Would you be okay if your wife dated someone?

Physical, yes.
Emotional, no.

Keep the emotional with your spouse, and don't cut them off of sex. You are in the relationship with your spouse. Don't lose what you once had. If you do, you're better off splitting. Keep the sex with the other person just sex; fun time.
Many times it is inevitable that a strong physical relationship transcends into an emotional one as well.
True, but you must be mentally strong and mature to differentiate sex and a married relationship.
Every case is different despite our efforts to rationalize commonalities. When the physical relationship moves into an emotional one as well even the strongest and most mature can be overcome with feelings of love that can place even long-standing marriages at risk. People like to think that it is only SEX but it can be very difficult to limit relationships to only that.
Every case is different despite our efforts to rationalize commonalities. When the physical relationship moves into an emotional one as well even the strongest and most mature can be overcome with feelings of love that can place even long-standing marriages at risk. People like to think that it is only SEX but it can be very difficult to limit relationships to only that.
Very true, but if the person gets to that point, the person needs step back and see if they should leave the relationship they're in, or leave the person they're playing with. That sounds like there are bigger issues at that point.
I encourage it . my little dick problems won't get better any time soon and she needs that physical connection that we don't have. We love each other very much, but I can't help her in that dept. so I hope and pray she starts dating soon on her own like she was. I think she's close, but we'll see where it goes.
Would you ever agree to your wife having a relationship (physical and emotional) with another guy?


Cuckold husband here.

My wife and I have had lots conversations about this topic, and I’ll share below a bit about our experience with one Bull that she was very close with, and also describe a bit about our conversations as well, and where my hopes for how she may expand on my cuckolding in the future.

With one of her long term Bulls, my wife and him saw each other on and off for almost two years. He lived out of town, so there was a bit of time in between play dates, but my goodness when they met up did sparks ever fly.

Their play dates evolved from all of us in the hotel room together to her travelling on her own to meet up with him for over night dates.

When they were apart they were very good about boundaries - they didn’t text all the time or anything like that that felt like it was too emotional.

However, when they got together for a play date, from what she told me, it was like they were a couple. He would stay at her hotel, they would get dressed and go out for dinner and drinks together, before coming back to the room to fuck for the rest of the night and morning before she jumped back on the train to come home.

One time she setup her phone and did a FaceTime call so I could watch for a few minutes and the scene was intense. I was expecting more of a rough fucking but instead had to watch them passionately kiss, watch her gently suck his cock, and then watch him slowly make love to her with his huge cock while she wrapper her arms around him.

She told me later that both of them had developed strong emotional feelings for each other, in addition to the intense passion they had.

It was hard to hear, but also strangely a weird turn on for me. They ended up seeing each other for a few more months and then the relationship sort of sidelined as she met a local Bull that ended up becoming her new long term Bull.

After that, my wife and I did have some conversations about how much of an emotional connection she wanted with her Bulls and how much I was okay with. She shared that for her the sex was much more intense when there was a strong emotional connection with the Bull.

For me, I shared that I wanted her to cuckold me even further, and go on public dates with Bulls that were local, and have more regular play dates with her Bulls, even perhaps bringing them over for overnights. We haven’t quite gotten there, but that’s my hope over time.
I too think it is inevitable for a sexual relationship to turn into something stronger in if your wife starts dating your Bull.
Once that physical attachment turns into an emotional attachment, things can and usually change.
That's how it was in my case.
We're still together now as He told her to leave me and she almost did. I understood I only had myself to blame and left it in her hands.
I too think it is inevitable for a sexual relationship to turn into something stronger in if your wife starts dating your Bull.
Once that physical attachment turns into an emotional attachment, things can and usually change.
That's how it was in my case.
We're still together now as He told her to leave me and she almost did. I understood I only had myself to blame and left it in her hands.
Right. I had to leave this decision to her. I hadn’t expected the relationship with this one man to go that way. Fortunately I was/am strong and knew I would be ok if she left me for him. Cucks you need to like and trust yourself.