Protein shot. :D

10 Facts About Semen That'll Convert You To A Swallower

Professor Kimberly Resnick Anderson

October 22, 2015
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Your man is rich — in vitamin supply.

A study published by Dutch psychologists showed that, during sex, when women are sexually aroused, their disgust tolerance increases — not just regarding oral sex, but across the board.

In the study, the aroused group of women were less disgusted when asked to touch a "bloody" bone (actually it was red ink) or put their hands in a bowl of allegedly used condoms (which were actually not used, but covered in lubricant). The study also contained two other groups of women who were not aroused.

This study makes lots of sense to me. In my clinical practice, I am always looking for ways to help women reduce their aversions to certain sexual acts or bodily fluids. As shown in the study, if they are able to become aroused, they need less assistance. Unfortunately, for the the women I treat, the flames of passion are all too often extinguished.

Based on my knowledge of evolutionary sexology, I have come up with a useful clinical intervention, and I see it working every day! It is based on the theory that seminal plasma (the fluid that provides nutrients and protection for sperm, consisting of a complex range of organic and inorganic constituents) may have many health benefits.

Yes, you read that correctly — semen is healthy for you!

The alleged benefits of seminal plasma are activated when a man deposits semen into a woman's vagina. Newer research suggests that the same benefits may be available if the seminal plasma is swallowed. Some theories even suggest that semen deposited anally will offer the same benefits. The existence of "butt plugs" suggest that some men may want to keep the seminal plasma inside.

1. Semen is a natural anti-depressant: Studies have shown that semen elevates your mood and even reduces suicidal thoughts (YES, really).

2. Semen reduces anxiety: It boasts anti-anxiety hormones like oxytocin, serotonin, and progesterone.

3. It improves the quality of your sleep: Semen contains melatonin, a sleep-inducing agent.

4. Increases energy.

5. It improves cardio health and prevents preeclampsia, which causes dangerously high ******* pressure during pregnancy.

6. Semen even improves memory.

7. Improves mental alertness.

8. Semen prevents morning sickness. But only if it is the same semen that caused your pregnancy.

9. Semen slows down the aging process of your skin and muscles: It contains a healthy portion of zinc, which is an antioxidant.

10. Reduces pain.

Impressed? You should be! Nature knows what she is doing! Some of the helpful chemicals in seminal plasma include testosterone, estrogen, prolactin, opiod peptides, oxytocin, serotonin, melatonin, and norepineprine.

Just think, you can get a dose of all that without having to go to the vitamin store!

When I tell women with arousal disorders that they can reap all of the above health benefits, it often enables them to be more receptive to sex. Suddenly, they are may be willing to "swallow" if they think it might help them sleep or reduce their pain. Suddenly they can tolerate intercourse if they believe it may help with depression.

Much of the research in this area is preliminary and needs to be replicated. But I believe more and more empirical research will support these initial findings.

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