Recent content by BBCvillagebike

  1. B

    Mature mature U.K.

    I'd say just by reputation. Parties getting out of hand. And more invites kept coming!!!hahaha
  2. B

    Mature mature U.K.

    Hahaha I was pretending to be modest. My neighbours know exactly what I'm like.
  3. B

    Mature mature U.K.

    And me on his phone with another (previous). What would the neighbours say!!!hahahaha
  4. B

    Mature mature U.K.

    Yes old friends and lots and lots of new ones.Word of mouth and bad reputation has done wonders for my sex life!!!hahaha
  5. B

    Mature mature U.K.

    Did my link thingy work before(above)? I'm still getting used to this website.Rules and things.
  6. B

    Mature mature U.K.

    Oh when I say years, I mean years. Over 10 years ago!!! Since then I get invited to private parties in Tottenham and Wood Green.
  7. B

    Mature mature U.K.

    Kentish town! Know it well. Haven't been in years though!
  8. B

    Mature mature U.K. All the pricks!!!
  9. B

    Mature mature U.K.

    North London here. Yes pin cushion, because I'm known to take all the pricks.hahaha
  10. B

    Mature mature U.K.

    Pin cushion, always made me laugh!
  11. B

    Mature mature U.K.

    I'll try my very best!
  12. B

    London. I've also been called a pin cushion. Because I take all the pricks!

    London. I've also been called a pin cushion. Because I take all the pricks!
  13. B

    North London.

    North London.
  14. Me


    Shhh me being a dirty cow
  15. B

    Mature mature U.K.

    Mines all grown up. Left the nest a long time ago. ha ha ha