Recent content by Bigworm

  1. B

    Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

    Good. At least one state is acting like an adult when it comes to climate change.
  2. B

    Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

    You live in a shithole state full of the some of the dumbest people on earth, so of course you're not going to find many Biden stickers.
  3. B

    Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

    Do you think that NJ and Mass are going to go to Trump in 2020? If so, I can get you a really good deal on a bridge in Mississippi.
  4. B

    White men in Chastity

    That's great to hear. I see some who say they don't care or aren't informed and that really worries me. Glad to see you're both smart about it. You're both very lucky to have found each other. XXOOXX
  5. B

    Lifestyle Expectations for Married Women

    Late the game, but since your husband is an alpha. Does he want to fuck other women? Are you okay with that? Personally I would be open to my SO doing what you are doing but only if she was open to me doing the same.
  6. B

    Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

    He's violated the Hatch Act, which is a federal law, more times than he's violated non-consenting women and to be clear, he violated both numerous times. There's much more but that's just an easy one that anybody with a functioning brain would know about.
  7. B

    Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

    Go Trump... straight to fucking prison.
  8. B

    Wife is bored with me.

    I think it's natural to tire of the same person. We weren't meant to be monogamous. Religion and society ****** that upon us. It's like the old saying "Show me the most beautiful woman in the world and I'll show you a guy who's tired of fucking her." The same obviously goes for women, it sucks...
  9. B

    White bull

    This site is for white women and black men who base their decision on who they fuck solely on the opposite's skin color.
  10. B

    Post Your Little Dick

    Are you answering or the wife?
  11. B

    Post Your Little Dick

    Does that hurt? Cause it looks quite painful.
  12. B

    What's wrong with kissing?

    Maybe ask him why it upsets him. If you love him maybe respect that bothers him don't do it. He is probably worried you will become emotionally attached and leave him. He is allowing you to fuck other men so please don't lose sight of how lucky you already are. Most men aren't down with that.
  13. B

    White men in Chastity

    I assume you both researched and spoken with husband's doctor about all the ramifications of doing this.
  14. B

    White men in Chastity

    Along with a higher chance of prostate cancer.