

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    fast2222 reacted to texaspair60's post in the thread whos the oldest lady on here.... with Like Like.
    Sure there are older but 64 here. Still taking care of blacks in their 20s and 30s. Older but not dead. Lol
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    fast2222 reacted to AnnieS's media Headlights are on with Like Like.
    I sure hope nobody notices my high beams were on when I go to dinner. Could be the A/C or I am just horny as fuck.
    Headlights are on
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    fast2222 reacted to AnnieS's media fuck toy outfit.jpg with Like Like.
    I thought maybe you'd like to see my nights outfit before heading over to my FB's hotel to be his fuck toy for the night. What do you...
    fuck toy outfit.jpg
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    fast2222 reacted to AnnieS's media Pokies with Like Like.
    So I get asked quite a bit about my nipples and “are they always hard” because they are bigger. Yeah pretty much. Even with a sports bra...