White Girl from Tinder - Cheryl

This is too good not to share, so I am in Orlando for work and feeling horny I jump on Twitter, bang, match with a hot white girl. We start chatting she telling me all she ever wanted was to be with a Black man, she brought up really good girl etc. Has a long term BF even tells me his name, Matt! Begs me to let her come to my hotel and let her fantasy come through, tells me she just wants for one night to be a real slut.

I thought this shot never real, asked for more pics (have posted) and finally agreed still thinking this some bullshit. But I ******* you not, this batch turned out to be just that good girl just wanting her first black cock. One of the best fucks of my life, she was so fucking pleased thought she was going to pay me at the end!!!

I will be coming to Orlando a hell pf a lot more, trust me, you white girls there amazing!!! Thank you Cheryl and sorry Matt!! Ha ha


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