
My Bulls

A photographic list of all of the bulls.
I love it and would also love personally witnessing the inclining numbers of Black bulls to this already stocked stable of sexually reliable men :)
It is an amazing thing
Even more so when u realize u have to step back a bit bc you can't do what the woman's well-equipped, energetic bf can. Never thought I'd be happy for her bf for enjoying fucking my wife, but happy as he makes her, I DO kind of want him to ha e the utmost ******* w her too
Even more so when u realize u have to step back a bit bc you can't do what the woman's well-equipped, energetic bf can. Never thought I'd be happy for her bf for enjoying fucking my wife, but happy as he makes her, I DO kind of want him to ha e the utmost ******* w her too
Is it cool to msg you, Nichole?

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