Real Story of my wife's 6 month trip in 1985 w/her roommate to the middle east.

s n m

please read and provide any comments. This is only PART OF THE STORY.
It was the trip of a lifetime, but it almost cost us our marriages. Back in 1985, my very best friend, Alisha, and I, went on a six-month travel adventure. We began in Europe, then Greece, the Middle East, and Africa. We decided to each keep a journal of our trip and write in them as much as we could.

After much discussion and many cocktails, we decided it would be fun to turn them into a sexy, short story as the journals allowed us to compile an accurate account of an amazing trip into a story we hope you’ll enjoy. Sit back and read our accurate story of fun, adventure, lots of sex, *******, and being sluts to strong, domineering men who loved American women. The only thing we struggled with in our journaling was remembering the names of a few of the Arab men we met.

Before we could write anything we needed to come clean with your husbands. Over the years I’d mentioned a few things I (we) did but never the whole shebang! Alisha and I talked a few times about how to handle this and if we should “tell all or hold back.” Me, I voted to hold back! Alisha is more honest and said all or nothing. So we decided on having a “special dinner night” at our house and do a tell-all! Until that night we never really told them much about our trip and they were more than shocked, stupefied, upset, and angry! My hubby said even though he knew I had been with a lot of guys before and some during our marriage, he stated he would not have married me if he had known about THIS past of mine. Anthony shouted, his face red with anger. “You lied to me for years! You slept with dozens of men! If I had known about all of this, I would never have married you and this all explains why your pussy is so big and loose!

Alisha’s husband Brett, wasn’t as shocked as Anthony, him being more open-minded and easygoing. He was still very upset though. We spent the night talking, telling them everything, letting them read our journals, and answering their questions. We all ended up okay at the end of the night.

After coming clean with Brett and Anthony, we asked our good friends if we could use their cabin on the Cape. The small, log cabin cottage, was nestled among the pine trees, overlooking a shimmering lake. The only sounds were the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves. Inside, the cozy fireplace and the soft bed invited us to relax and unwind.

Our Story:

Alisha and I grew up in the Midwest, attended a private college in Kansas City, and met one night at a frat party after our team won an NCAA playoff spot. Alisha and I loved each other as friends, but also as part-time casual lovers. Our shared passion for music, fashion, and adventure, also our mutual fascination with dark-skinned men, who seemed exotic and mysterious to us. We wanted to experience their culture, their language, and their bodies. We stayed in touch over the summer and roomed together during our junior and senior years in an off-campus apartment.

Two years later, we were single and ready to explore new horizons. People suspected we were lesbians because we were always together, we were casually bi with each other, and we slept together a lot! We discovered we were both highly sexual, very open-minded, loved being naked, dancing, and had similar thoughts about life. Unfortunately, our school did not have a lot of cultural diversity but we found UMKC certainly did, however. One Friday evening we bumped into a group of students from UMKC, dressed in cool clothes and carrying a boombox. They told us they were going to a hip-hop party off campus and invited us to join them. We agreed without hesitation, eager to see attend other parties than just the ones at our school. After that night, we began going to their parties just about every weekend if there was nothing happening on our campus.

We had been going to the same parties at the TKE house for too long. It was the most popular spot on our small campus, but it had lost its charm for us. Sure, I had some fun nights there with a few guys whose names I barely remembered. Micky, Mick, something like that. But I was craving some excitement and variety in my social life. UMKC was just a few blocks away from our school, and we heard they had a more lively scene. Sometimes we would take the bus, and other times we would walk if the weather was nice. We didn’t have cars on campus, so we had to make do with what we had.

A few weeks later, we went to another party and met a couple of guys from Amman, Jordan. We were both intrigued by the guys from Jordan, who had dark eyes, olive skin, and thick accents. They were funny, charming, and generous. They also had a rebellious streak, as they drank, smoked, and danced despite their religious background. We wanted to know more about them and their culture. they invited us to a party they were throwing at their apartment, which was decorated with Persian rugs, hookahs, and exotic lamps. There we met some of their friends, who were also from different countries in the Middle East. From there we started hanging out with them including dating a few of them from time to time. Nothing serious, just casual dating and fun.

After graduation, we secured an apartment in Westport, a small area of Kansas City, where we rented a large 1-bedroom apartment. I was working for an IT/telephone startup and Alisha was finishing up law school at UMKC. Our dream had always been to travel the world or at least some of it, seeing unknown places, meeting new people, and having new experiences. We felt restless and bored with our lives in Kansas City. We wanted to escape the routine and have some adventure. Just somewhere different and fun, before our careers took off and life got complicated. One day Alisha came home with some travel pamphlets and we poured over them, admiring the pictures of ancient ruins, exotic markets, and stunning landscapes. Imagine exploring the streets of Athens, riding camels in Petra, and hiking in Kilimanjaro. Alisha said no to any sort of tour group or fixed itinerary. We wanted to travel on our own terms, at our own pace to explore Europe, Greece, Jordan, Israel, Spain, and a few other countries.

The company I was working for got bought out and they offered me a position in Boston or 10 weeks of severance. I took the severance pay and I immediately called Alisha and told her about my company getting bought out, the severance pay, then said we should do our trip. Her response was “Let’s do it. It’s now or never Sasha!” I was psyched! We began planning our trip right away. Wanting to see some of the most beautiful cities in the world, on our own agenda…awesome! We booked our flights, hotels, and activities. It was so exciting to finally be able to take this trip together. We had been talking about it for years and now it was happening! Our plans were to travel for approximately six months before jumping back into our careers.

Alisha had just graduated law school in May, then passed the Bar Exam in July, and she secured a position with a large corporate firm for when she returned. I signed an agreement to move to Mountain View, California to work for an IT software startup called Google. Yes, it paid off!

Until our departure, and without full-time jobs, we got waitressing jobs at the Kansas City Club to help save up money for our trip. It’s a downtown, private, members-only dinner club. The hours were great; the people were wealthy, and it was easy work. We earned great tips waiting on rich folks, think horny old white men! We were pulling in 200-300$ a night, some nights even more. After 2 ½ months of waitressing, saving our money, and lots of planning, we were ready to go!

Alisha’s parents bought our airline tickets and gave her 3,000$ for passing the bar exam! We left on 12 August for Paris and traveled around Europe for two weeks staying in hostels, traveling by train and bus. From Paris, we traveled to Amsterdam, Barcelona, Munich, and Athens. We were excited to visit Greece, lay on the beaches, eat amazing food, and check out if Greek men were everything we had heard or thought.

It took us about three weeks, but we made it to Greece. We planned on spending two weeks exploring the islands and cities. Our plans after Greece were somewhat fluid, as we hadn’t made any solid reservations, except for the two people we were going to visit and stay with for part of our trip. One was a guy I dated a few times and whom I remained in touch with. There’s no love interest there, we just became really close friends; and, Alisha had plans to apprentice with a artist/paper maker from UMKC. They met when he was a visiting professor teaching an art class on papermaking that Alisha had taken. His wife and Alisha, had become good friends while they were in Kansas City. He told her if she was ever in Jordan to come work and apprentice under him. She contacted him and they arranged for her to work with him for five weeks. And, the cool thing was we would be able to stay with him and his wife in a small apartment they had and we’d work-share to cover our room and board.

Athens was beautiful, the food was simply amazing and the people were so friendly. No more Ouzo though! We spent two weeks exploring the islands, sunning topless on the beaches, late-night dinners and a few men. Maybe more than a few! Haha. One afternoon at a cafe we met Ahmet. He was from Turkey visiting some relatives who ran a fish market. He told us he and his cousin Hamza, owned a 5-stremmas (approximately 50 acres) cotton and organic vegetable farm where they also raised rabbits, goats, and chickens. Ahmet was in his early 40s, dark-complexioned, with beautiful brown eyes, very handsome, nicely dressed, spoke good English, and was very polite and well-mannered. He asked us about our travel plans, where we’re headed after Greece, and gave us some suggestions on places to visit. Ahmet mentioned if we were interested in visiting Turkey, they could use light help on the farm for the upcoming harvest and maintaining their farm stand. He said his cousin was managing the farm until he got back in two days. In exchange for working and doing some housework, they would provide free room and board. There was a small house on the property they would stay in, have use of a car, or bicycle if they wanted and plenty of free time to explore.

We spent the rest of the afternoon talking with him, drinking strong coffee, asking about his cousin, finding out about their farm, what we were expected to do, where it is, things to do there, is it safe, and to make sure it was all legit. By the end of the afternoon, we thought why not? It sounds fun, something to do and we love adventure, and we can leave if we don’t like it. We told him we’d come and check out his farm, meet his cousin before completely committing.

Three days later we found ourselves on a 6AM train to the Aegean region of Turkey. The scenery along the way was beautiful. We were getting excited about our new adventure but also scared shitless about what we were doing. It was a long, interesting train ride!

We arrived late in the afternoon wanting a shower, something to eat, and cold to *******. Ahmet and Hamza met us at the train station in their truck. Meeting Hamza, we both thought he was super polite, looked a few years younger than Ahmet, had hair below his shoulders, tall and extremely cute, though not as dark-skinned as Ahmet. All four of us piled into their little Toyota 4-door truck. They took us to a cool little cafe where we had grilled fish, vegetables, salad, figs, olives, fruit, and some great coffee. It was almost 7 pm when we arrived at their farm and the sun was beginning to set with an amazing orange sunset. It was beautiful. I looked over at Alisha and she responded this is cool as *******! After we put our stuff away, we did a quick tour of their farm. It was rustic, somewhat remote, very well kept and neat. They were about 3 miles from the nearest village. Their farm was very cool and had been in their family for several generations. It had a nice barn, a beautiful spring-fed pond with a rope swing. The pond was stocked with trout, and scattered around were olive, fig, date, and almond trees, and beyond that beautifully planted fields of cotton and vegetables. This place was like an artist’s dream come true. The main house was very well-kept, modern, clean, and comfortable. In the smaller house, we had one room, with a single bed, a two-burner gas cook stove, a toilet, and running cold water. It was very basic, small yet clean, and comfortable. Hamza told us there was an outdoor hot water shower we could use on the side of the main house, a place for our towels, and robes.

After a quick dip in the spring-fed swimming pond, we got out some clean clothes and headed to the outdoor shower, only to find there weren’t any walls or doors. Just a pad of small gravel stones and a shower nozzle attached to the side of the house, it did have lots of hot water. We took turns showering and got dressed to help Ahmet and his cousin Hamza fix dinner. We wondered if the cousins could see us showering!! If they did, they never mentioned it to us.

The next day, we had a super delicious breakfast of fruit, figs, eggs, and bread with strong coffee prepared by Hamza. We worked most of the day picking vegetables to sell at the farm stand they had near the road. Around noon, we took a quick skinny dip in the pond to wash off the dust and dirt. We ate a light vegetarian lunch, Hamza made. He’s a great cook we discovered. We all worked until around 5:30, Alisha and I took another dip in the pool, and then a quick hot shower.

As we helped prepare dinner, the sunset and the sky turned a beautiful mix of orange, purple, and pink. We gathered around the outdoor patio and enjoyed a delicious meal, with freshly caught trout from the spring, some grilled vegetables, and a salad of local greens. Everything came from the farm. We also drank some Turkish wine, which was fantastic, and we talked about our plans for the next few days. Ahmet and Hamza were very knowledgeable about the area and suggested some hikes and visits to local villages.

When we finished dinner and cleaning up, Ahmet suggested we go outside and sit around the fire-pit. We talked about our lives in America and they told us about them, the farm, and their family. It was so peaceful there; we felt far away from the hustle and bustle of our busy lives. The sound of the crickets and the sight of the stars made us feel close to nature. It was a beautiful place and we were glad to be there. What an experience.

As we retired to our small cabin for the night, we felt grateful for this unique experience. Falling asleep instantly, feeling content and happy. We couldn’t wait to see what adventures the next day would bring. We worked almost the same work routine for several days; picking vegetables, re-stocking the food stand, preparing vegetables for the village market, some light cleaning inside their house, such as dishes, dusting, laundry, etc. We always tried to take a lunchtime swim and ended the day around 5. We loved swimming in the cool spring-fed pond; it was out of eyesight from the house and barn, very private and relaxing. On the days when it was hot, they’d take a swim break with us. We were really enjoying this Turkish farm lifestyle. The cousins were super nice and polite. It was a very simplistic way of life.

One evening after dinner, Hamza asked us if we’d like to try some kenevir, or hashish. YES, we answered. Hamza filled a hookah that sat on the floor with some hashish, tobacco, and a touch of opium. It’s a good relaxer he said, as he lit it, took a few draws, and passed it to Alisha who took a few draws and who passed it to Sasha. They passed the two hookah hoses around maybe 4 times. Ahmet asked us how we felt! We were all laying back on the floor pillows in the living room listening to some soft Turkish music. Alisha answered I can’t feel anything, I’m so high Sasha.

I had never smoked opium before and wow! I was so laid back, relaxed, and feeling nothing, thinking how great I feel. I closed my eyes for what seemed like a minute but had to have been a lot longer. When I opened them I was still laying on the floor pillows, in just my panties, my skirt, and my t-shirt. It took me a few minutes to realize where I was and what was happening! As I watched, I felt a mix of shock, arousal, and confusion. I didn’t know how to react or what to do. Alisha clearly was enjoying herself, and I didn’t want to ruin the moment. So, I laid back and closed my eyes again, trying to just let it happen.

Alisha was completely nude and Ahmet was between her legs eating her pussy, while Hamza was laying next to her rubbing her boobs and she was sucking his cock. Without a doubt, she was having fun. I watched this in a sort of hashish/opium-induced fog. Ahmet had eased up between her legs now, spread them a little wider apart while working his cock into a well-eaten juicy pussy.

I watched him increase his tempo after she adjusted to his size, and could hear a lot of squishy sounds from her juices. Ahmet was pumping into her loins a little faster now, I could hear her juicy pussy noises and just then Hamza sort of grunted and released his load into her mouth. Some of his cum squirted out the sides of her mouth. About then Ahmet must have let go, and Alisha was cumming also. I love watching her orgasm. She’s so sexy! Her long, lean legs spread wide, hips moving upwards, meeting his last thrusts, obviously wanting more from him. She relaxed, kissed him, then kissed Hamza. She looked over at me and said look who’s back with the living! Do you want to be next? Why am I undressed? Alisha responded you looked sweaty and uncomfortable laying there *******. It’s really warm in here, so I suggested we change that. Plus Ahmet wanted to see your body, so I undressed you. You were out cold.

Alisha and the guys moved over next to me and began stroking my legs, feet, breasts, and face. Then a few kisses, and light touching of my breasts and neck which started my juices flowing. I was also very high, extremely relaxed, and horny. I wasn’t expecting this to happen and was not sure I wanted what they wanted. But I stopped and said, no I don’t want to do this and resisted their advances. Ahmed said okay we’ll leave alone and respect your decision. I felt a sigh of relief at first through a wandering curiosity. It’d been close to two weeks, since Athens,that I’d had sex with a man, and I was definitely feeling horny after watching them.

I looked over at Alisha lighting the hookah Ahmet had refilled and, I said let me have a couple of hits off that. Alisha passed the hose over and I took 2-3 deep inhales, laid back down on the pillows with my arms up over my head, and my legs in a frog-like pose, and just closed my eyes letting the hash/opium mixture take me away.

I’m not sure how long I lay there, but I felt a hand rubbing my foot and toes, then kissing, sucking, and licking on my toes. A soft hand moved up my thighs, feeling a warm breath and light kisses with some soft caresses on my stomach and breasts. Alisha said it’s just me hon and she continued kissing me, on my neck, throat, and lips. Alisha suckled on my breasts then moved her moist tongue into my mouth for a nice deep kiss, then to down to my other breast, followed by more deep kisses. Our naked bodies moved into a 69 position, where we probed each other deeply with our tongues, sucking and licking, working each other’s G-spots and clits like two horny rabbits. I could taste her juices and Ahmet’s cum in her pussy. This was one of those moments where we got completely lost in each other’s embrace and lovemaking. I enjoyed her taste, pheromones, and feeling our bodies openly express themselves to each other. We completely zoned out that Ahmet and Hamza were watching as neither of them said a word. After cumming multiple times we broke out of our 69, and Alisha moved off of me and snuggled up next to me on my side. I felt a large hand sliding between my legs and up my inner thigh, slowly spreading my legs apart. Easing a finger in then another and a third, laying here fully exposed on my back with my legs wide, Alisha at my side, my arms over my head, and my eyes closed.

Alisha whispered in my ear, baby just enjoy this experience, the guys are magnificent lovers and we’re here to experience life our way. Alisha moved her face to mine, kissed me deeply, and whispered, I love you! She reached down between my wide-open legs and inserted a finger into me, joining Hamza’s fingers. She pulled it out and stuck it in my mouth then hers and said Hmmm you taste good girl!

When Alisha moved off of me, my mind was both curious and aroused by the idea of being with multiple partners at once. But on the other hand, it filled me with guilt due to my upbringing of being a “good girl.”

I sat up and looked at the naked bodies around me, still unsure of what to do next. After a few minutes of silence, Alisha spoke up. “So, are you interested in joining us?” I hesitated, still unsure about what I wanted. But the curiosity was too strong, and before I knew it, I was laying back down on the pillows, my body exposed for all of them to see and take advantage of as I was really much ready for whatever came next.

Hamza took the hint, positioning himself between my legs, and slowly began penetrating me with his hard cock. As he slide into me, the feeling was intense, and I moaned loudly and he began thrusting into me with increasing speed and intensity. It felt great, and I quickly had several mini-orgasms. Ahmet had moved up next to my head, and I gladly opened my mouth and he eased it into my mouth. I was working it with a fervor that I didn’t know I had in me, it tasted fabulous. The combination of all these sensations was driving me wild, and I felt myself getting closer and closer to the edge. Finally, with a loud moan, I came and my whole was body shaking with the ******* of my orgasm. As I lay there, panting and sweaty, the three of them continued to explore my body, teasing and pleasuring me in ways that I had never experienced before. Hamza was still pumping into me, and commenting on how juicy my pussy got when I came and said it was like a minor flood.

The rest of the night was a blur of bodies and pleasure, a haze of ******* and sensations that I could barely comprehend. It was both exhilarating and terrifying, a feeling of being completely out of control and yet strangely alive.

As the night went on, I felt a strange mix of emotions. I was filled with a sense of satisfaction and excitement, having experienced something completely new and exhilarating. But, it also filled me with a sense of regret and guilt. I decided to let go of the guilt and experience life to the fullest.

In the end, it was an experience that would stay with me for the rest of my life, a memory of reckless abandon and the thrill of exploring something new and taboo. But it was also a reminder of the complicated nature of desire and the risks that come with giving in to our most primal instincts.

I was so high, yet aware and able to feel everything that was happening around and to me and it felt intensified to a very high degree, sort of electrifying. I could hear and feel my juices running down my butt crack as Hamza was working my pussy with his cock. He was gentle and Alisha was right, he knew what he was doing and I loved it. I started to slowly gyrate my hips and lift them slightly, letting him know I was ready for his sperm to fill me. Hamza eased out of me and asked for me to get on all fours so he could take me from behind and I could suck Ahmet easier.

I was so close to cumming again that I didn’t want to move but I definitely wanted his cock back inside me ASAP so I quickly did as he asked. I got on my hands and knees and pushed my ass back toward Hamza’s cock. He easily slid back into my extremely wet, waiting pussy. And Ahmet kneeled in front of me with this cock waving like a flagpole and pushed it into my mouth. Hamza fucked me slowly, with no hard pounding, just nice slow deep, pussy filling thrusts. His hard cock inside me felt incredible. I don’t know how long we fucked, (it seemed like forever) but I could tell he was getting close. Then he eased one finger, then a second finger into my asshole, which increased my tightness and sent him over the edge. He released his sperm deep inside me on a slow deep thrust. I could feel his hot love juice hitting my cervix and which caused me to come like I hadn’t cum in a very long time. Sure, I’ve had wonderful orgasms but this time it was simply amazing. Maybe it was the hashish. Whatever, it felt like electricity was shooting through me. I was still sucking on

Ahmet, who had a thicker cock than Hamza, was my first uncircumcised cock and it was a mouthful. As Hamza eased out of me I could tell he had left a huge load as I felt it oozing out of me and down my thigh. Ahmed said some in Turkish to Hamza, and Ahmet pulled out of my mouth and they switched places. Ahmet slid his cock into my very juicy, cum filled pussy. It took him several strokes for me to adapt to his size, but once I did, he held onto my hips and began fucking me faster than Hamza. I found his girth, even with Hamza’s added cum-lube, was a tight fit for me at first. Hamza put his semi-soft, cum covered cock into my mouth which tasted sweet and slightly salty. I was greedily cleaning Hamza’s cum covered cock, enjoying the taste. Ahmet fucked me for what seemed like a good ten minutes, maybe longer, I’m not exactly sure. He had a lot of stamina, that’s for sure. For probably the fifth time I was cumming again, letting my juices flow and he knew it. Having them both inside me pumping and now with our bodies moving in rhythm it was a wild sexy feeling.

They came in me within seconds of each other. I could feel Ahmet releasing deep inside me, as Hamza let go deep into my throat. It was hot, nasty sex the three of us just had. Alisha sat and watched us while taking occasional hookah hits. This night was the start of something fun!

After that session, we all just laid back while catching our breath, whispering, with light touches and kisses. Very romantic, sexy, nasty, hot…fun! Alisha came over and kissed me gently, and she moved us into a sexy 69 again, laying on our sides. We ate each other’s cream pies (it’s our kink), and then separated, kissed deeply, and, broke apart. I could taste Hamza’s cum with her sweet nectar and couldn’t get enough, she was so juicy.

It was around 11 PM and we made up some snacks, smoked a little more, along with a little wine and lots of laughing. The weather was super nice outside. Ahmet built a fire outside in the fire pit and we hung outside in the warm, humid night with a sky full of stars. It was very nice, we had so much fun, we even danced a little for them, naked and barefoot of course! We both later talked about how they have a foot fetish or something. They seemed to always want us barefoot, wanting to caress and rub them when we are laying on the pillows, etc. Before turning in for the night we took a short skinny dip in the pond under a full moon in the warm, humid night to wash off the smoke and dust from dancing, but also the sex. I love that sweaty, musky sex smell we created. Later that night in bed together we made gentle love to celebrate our fresh adventures, meeting and living with the cousins, the sexual fun we just had and possibly to come.

The next morning we slept in until 7:30 versus the 6 am usual wake-up time. Our daily routine was pretty simple, we typically worked five days a week but could take days off when we wanted to explore the countryside and villages. We’d Swim, shower, come into the house and help with dinner, play some games, dance, and enjoy the evening with the cousins. After that first night smoking hash; it began the first of many nights we enjoyed together.

It was a lot of fun going out to dinner or lunch with the Cousins. They treated us very well and were a lot of fun to hang out with. We met a lot of their friends and family. We were never sure what people thought of us, traveling alone, and living on a farm with two guys, but no one asked or made any bad comments towards us. Alisha and I found it strange being in such male, strongly-dominated, Muslim society. Especially being a young American woman traveling alone.

There weren’t lots of places to go out and party, mainly a few small family cafes, coffee, and tea shops. mom and pop places. They did not openly sell alcohol nor was it available anywhere. One day we all drove into the city to celebrate Hamza’s birthday, do some site seeing and explore. We had a pleasant lunch, did some more exploring of the city and later dinner at a fancy restaurant, dancers. Turkey is amazing, with the food, the people, the culture, and the history. Being in Turkey doing what we were doing was so much fun. We loved being here and how we were living. Everyone has treated us very nicely. We offered to help pay but the cousins insisted on paying everything. We spent a little close to five weeks on the farm with the cousins, as we liked to call them. Some nights we would play the Slave Girls game where we could not refuse any request. Other times we played being Queens and ordered them around as our humble servants. We all had a lot of fun. We played a lot of dominoes, spades, and chess.

One evening, they told us they added to the list of duties we had agreed to do around the farm. We were now on call for sex; if they wanted it we couldn’t refuse (unless it was that time) we would perform as they requested. Ahmet said, we would do this as a game, and if you girls don’t want to play we don’t have to, but it could be fun. Alisha immediately said I’m in! I was hesitant but also agreed. Another fantasy coming true. Being a sex slave on call. Alisha and I had given physical control of our bodies to them now. This won’t be in a bad or abusive way, but one where we allow them the enjoyment of our bodies without concern. We noticed the first week, Ahmet gave us sarongs he bought in town and wanted us to wear them. In the evenings after dinner, he tended to be a lot more dominant with Alisha and I. We didn’t mind as we’re pretty submissive with men like the cousins. He said after work and your shower, wear just these at night. So we tried them on for them, Hamza said just wear the sarong around your waist please and keep your breasts exposed. We enjoy viewing your them. You’ll enjoy wearing them due to how comfortable they are and easy to remove. After that night Alisha and I wore our sarongs around our waists as skirts, no tops, and sometimes sandals, usually, they preferred us barefoot. Even when they had evening visitors they instructed us how to wear them, depending on the guest(s). Sometimes we’d have to cover our breasts and dress nicely, other times we’d have to expose them.

There were nights when they just wanted to watch us together. They would sit back, smoke, ******* some wine, barely say a word and just watch us. We didn’t mind as there were many nights we enjoyed each other. Sometimes wanted us s to do something special like lay on our backs with our legs spread and masturbate. Hamza one night said to Alisha something like you two are now our American sex slaves. We want you to stay here forever. And, at the time I didn’t think about it, just sort of laughed about it, but I think they probably considered us as their sex slaves. We didn’t mind it and I know she liked it. There were many nights while we were traveling together and we’d enjoy each other. One night we were laying in our little bed together and Alisha asked if what we are doing is wrong? Because she felt very slutty about Just giving ourselves up to the cousins, letting them have control over our bodies, anytime they wanted to have us. It’s like being a kept concubine or living sex toy for any time use. I told her I felt the same way, but I also found it immensely exciting. I decided to follow Alisha’s lead on this. Mainly because I’m having a lot of fun, love being with Alisha, and sharing this journey we’re on together. I love Turkey and the cousins, I loved being a sex-slave/slutty girl. A lot of nights we talked about what we were doing, the sexual freedom we were experiencing, and doing things we’d never be able to do at home, and this was all with no commitments to anyone. There were a lot of nights we’d lay in our little bed making out with each other for what seemed like hours.

We have been on the farm for just over three weeks and having a great time. Ahmet told us one night he had a new chore to our farm duty list. When we have friends over, there’s a possibility we may offer you to one or more of the guests. I hope you don’t mind, but it’s all part of the household duties we discussed and I amended. There were several evenings when Ahmet or Hamza would have a friend or two over for dinner or tea. They were nice and respectful, and most were married guys which we later learned from Ahmet, Muslim women are very conservative sexually. Typically the evenings were pretty mild. We’d wear our sarongs, topless, barefoot, and serve wine, dinner, desserts, and hookah lighting. Some guys just enjoyed seeing us scantily dressed, others wanted to touch our breasts and more. We took all our clues from the cousins and what they expected from us. Mainly it was us being touched. The men were all very respectful, very gracious towards us, and didn’t ask for anything weird. Some offered us tips. What I found interesting is the various skin tones of some of the Turkish men.

Alisha and I agreed that our time was coming to an end here as the cotton and vegetable harvest was completed and we had places to visit. She had plans to meet with a paper-maker in Jordan so it was time to get moving.

They took us clothes shopping at a Turkish market, purchased some fresh fish, and made us a nice dinner, , and also a nice basket of food for our trip. Hamaz and Ahmet took us to the bus station for our trip to Jordan and asked us to stay in touch along the way to make sure we were safe and to meet again. We thoroughly enjoyed the time we had with the cousins but it was time to continue their journey. We remain in touch with Ahmet, as Hamza passed away from covid.

Alisha and I talked on the bus that it was a good time to depart as we both felt the cousins were getting more demanding in terms of household duties, cleaning, sex, and going from wearing sarongs topless to completely naked some nights. We enjoyed meeting and sometimes entertaining their friends, with flirty dancing, and having open sex with them on occasion. We also thought about the fact we may be turning into their sex slaves! Smoking hash/opium a few nights a week became a much more frequent nightly occurrence, getting super stoned, relaxed, and always giving in to their sexual desires.

We loved the farm, the work we were doing, hanging with the cousins and the life we were leading. Neither of us had ever experienced anything like what we were doing and enjoying. We liked entertaining some of their friends and found them to be a lot of fun. Ahmet asked us several different times about us living on the farm with them and, continuing working for them. We gave that a lot of thought and Alisha and I talked about living there several times. Yes, it would be cool to live a simple farm-style life in Turkey with them.

One thing we both discussed was that we felt like real-life harem girls with our evening dances, being scantily dressed, serving our Masters and sometimes their friends, who started to come around the farm a lot more and wanted more from us. Sexy fun, for sure. But, we also started feeling like hash/opium whores. Every night we’d smoke with the cousins, ******* some wine, then do whatever they wanted of us. We felt it was time to move on to Jordan.

Our bus trip to Jordan took almost two whole days, finally arriving in Amman. Alisha loved paper making which she used to create cards and writing stock that she sold in a couple of stores in Kansas City. The teacher was a “master paper maker” named Abdel. Alisha arranged to tutor under him for a 4-5 weeks to learn new paper-making techniques. We are going to live with him and his wife in a small room they rented us for 100$. We committed to doing some light household duties; light cleaning, laundry, and outside yard work. We shared had a shared bathroom and kitchen, but we had a separate entrance and a small outside private little courtyard we could enjoy. I wasn’t sure how to keep myself busy for the next 5 weeks while Alisha worked with Abdel.

There is a lot more story. Here we are in a photo Ahmet took of us one night.


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please read and provide any comments. This is only PART OF THE STORY.
It was the trip of a lifetime, but it almost cost us our marriages. Back in 1985, my very best friend, Alisha, and I, went on a six-month travel adventure. We began in Europe, then Greece, the Middle East, and Africa. We decided to each keep a journal of our trip and write in them as much as we could.

After much discussion and many cocktails, we decided it would be fun to turn them into a sexy, short story as the journals allowed us to compile an accurate account of an amazing trip into a story we hope you’ll enjoy. Sit back and read our accurate story of fun, adventure, lots of sex, *******, and being sluts to strong, domineering men who loved American women. The only thing we struggled with in our journaling was remembering the names of a few of the Arab men we met.

Before we could write anything we needed to come clean with your husbands. Over the years I’d mentioned a few things I (we) did but never the whole shebang! Alisha and I talked a few times about how to handle this and if we should “tell all or hold back.” Me, I voted to hold back! Alisha is more honest and said all or nothing. So we decided on having a “special dinner night” at our house and do a tell-all! Until that night we never really told them much about our trip and they were more than shocked, stupefied, upset, and angry! My hubby said even though he knew I had been with a lot of guys before and some during our marriage, he stated he would not have married me if he had known about THIS past of mine. Anthony shouted, his face red with anger. “You lied to me for years! You slept with dozens of men! If I had known about all of this, I would never have married you and this all explains why your pussy is so big and loose!

Alisha’s husband Brett, wasn’t as shocked as Anthony, him being more open-minded and easygoing. He was still very upset though. We spent the night talking, telling them everything, letting them read our journals, and answering their questions. We all ended up okay at the end of the night.

After coming clean with Brett and Anthony, we asked our good friends if we could use their cabin on the Cape. The small, log cabin cottage, was nestled among the pine trees, overlooking a shimmering lake. The only sounds were the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves. Inside, the cozy fireplace and the soft bed invited us to relax and unwind.

Our Story:

Alisha and I grew up in the Midwest, attended a private college in Kansas City, and met one night at a frat party after our team won an NCAA playoff spot. Alisha and I loved each other as friends, but also as part-time casual lovers. Our shared passion for music, fashion, and adventure, also our mutual fascination with dark-skinned men, who seemed exotic and mysterious to us. We wanted to experience their culture, their language, and their bodies. We stayed in touch over the summer and roomed together during our junior and senior years in an off-campus apartment.

Two years later, we were single and ready to explore new horizons. People suspected we were lesbians because we were always together, we were casually bi with each other, and we slept together a lot! We discovered we were both highly sexual, very open-minded, loved being naked, dancing, and had similar thoughts about life. Unfortunately, our school did not have a lot of cultural diversity but we found UMKC certainly did, however. One Friday evening we bumped into a group of students from UMKC, dressed in cool clothes and carrying a boombox. They told us they were going to a hip-hop party off campus and invited us to join them. We agreed without hesitation, eager to see attend other parties than just the ones at our school. After that night, we began going to their parties just about every weekend if there was nothing happening on our campus.

We had been going to the same parties at the TKE house for too long. It was the most popular spot on our small campus, but it had lost its charm for us. Sure, I had some fun nights there with a few guys whose names I barely remembered. Micky, Mick, something like that. But I was craving some excitement and variety in my social life. UMKC was just a few blocks away from our school, and we heard they had a more lively scene. Sometimes we would take the bus, and other times we would walk if the weather was nice. We didn’t have cars on campus, so we had to make do with what we had.

A few weeks later, we went to another party and met a couple of guys from Amman, Jordan. We were both intrigued by the guys from Jordan, who had dark eyes, olive skin, and thick accents. They were funny, charming, and generous. They also had a rebellious streak, as they drank, smoked, and danced despite their religious background. We wanted to know more about them and their culture. they invited us to a party they were throwing at their apartment, which was decorated with Persian rugs, hookahs, and exotic lamps. There we met some of their friends, who were also from different countries in the Middle East. From there we started hanging out with them including dating a few of them from time to time. Nothing serious, just casual dating and fun.

After graduation, we secured an apartment in Westport, a small area of Kansas City, where we rented a large 1-bedroom apartment. I was working for an IT/telephone startup and Alisha was finishing up law school at UMKC. Our dream had always been to travel the world or at least some of it, seeing unknown places, meeting new people, and having new experiences. We felt restless and bored with our lives in Kansas City. We wanted to escape the routine and have some adventure. Just somewhere different and fun, before our careers took off and life got complicated. One day Alisha came home with some travel pamphlets and we poured over them, admiring the pictures of ancient ruins, exotic markets, and stunning landscapes. Imagine exploring the streets of Athens, riding camels in Petra, and hiking in Kilimanjaro. Alisha said no to any sort of tour group or fixed itinerary. We wanted to travel on our own terms, at our own pace to explore Europe, Greece, Jordan, Israel, Spain, and a few other countries.

The company I was working for got bought out and they offered me a position in Boston or 10 weeks of severance. I took the severance pay and I immediately called Alisha and told her about my company getting bought out, the severance pay, then said we should do our trip. Her response was “Let’s do it. It’s now or never Sasha!” I was psyched! We began planning our trip right away. Wanting to see some of the most beautiful cities in the world, on our own agenda…awesome! We booked our flights, hotels, and activities. It was so exciting to finally be able to take this trip together. We had been talking about it for years and now it was happening! Our plans were to travel for approximately six months before jumping back into our careers.

Alisha had just graduated law school in May, then passed the Bar Exam in July, and she secured a position with a large corporate firm for when she returned. I signed an agreement to move to Mountain View, California to work for an IT software startup called Google. Yes, it paid off!

Until our departure, and without full-time jobs, we got waitressing jobs at the Kansas City Club to help save up money for our trip. It’s a downtown, private, members-only dinner club. The hours were great; the people were wealthy, and it was easy work. We earned great tips waiting on rich folks, think horny old white men! We were pulling in 200-300$ a night, some nights even more. After 2 ½ months of waitressing, saving our money, and lots of planning, we were ready to go!

Alisha’s parents bought our airline tickets and gave her 3,000$ for passing the bar exam! We left on 12 August for Paris and traveled around Europe for two weeks staying in hostels, traveling by train and bus. From Paris, we traveled to Amsterdam, Barcelona, Munich, and Athens. We were excited to visit Greece, lay on the beaches, eat amazing food, and check out if Greek men were everything we had heard or thought.

It took us about three weeks, but we made it to Greece. We planned on spending two weeks exploring the islands and cities. Our plans after Greece were somewhat fluid, as we hadn’t made any solid reservations, except for the two people we were going to visit and stay with for part of our trip. One was a guy I dated a few times and whom I remained in touch with. There’s no love interest there, we just became really close friends; and, Alisha had plans to apprentice with a artist/paper maker from UMKC. They met when he was a visiting professor teaching an art class on papermaking that Alisha had taken. His wife and Alisha, had become good friends while they were in Kansas City. He told her if she was ever in Jordan to come work and apprentice under him. She contacted him and they arranged for her to work with him for five weeks. And, the cool thing was we would be able to stay with him and his wife in a small apartment they had and we’d work-share to cover our room and board.

Athens was beautiful, the food was simply amazing and the people were so friendly. No more Ouzo though! We spent two weeks exploring the islands, sunning topless on the beaches, late-night dinners and a few men. Maybe more than a few! Haha. One afternoon at a cafe we met Ahmet. He was from Turkey visiting some relatives who ran a fish market. He told us he and his cousin Hamza, owned a 5-stremmas (approximately 50 acres) cotton and organic vegetable farm where they also raised rabbits, goats, and chickens. Ahmet was in his early 40s, dark-complexioned, with beautiful brown eyes, very handsome, nicely dressed, spoke good English, and was very polite and well-mannered. He asked us about our travel plans, where we’re headed after Greece, and gave us some suggestions on places to visit. Ahmet mentioned if we were interested in visiting Turkey, they could use light help on the farm for the upcoming harvest and maintaining their farm stand. He said his cousin was managing the farm until he got back in two days. In exchange for working and doing some housework, they would provide free room and board. There was a small house on the property they would stay in, have use of a car, or bicycle if they wanted and plenty of free time to explore.

We spent the rest of the afternoon talking with him, drinking strong coffee, asking about his cousin, finding out about their farm, what we were expected to do, where it is, things to do there, is it safe, and to make sure it was all legit. By the end of the afternoon, we thought why not? It sounds fun, something to do and we love adventure, and we can leave if we don’t like it. We told him we’d come and check out his farm, meet his cousin before completely committing.

Three days later we found ourselves on a 6AM train to the Aegean region of Turkey. The scenery along the way was beautiful. We were getting excited about our new adventure but also scared shitless about what we were doing. It was a long, interesting train ride!

We arrived late in the afternoon wanting a shower, something to eat, and cold to *******. Ahmet and Hamza met us at the train station in their truck. Meeting Hamza, we both thought he was super polite, looked a few years younger than Ahmet, had hair below his shoulders, tall and extremely cute, though not as dark-skinned as Ahmet. All four of us piled into their little Toyota 4-door truck. They took us to a cool little cafe where we had grilled fish, vegetables, salad, figs, olives, fruit, and some great coffee. It was almost 7 pm when we arrived at their farm and the sun was beginning to set with an amazing orange sunset. It was beautiful. I looked over at Alisha and she responded this is cool as *******! After we put our stuff away, we did a quick tour of their farm. It was rustic, somewhat remote, very well kept and neat. They were about 3 miles from the nearest village. Their farm was very cool and had been in their family for several generations. It had a nice barn, a beautiful spring-fed pond with a rope swing. The pond was stocked with trout, and scattered around were olive, fig, date, and almond trees, and beyond that beautifully planted fields of cotton and vegetables. This place was like an artist’s dream come true. The main house was very well-kept, modern, clean, and comfortable. In the smaller house, we had one room, with a single bed, a two-burner gas cook stove, a toilet, and running cold water. It was very basic, small yet clean, and comfortable. Hamza told us there was an outdoor hot water shower we could use on the side of the main house, a place for our towels, and robes.

After a quick dip in the spring-fed swimming pond, we got out some clean clothes and headed to the outdoor shower, only to find there weren’t any walls or doors. Just a pad of small gravel stones and a shower nozzle attached to the side of the house, it did have lots of hot water. We took turns showering and got dressed to help Ahmet and his cousin Hamza fix dinner. We wondered if the cousins could see us showering!! If they did, they never mentioned it to us.

The next day, we had a super delicious breakfast of fruit, figs, eggs, and bread with strong coffee prepared by Hamza. We worked most of the day picking vegetables to sell at the farm stand they had near the road. Around noon, we took a quick skinny dip in the pond to wash off the dust and dirt. We ate a light vegetarian lunch, Hamza made. He’s a great cook we discovered. We all worked until around 5:30, Alisha and I took another dip in the pool, and then a quick hot shower.

As we helped prepare dinner, the sunset and the sky turned a beautiful mix of orange, purple, and pink. We gathered around the outdoor patio and enjoyed a delicious meal, with freshly caught trout from the spring, some grilled vegetables, and a salad of local greens. Everything came from the farm. We also drank some Turkish wine, which was fantastic, and we talked about our plans for the next few days. Ahmet and Hamza were very knowledgeable about the area and suggested some hikes and visits to local villages.

When we finished dinner and cleaning up, Ahmet suggested we go outside and sit around the fire-pit. We talked about our lives in America and they told us about them, the farm, and their family. It was so peaceful there; we felt far away from the hustle and bustle of our busy lives. The sound of the crickets and the sight of the stars made us feel close to nature. It was a beautiful place and we were glad to be there. What an experience.

As we retired to our small cabin for the night, we felt grateful for this unique experience. Falling asleep instantly, feeling content and happy. We couldn’t wait to see what adventures the next day would bring. We worked almost the same work routine for several days; picking vegetables, re-stocking the food stand, preparing vegetables for the village market, some light cleaning inside their house, such as dishes, dusting, laundry, etc. We always tried to take a lunchtime swim and ended the day around 5. We loved swimming in the cool spring-fed pond; it was out of eyesight from the house and barn, very private and relaxing. On the days when it was hot, they’d take a swim break with us. We were really enjoying this Turkish farm lifestyle. The cousins were super nice and polite. It was a very simplistic way of life.

One evening after dinner, Hamza asked us if we’d like to try some kenevir, or hashish. YES, we answered. Hamza filled a hookah that sat on the floor with some hashish, tobacco, and a touch of opium. It’s a good relaxer he said, as he lit it, took a few draws, and passed it to Alisha who took a few draws and who passed it to Sasha. They passed the two hookah hoses around maybe 4 times. Ahmet asked us how we felt! We were all laying back on the floor pillows in the living room listening to some soft Turkish music. Alisha answered I can’t feel anything, I’m so high Sasha.

I had never smoked opium before and wow! I was so laid back, relaxed, and feeling nothing, thinking how great I feel. I closed my eyes for what seemed like a minute but had to have been a lot longer. When I opened them I was still laying on the floor pillows, in just my panties, my skirt, and my t-shirt. It took me a few minutes to realize where I was and what was happening! As I watched, I felt a mix of shock, arousal, and confusion. I didn’t know how to react or what to do. Alisha clearly was enjoying herself, and I didn’t want to ruin the moment. So, I laid back and closed my eyes again, trying to just let it happen.

Alisha was completely nude and Ahmet was between her legs eating her pussy, while Hamza was laying next to her rubbing her boobs and she was sucking his cock. Without a doubt, she was having fun. I watched this in a sort of hashish/opium-induced fog. Ahmet had eased up between her legs now, spread them a little wider apart while working his cock into a well-eaten juicy pussy.

I watched him increase his tempo after she adjusted to his size, and could hear a lot of squishy sounds from her juices. Ahmet was pumping into her loins a little faster now, I could hear her juicy pussy noises and just then Hamza sort of grunted and released his load into her mouth. Some of his cum squirted out the sides of her mouth. About then Ahmet must have let go, and Alisha was cumming also. I love watching her orgasm. She’s so sexy! Her long, lean legs spread wide, hips moving upwards, meeting his last thrusts, obviously wanting more from him. She relaxed, kissed him, then kissed Hamza. She looked over at me and said look who’s back with the living! Do you want to be next? Why am I undressed? Alisha responded you looked sweaty and uncomfortable laying there *******. It’s really warm in here, so I suggested we change that. Plus Ahmet wanted to see your body, so I undressed you. You were out cold.

Alisha and the guys moved over next to me and began stroking my legs, feet, breasts, and face. Then a few kisses, and light touching of my breasts and neck which started my juices flowing. I was also very high, extremely relaxed, and horny. I wasn’t expecting this to happen and was not sure I wanted what they wanted. But I stopped and said, no I don’t want to do this and resisted their advances. Ahmed said okay we’ll leave alone and respect your decision. I felt a sigh of relief at first through a wandering curiosity. It’d been close to two weeks, since Athens,that I’d had sex with a man, and I was definitely feeling horny after watching them.

I looked over at Alisha lighting the hookah Ahmet had refilled and, I said let me have a couple of hits off that. Alisha passed the hose over and I took 2-3 deep inhales, laid back down on the pillows with my arms up over my head, and my legs in a frog-like pose, and just closed my eyes letting the hash/opium mixture take me away.

I’m not sure how long I lay there, but I felt a hand rubbing my foot and toes, then kissing, sucking, and licking on my toes. A soft hand moved up my thighs, feeling a warm breath and light kisses with some soft caresses on my stomach and breasts. Alisha said it’s just me hon and she continued kissing me, on my neck, throat, and lips. Alisha suckled on my breasts then moved her moist tongue into my mouth for a nice deep kiss, then to down to my other breast, followed by more deep kisses. Our naked bodies moved into a 69 position, where we probed each other deeply with our tongues, sucking and licking, working each other’s G-spots and clits like two horny rabbits. I could taste her juices and Ahmet’s cum in her pussy. This was one of those moments where we got completely lost in each other’s embrace and lovemaking. I enjoyed her taste, pheromones, and feeling our bodies openly express themselves to each other. We completely zoned out that Ahmet and Hamza were watching as neither of them said a word. After cumming multiple times we broke out of our 69, and Alisha moved off of me and snuggled up next to me on my side. I felt a large hand sliding between my legs and up my inner thigh, slowly spreading my legs apart. Easing a finger in then another and a third, laying here fully exposed on my back with my legs wide, Alisha at my side, my arms over my head, and my eyes closed.

Alisha whispered in my ear, baby just enjoy this experience, the guys are magnificent lovers and we’re here to experience life our way. Alisha moved her face to mine, kissed me deeply, and whispered, I love you! She reached down between my wide-open legs and inserted a finger into me, joining Hamza’s fingers. She pulled it out and stuck it in my mouth then hers and said Hmmm you taste good girl!

When Alisha moved off of me, my mind was both curious and aroused by the idea of being with multiple partners at once. But on the other hand, it filled me with guilt due to my upbringing of being a “good girl.”

I sat up and looked at the naked bodies around me, still unsure of what to do next. After a few minutes of silence, Alisha spoke up. “So, are you interested in joining us?” I hesitated, still unsure about what I wanted. But the curiosity was too strong, and before I knew it, I was laying back down on the pillows, my body exposed for all of them to see and take advantage of as I was really much ready for whatever came next.

Hamza took the hint, positioning himself between my legs, and slowly began penetrating me with his hard cock. As he slide into me, the feeling was intense, and I moaned loudly and he began thrusting into me with increasing speed and intensity. It felt great, and I quickly had several mini-orgasms. Ahmet had moved up next to my head, and I gladly opened my mouth and he eased it into my mouth. I was working it with a fervor that I didn’t know I had in me, it tasted fabulous. The combination of all these sensations was driving me wild, and I felt myself getting closer and closer to the edge. Finally, with a loud moan, I came and my whole was body shaking with the ******* of my orgasm. As I lay there, panting and sweaty, the three of them continued to explore my body, teasing and pleasuring me in ways that I had never experienced before. Hamza was still pumping into me, and commenting on how juicy my pussy got when I came and said it was like a minor flood.

The rest of the night was a blur of bodies and pleasure, a haze of ******* and sensations that I could barely comprehend. It was both exhilarating and terrifying, a feeling of being completely out of control and yet strangely alive.

As the night went on, I felt a strange mix of emotions. I was filled with a sense of satisfaction and excitement, having experienced something completely new and exhilarating. But, it also filled me with a sense of regret and guilt. I decided to let go of the guilt and experience life to the fullest.

In the end, it was an experience that would stay with me for the rest of my life, a memory of reckless abandon and the thrill of exploring something new and taboo. But it was also a reminder of the complicated nature of desire and the risks that come with giving in to our most primal instincts.

I was so high, yet aware and able to feel everything that was happening around and to me and it felt intensified to a very high degree, sort of electrifying. I could hear and feel my juices running down my butt crack as Hamza was working my pussy with his cock. He was gentle and Alisha was right, he knew what he was doing and I loved it. I started to slowly gyrate my hips and lift them slightly, letting him know I was ready for his sperm to fill me. Hamza eased out of me and asked for me to get on all fours so he could take me from behind and I could suck Ahmet easier.

I was so close to cumming again that I didn’t want to move but I definitely wanted his cock back inside me ASAP so I quickly did as he asked. I got on my hands and knees and pushed my ass back toward Hamza’s cock. He easily slid back into my extremely wet, waiting pussy. And Ahmet kneeled in front of me with this cock waving like a flagpole and pushed it into my mouth. Hamza fucked me slowly, with no hard pounding, just nice slow deep, pussy filling thrusts. His hard cock inside me felt incredible. I don’t know how long we fucked, (it seemed like forever) but I could tell he was getting close. Then he eased one finger, then a second finger into my asshole, which increased my tightness and sent him over the edge. He released his sperm deep inside me on a slow deep thrust. I could feel his hot love juice hitting my cervix and which caused me to come like I hadn’t cum in a very long time. Sure, I’ve had wonderful orgasms but this time it was simply amazing. Maybe it was the hashish. Whatever, it felt like electricity was shooting through me. I was still sucking on

Ahmet, who had a thicker cock than Hamza, was my first uncircumcised cock and it was a mouthful. As Hamza eased out of me I could tell he had left a huge load as I felt it oozing out of me and down my thigh. Ahmed said some in Turkish to Hamza, and Ahmet pulled out of my mouth and they switched places. Ahmet slid his cock into my very juicy, cum filled pussy. It took him several strokes for me to adapt to his size, but once I did, he held onto my hips and began fucking me faster than Hamza. I found his girth, even with Hamza’s added cum-lube, was a tight fit for me at first. Hamza put his semi-soft, cum covered cock into my mouth which tasted sweet and slightly salty. I was greedily cleaning Hamza’s cum covered cock, enjoying the taste. Ahmet fucked me for what seemed like a good ten minutes, maybe longer, I’m not exactly sure. He had a lot of stamina, that’s for sure. For probably the fifth time I was cumming again, letting my juices flow and he knew it. Having them both inside me pumping and now with our bodies moving in rhythm it was a wild sexy feeling.

They came in me within seconds of each other. I could feel Ahmet releasing deep inside me, as Hamza let go deep into my throat. It was hot, nasty sex the three of us just had. Alisha sat and watched us while taking occasional hookah hits. This night was the start of something fun!

After that session, we all just laid back while catching our breath, whispering, with light touches and kisses. Very romantic, sexy, nasty, hot…fun! Alisha came over and kissed me gently, and she moved us into a sexy 69 again, laying on our sides. We ate each other’s cream pies (it’s our kink), and then separated, kissed deeply, and, broke apart. I could taste Hamza’s cum with her sweet nectar and couldn’t get enough, she was so juicy.

It was around 11 PM and we made up some snacks, smoked a little more, along with a little wine and lots of laughing. The weather was super nice outside. Ahmet built a fire outside in the fire pit and we hung outside in the warm, humid night with a sky full of stars. It was very nice, we had so much fun, we even danced a little for them, naked and barefoot of course! We both later talked about how they have a foot fetish or something. They seemed to always want us barefoot, wanting to caress and rub them when we are laying on the pillows, etc. Before turning in for the night we took a short skinny dip in the pond under a full moon in the warm, humid night to wash off the smoke and dust from dancing, but also the sex. I love that sweaty, musky sex smell we created. Later that night in bed together we made gentle love to celebrate our fresh adventures, meeting and living with the cousins, the sexual fun we just had and possibly to come.

The next morning we slept in until 7:30 versus the 6 am usual wake-up time. Our daily routine was pretty simple, we typically worked five days a week but could take days off when we wanted to explore the countryside and villages. We’d Swim, shower, come into the house and help with dinner, play some games, dance, and enjoy the evening with the cousins. After that first night smoking hash; it began the first of many nights we enjoyed together.

It was a lot of fun going out to dinner or lunch with the Cousins. They treated us very well and were a lot of fun to hang out with. We met a lot of their friends and family. We were never sure what people thought of us, traveling alone, and living on a farm with two guys, but no one asked or made any bad comments towards us. Alisha and I found it strange being in such male, strongly-dominated, Muslim society. Especially being a young American woman traveling alone.

There weren’t lots of places to go out and party, mainly a few small family cafes, coffee, and tea shops. mom and pop places. They did not openly sell alcohol nor was it available anywhere. One day we all drove into the city to celebrate Hamza’s birthday, do some site seeing and explore. We had a pleasant lunch, did some more exploring of the city and later dinner at a fancy restaurant, dancers. Turkey is amazing, with the food, the people, the culture, and the history. Being in Turkey doing what we were doing was so much fun. We loved being here and how we were living. Everyone has treated us very nicely. We offered to help pay but the cousins insisted on paying everything. We spent a little close to five weeks on the farm with the cousins, as we liked to call them. Some nights we would play the Slave Girls game where we could not refuse any request. Other times we played being Queens and ordered them around as our humble servants. We all had a lot of fun. We played a lot of dominoes, spades, and chess.

One evening, they told us they added to the list of duties we had agreed to do around the farm. We were now on call for sex; if they wanted it we couldn’t refuse (unless it was that time) we would perform as they requested. Ahmet said, we would do this as a game, and if you girls don’t want to play we don’t have to, but it could be fun. Alisha immediately said I’m in! I was hesitant but also agreed. Another fantasy coming true. Being a sex slave on call. Alisha and I had given physical control of our bodies to them now. This won’t be in a bad or abusive way, but one where we allow them the enjoyment of our bodies without concern. We noticed the first week, Ahmet gave us sarongs he bought in town and wanted us to wear them. In the evenings after dinner, he tended to be a lot more dominant with Alisha and I. We didn’t mind as we’re pretty submissive with men like the cousins. He said after work and your shower, wear just these at night. So we tried them on for them, Hamza said just wear the sarong around your waist please and keep your breasts exposed. We enjoy viewing your them. You’ll enjoy wearing them due to how comfortable they are and easy to remove. After that night Alisha and I wore our sarongs around our waists as skirts, no tops, and sometimes sandals, usually, they preferred us barefoot. Even when they had evening visitors they instructed us how to wear them, depending on the guest(s). Sometimes we’d have to cover our breasts and dress nicely, other times we’d have to expose them.

There were nights when they just wanted to watch us together. They would sit back, smoke, ******* some wine, barely say a word and just watch us. We didn’t mind as there were many nights we enjoyed each other. Sometimes wanted us s to do something special like lay on our backs with our legs spread and masturbate. Hamza one night said to Alisha something like you two are now our American sex slaves. We want you to stay here forever. And, at the time I didn’t think about it, just sort of laughed about it, but I think they probably considered us as their sex slaves. We didn’t mind it and I know she liked it. There were many nights while we were traveling together and we’d enjoy each other. One night we were laying in our little bed together and Alisha asked if what we are doing is wrong? Because she felt very slutty about Just giving ourselves up to the cousins, letting them have control over our bodies, anytime they wanted to have us. It’s like being a kept concubine or living sex toy for any time use. I told her I felt the same way, but I also found it immensely exciting. I decided to follow Alisha’s lead on this. Mainly because I’m having a lot of fun, love being with Alisha, and sharing this journey we’re on together. I love Turkey and the cousins, I loved being a sex-slave/slutty girl. A lot of nights we talked about what we were doing, the sexual freedom we were experiencing, and doing things we’d never be able to do at home, and this was all with no commitments to anyone. There were a lot of nights we’d lay in our little bed making out with each other for what seemed like hours.

We have been on the farm for just over three weeks and having a great time. Ahmet told us one night he had a new chore to our farm duty list. When we have friends over, there’s a possibility we may offer you to one or more of the guests. I hope you don’t mind, but it’s all part of the household duties we discussed and I amended. There were several evenings when Ahmet or Hamza would have a friend or two over for dinner or tea. They were nice and respectful, and most were married guys which we later learned from Ahmet, Muslim women are very conservative sexually. Typically the evenings were pretty mild. We’d wear our sarongs, topless, barefoot, and serve wine, dinner, desserts, and hookah lighting. Some guys just enjoyed seeing us scantily dressed, others wanted to touch our breasts and more. We took all our clues from the cousins and what they expected from us. Mainly it was us being touched. The men were all very respectful, very gracious towards us, and didn’t ask for anything weird. Some offered us tips. What I found interesting is the various skin tones of some of the Turkish men.

Alisha and I agreed that our time was coming to an end here as the cotton and vegetable harvest was completed and we had places to visit. She had plans to meet with a paper-maker in Jordan so it was time to get moving.

They took us clothes shopping at a Turkish market, purchased some fresh fish, and made us a nice dinner, , and also a nice basket of food for our trip. Hamaz and Ahmet took us to the bus station for our trip to Jordan and asked us to stay in touch along the way to make sure we were safe and to meet again. We thoroughly enjoyed the time we had with the cousins but it was time to continue their journey. We remain in touch with Ahmet, as Hamza passed away from covid.

Alisha and I talked on the bus that it was a good time to depart as we both felt the cousins were getting more demanding in terms of household duties, cleaning, sex, and going from wearing sarongs topless to completely naked some nights. We enjoyed meeting and sometimes entertaining their friends, with flirty dancing, and having open sex with them on occasion. We also thought about the fact we may be turning into their sex slaves! Smoking hash/opium a few nights a week became a much more frequent nightly occurrence, getting super stoned, relaxed, and always giving in to their sexual desires.

We loved the farm, the work we were doing, hanging with the cousins and the life we were leading. Neither of us had ever experienced anything like what we were doing and enjoying. We liked entertaining some of their friends and found them to be a lot of fun. Ahmet asked us several different times about us living on the farm with them and, continuing working for them. We gave that a lot of thought and Alisha and I talked about living there several times. Yes, it would be cool to live a simple farm-style life in Turkey with them.

One thing we both discussed was that we felt like real-life harem girls with our evening dances, being scantily dressed, serving our Masters and sometimes their friends, who started to come around the farm a lot more and wanted more from us. Sexy fun, for sure. But, we also started feeling like hash/opium whores. Every night we’d smoke with the cousins, ******* some wine, then do whatever they wanted of us. We felt it was time to move on to Jordan.

Our bus trip to Jordan took almost two whole days, finally arriving in Amman. Alisha loved paper making which she used to create cards and writing stock that she sold in a couple of stores in Kansas City. The teacher was a “master paper maker” named Abdel. Alisha arranged to tutor under him for a 4-5 weeks to learn new paper-making techniques. We are going to live with him and his wife in a small room they rented us for 100$. We committed to doing some light household duties; light cleaning, laundry, and outside yard work. We shared had a shared bathroom and kitchen, but we had a separate entrance and a small outside private little courtyard we could enjoy. I wasn’t sure how to keep myself busy for the next 5 weeks while Alisha worked with Abdel.

There is a lot more story. Here we are in a photo Ahmet took of us one night.
very hott !!
please read and provide any comments. This is only PART OF THE STORY.
It was the trip of a lifetime, but it almost cost us our marriages. Back in 1985, my very best friend, Alisha, and I, went on a six-month travel adventure. We began in Europe, then Greece, the Middle East, and Africa. We decided to each keep a journal of our trip and write in them as much as we could.

After much discussion and many cocktails, we decided it would be fun to turn them into a sexy, short story as the journals allowed us to compile an accurate account of an amazing trip into a story we hope you’ll enjoy. Sit back and read our accurate story of fun, adventure, lots of sex, *******, and being sluts to strong, domineering men who loved American women. The only thing we struggled with in our journaling was remembering the names of a few of the Arab men we met.

Before we could write anything we needed to come clean with your husbands. Over the years I’d mentioned a few things I (we) did but never the whole shebang! Alisha and I talked a few times about how to handle this and if we should “tell all or hold back.” Me, I voted to hold back! Alisha is more honest and said all or nothing. So we decided on having a “special dinner night” at our house and do a tell-all! Until that night we never really told them much about our trip and they were more than shocked, stupefied, upset, and angry! My hubby said even though he knew I had been with a lot of guys before and some during our marriage, he stated he would not have married me if he had known about THIS past of mine. Anthony shouted, his face red with anger. “You lied to me for years! You slept with dozens of men! If I had known about all of this, I would never have married you and this all explains why your pussy is so big and loose!

Alisha’s husband Brett, wasn’t as shocked as Anthony, him being more open-minded and easygoing. He was still very upset though. We spent the night talking, telling them everything, letting them read our journals, and answering their questions. We all ended up okay at the end of the night.

After coming clean with Brett and Anthony, we asked our good friends if we could use their cabin on the Cape. The small, log cabin cottage, was nestled among the pine trees, overlooking a shimmering lake. The only sounds were the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves. Inside, the cozy fireplace and the soft bed invited us to relax and unwind.

Our Story:

Alisha and I grew up in the Midwest, attended a private college in Kansas City, and met one night at a frat party after our team won an NCAA playoff spot. Alisha and I loved each other as friends, but also as part-time casual lovers. Our shared passion for music, fashion, and adventure, also our mutual fascination with dark-skinned men, who seemed exotic and mysterious to us. We wanted to experience their culture, their language, and their bodies. We stayed in touch over the summer and roomed together during our junior and senior years in an off-campus apartment.

Two years later, we were single and ready to explore new horizons. People suspected we were lesbians because we were always together, we were casually bi with each other, and we slept together a lot! We discovered we were both highly sexual, very open-minded, loved being naked, dancing, and had similar thoughts about life. Unfortunately, our school did not have a lot of cultural diversity but we found UMKC certainly did, however. One Friday evening we bumped into a group of students from UMKC, dressed in cool clothes and carrying a boombox. They told us they were going to a hip-hop party off campus and invited us to join them. We agreed without hesitation, eager to see attend other parties than just the ones at our school. After that night, we began going to their parties just about every weekend if there was nothing happening on our campus.

We had been going to the same parties at the TKE house for too long. It was the most popular spot on our small campus, but it had lost its charm for us. Sure, I had some fun nights there with a few guys whose names I barely remembered. Micky, Mick, something like that. But I was craving some excitement and variety in my social life. UMKC was just a few blocks away from our school, and we heard they had a more lively scene. Sometimes we would take the bus, and other times we would walk if the weather was nice. We didn’t have cars on campus, so we had to make do with what we had.

A few weeks later, we went to another party and met a couple of guys from Amman, Jordan. We were both intrigued by the guys from Jordan, who had dark eyes, olive skin, and thick accents. They were funny, charming, and generous. They also had a rebellious streak, as they drank, smoked, and danced despite their religious background. We wanted to know more about them and their culture. they invited us to a party they were throwing at their apartment, which was decorated with Persian rugs, hookahs, and exotic lamps. There we met some of their friends, who were also from different countries in the Middle East. From there we started hanging out with them including dating a few of them from time to time. Nothing serious, just casual dating and fun.

After graduation, we secured an apartment in Westport, a small area of Kansas City, where we rented a large 1-bedroom apartment. I was working for an IT/telephone startup and Alisha was finishing up law school at UMKC. Our dream had always been to travel the world or at least some of it, seeing unknown places, meeting new people, and having new experiences. We felt restless and bored with our lives in Kansas City. We wanted to escape the routine and have some adventure. Just somewhere different and fun, before our careers took off and life got complicated. One day Alisha came home with some travel pamphlets and we poured over them, admiring the pictures of ancient ruins, exotic markets, and stunning landscapes. Imagine exploring the streets of Athens, riding camels in Petra, and hiking in Kilimanjaro. Alisha said no to any sort of tour group or fixed itinerary. We wanted to travel on our own terms, at our own pace to explore Europe, Greece, Jordan, Israel, Spain, and a few other countries.

The company I was working for got bought out and they offered me a position in Boston or 10 weeks of severance. I took the severance pay and I immediately called Alisha and told her about my company getting bought out, the severance pay, then said we should do our trip. Her response was “Let’s do it. It’s now or never Sasha!” I was psyched! We began planning our trip right away. Wanting to see some of the most beautiful cities in the world, on our own agenda…awesome! We booked our flights, hotels, and activities. It was so exciting to finally be able to take this trip together. We had been talking about it for years and now it was happening! Our plans were to travel for approximately six months before jumping back into our careers.

Alisha had just graduated law school in May, then passed the Bar Exam in July, and she secured a position with a large corporate firm for when she returned. I signed an agreement to move to Mountain View, California to work for an IT software startup called Google. Yes, it paid off!

Until our departure, and without full-time jobs, we got waitressing jobs at the Kansas City Club to help save up money for our trip. It’s a downtown, private, members-only dinner club. The hours were great; the people were wealthy, and it was easy work. We earned great tips waiting on rich folks, think horny old white men! We were pulling in 200-300$ a night, some nights even more. After 2 ½ months of waitressing, saving our money, and lots of planning, we were ready to go!

Alisha’s parents bought our airline tickets and gave her 3,000$ for passing the bar exam! We left on 12 August for Paris and traveled around Europe for two weeks staying in hostels, traveling by train and bus. From Paris, we traveled to Amsterdam, Barcelona, Munich, and Athens. We were excited to visit Greece, lay on the beaches, eat amazing food, and check out if Greek men were everything we had heard or thought.

It took us about three weeks, but we made it to Greece. We planned on spending two weeks exploring the islands and cities. Our plans after Greece were somewhat fluid, as we hadn’t made any solid reservations, except for the two people we were going to visit and stay with for part of our trip. One was a guy I dated a few times and whom I remained in touch with. There’s no love interest there, we just became really close friends; and, Alisha had plans to apprentice with a artist/paper maker from UMKC. They met when he was a visiting professor teaching an art class on papermaking that Alisha had taken. His wife and Alisha, had become good friends while they were in Kansas City. He told her if she was ever in Jordan to come work and apprentice under him. She contacted him and they arranged for her to work with him for five weeks. And, the cool thing was we would be able to stay with him and his wife in a small apartment they had and we’d work-share to cover our room and board.

Athens was beautiful, the food was simply amazing and the people were so friendly. No more Ouzo though! We spent two weeks exploring the islands, sunning topless on the beaches, late-night dinners and a few men. Maybe more than a few! Haha. One afternoon at a cafe we met Ahmet. He was from Turkey visiting some relatives who ran a fish market. He told us he and his cousin Hamza, owned a 5-stremmas (approximately 50 acres) cotton and organic vegetable farm where they also raised rabbits, goats, and chickens. Ahmet was in his early 40s, dark-complexioned, with beautiful brown eyes, very handsome, nicely dressed, spoke good English, and was very polite and well-mannered. He asked us about our travel plans, where we’re headed after Greece, and gave us some suggestions on places to visit. Ahmet mentioned if we were interested in visiting Turkey, they could use light help on the farm for the upcoming harvest and maintaining their farm stand. He said his cousin was managing the farm until he got back in two days. In exchange for working and doing some housework, they would provide free room and board. There was a small house on the property they would stay in, have use of a car, or bicycle if they wanted and plenty of free time to explore.

We spent the rest of the afternoon talking with him, drinking strong coffee, asking about his cousin, finding out about their farm, what we were expected to do, where it is, things to do there, is it safe, and to make sure it was all legit. By the end of the afternoon, we thought why not? It sounds fun, something to do and we love adventure, and we can leave if we don’t like it. We told him we’d come and check out his farm, meet his cousin before completely committing.

Three days later we found ourselves on a 6AM train to the Aegean region of Turkey. The scenery along the way was beautiful. We were getting excited about our new adventure but also scared shitless about what we were doing. It was a long, interesting train ride!

We arrived late in the afternoon wanting a shower, something to eat, and cold to *******. Ahmet and Hamza met us at the train station in their truck. Meeting Hamza, we both thought he was super polite, looked a few years younger than Ahmet, had hair below his shoulders, tall and extremely cute, though not as dark-skinned as Ahmet. All four of us piled into their little Toyota 4-door truck. They took us to a cool little cafe where we had grilled fish, vegetables, salad, figs, olives, fruit, and some great coffee. It was almost 7 pm when we arrived at their farm and the sun was beginning to set with an amazing orange sunset. It was beautiful. I looked over at Alisha and she responded this is cool as *******! After we put our stuff away, we did a quick tour of their farm. It was rustic, somewhat remote, very well kept and neat. They were about 3 miles from the nearest village. Their farm was very cool and had been in their family for several generations. It had a nice barn, a beautiful spring-fed pond with a rope swing. The pond was stocked with trout, and scattered around were olive, fig, date, and almond trees, and beyond that beautifully planted fields of cotton and vegetables. This place was like an artist’s dream come true. The main house was very well-kept, modern, clean, and comfortable. In the smaller house, we had one room, with a single bed, a two-burner gas cook stove, a toilet, and running cold water. It was very basic, small yet clean, and comfortable. Hamza told us there was an outdoor hot water shower we could use on the side of the main house, a place for our towels, and robes.

After a quick dip in the spring-fed swimming pond, we got out some clean clothes and headed to the outdoor shower, only to find there weren’t any walls or doors. Just a pad of small gravel stones and a shower nozzle attached to the side of the house, it did have lots of hot water. We took turns showering and got dressed to help Ahmet and his cousin Hamza fix dinner. We wondered if the cousins could see us showering!! If they did, they never mentioned it to us.

The next day, we had a super delicious breakfast of fruit, figs, eggs, and bread with strong coffee prepared by Hamza. We worked most of the day picking vegetables to sell at the farm stand they had near the road. Around noon, we took a quick skinny dip in the pond to wash off the dust and dirt. We ate a light vegetarian lunch, Hamza made. He’s a great cook we discovered. We all worked until around 5:30, Alisha and I took another dip in the pool, and then a quick hot shower.

As we helped prepare dinner, the sunset and the sky turned a beautiful mix of orange, purple, and pink. We gathered around the outdoor patio and enjoyed a delicious meal, with freshly caught trout from the spring, some grilled vegetables, and a salad of local greens. Everything came from the farm. We also drank some Turkish wine, which was fantastic, and we talked about our plans for the next few days. Ahmet and Hamza were very knowledgeable about the area and suggested some hikes and visits to local villages.

When we finished dinner and cleaning up, Ahmet suggested we go outside and sit around the fire-pit. We talked about our lives in America and they told us about them, the farm, and their family. It was so peaceful there; we felt far away from the hustle and bustle of our busy lives. The sound of the crickets and the sight of the stars made us feel close to nature. It was a beautiful place and we were glad to be there. What an experience.

As we retired to our small cabin for the night, we felt grateful for this unique experience. Falling asleep instantly, feeling content and happy. We couldn’t wait to see what adventures the next day would bring. We worked almost the same work routine for several days; picking vegetables, re-stocking the food stand, preparing vegetables for the village market, some light cleaning inside their house, such as dishes, dusting, laundry, etc. We always tried to take a lunchtime swim and ended the day around 5. We loved swimming in the cool spring-fed pond; it was out of eyesight from the house and barn, very private and relaxing. On the days when it was hot, they’d take a swim break with us. We were really enjoying this Turkish farm lifestyle. The cousins were super nice and polite. It was a very simplistic way of life.

One evening after dinner, Hamza asked us if we’d like to try some kenevir, or hashish. YES, we answered. Hamza filled a hookah that sat on the floor with some hashish, tobacco, and a touch of opium. It’s a good relaxer he said, as he lit it, took a few draws, and passed it to Alisha who took a few draws and who passed it to Sasha. They passed the two hookah hoses around maybe 4 times. Ahmet asked us how we felt! We were all laying back on the floor pillows in the living room listening to some soft Turkish music. Alisha answered I can’t feel anything, I’m so high Sasha.

I had never smoked opium before and wow! I was so laid back, relaxed, and feeling nothing, thinking how great I feel. I closed my eyes for what seemed like a minute but had to have been a lot longer. When I opened them I was still laying on the floor pillows, in just my panties, my skirt, and my t-shirt. It took me a few minutes to realize where I was and what was happening! As I watched, I felt a mix of shock, arousal, and confusion. I didn’t know how to react or what to do. Alisha clearly was enjoying herself, and I didn’t want to ruin the moment. So, I laid back and closed my eyes again, trying to just let it happen.

Alisha was completely nude and Ahmet was between her legs eating her pussy, while Hamza was laying next to her rubbing her boobs and she was sucking his cock. Without a doubt, she was having fun. I watched this in a sort of hashish/opium-induced fog. Ahmet had eased up between her legs now, spread them a little wider apart while working his cock into a well-eaten juicy pussy.

I watched him increase his tempo after she adjusted to his size, and could hear a lot of squishy sounds from her juices. Ahmet was pumping into her loins a little faster now, I could hear her juicy pussy noises and just then Hamza sort of grunted and released his load into her mouth. Some of his cum squirted out the sides of her mouth. About then Ahmet must have let go, and Alisha was cumming also. I love watching her orgasm. She’s so sexy! Her long, lean legs spread wide, hips moving upwards, meeting his last thrusts, obviously wanting more from him. She relaxed, kissed him, then kissed Hamza. She looked over at me and said look who’s back with the living! Do you want to be next? Why am I undressed? Alisha responded you looked sweaty and uncomfortable laying there *******. It’s really warm in here, so I suggested we change that. Plus Ahmet wanted to see your body, so I undressed you. You were out cold.

Alisha and the guys moved over next to me and began stroking my legs, feet, breasts, and face. Then a few kisses, and light touching of my breasts and neck which started my juices flowing. I was also very high, extremely relaxed, and horny. I wasn’t expecting this to happen and was not sure I wanted what they wanted. But I stopped and said, no I don’t want to do this and resisted their advances. Ahmed said okay we’ll leave alone and respect your decision. I felt a sigh of relief at first through a wandering curiosity. It’d been close to two weeks, since Athens,that I’d had sex with a man, and I was definitely feeling horny after watching them.

I looked over at Alisha lighting the hookah Ahmet had refilled and, I said let me have a couple of hits off that. Alisha passed the hose over and I took 2-3 deep inhales, laid back down on the pillows with my arms up over my head, and my legs in a frog-like pose, and just closed my eyes letting the hash/opium mixture take me away.

I’m not sure how long I lay there, but I felt a hand rubbing my foot and toes, then kissing, sucking, and licking on my toes. A soft hand moved up my thighs, feeling a warm breath and light kisses with some soft caresses on my stomach and breasts. Alisha said it’s just me hon and she continued kissing me, on my neck, throat, and lips. Alisha suckled on my breasts then moved her moist tongue into my mouth for a nice deep kiss, then to down to my other breast, followed by more deep kisses. Our naked bodies moved into a 69 position, where we probed each other deeply with our tongues, sucking and licking, working each other’s G-spots and clits like two horny rabbits. I could taste her juices and Ahmet’s cum in her pussy. This was one of those moments where we got completely lost in each other’s embrace and lovemaking. I enjoyed her taste, pheromones, and feeling our bodies openly express themselves to each other. We completely zoned out that Ahmet and Hamza were watching as neither of them said a word. After cumming multiple times we broke out of our 69, and Alisha moved off of me and snuggled up next to me on my side. I felt a large hand sliding between my legs and up my inner thigh, slowly spreading my legs apart. Easing a finger in then another and a third, laying here fully exposed on my back with my legs wide, Alisha at my side, my arms over my head, and my eyes closed.

Alisha whispered in my ear, baby just enjoy this experience, the guys are magnificent lovers and we’re here to experience life our way. Alisha moved her face to mine, kissed me deeply, and whispered, I love you! She reached down between my wide-open legs and inserted a finger into me, joining Hamza’s fingers. She pulled it out and stuck it in my mouth then hers and said Hmmm you taste good girl!

When Alisha moved off of me, my mind was both curious and aroused by the idea of being with multiple partners at once. But on the other hand, it filled me with guilt due to my upbringing of being a “good girl.”

I sat up and looked at the naked bodies around me, still unsure of what to do next. After a few minutes of silence, Alisha spoke up. “So, are you interested in joining us?” I hesitated, still unsure about what I wanted. But the curiosity was too strong, and before I knew it, I was laying back down on the pillows, my body exposed for all of them to see and take advantage of as I was really much ready for whatever came next.

Hamza took the hint, positioning himself between my legs, and slowly began penetrating me with his hard cock. As he slide into me, the feeling was intense, and I moaned loudly and he began thrusting into me with increasing speed and intensity. It felt great, and I quickly had several mini-orgasms. Ahmet had moved up next to my head, and I gladly opened my mouth and he eased it into my mouth. I was working it with a fervor that I didn’t know I had in me, it tasted fabulous. The combination of all these sensations was driving me wild, and I felt myself getting closer and closer to the edge. Finally, with a loud moan, I came and my whole was body shaking with the ******* of my orgasm. As I lay there, panting and sweaty, the three of them continued to explore my body, teasing and pleasuring me in ways that I had never experienced before. Hamza was still pumping into me, and commenting on how juicy my pussy got when I came and said it was like a minor flood.

The rest of the night was a blur of bodies and pleasure, a haze of ******* and sensations that I could barely comprehend. It was both exhilarating and terrifying, a feeling of being completely out of control and yet strangely alive.

As the night went on, I felt a strange mix of emotions. I was filled with a sense of satisfaction and excitement, having experienced something completely new and exhilarating. But, it also filled me with a sense of regret and guilt. I decided to let go of the guilt and experience life to the fullest.

In the end, it was an experience that would stay with me for the rest of my life, a memory of reckless abandon and the thrill of exploring something new and taboo. But it was also a reminder of the complicated nature of desire and the risks that come with giving in to our most primal instincts.

I was so high, yet aware and able to feel everything that was happening around and to me and it felt intensified to a very high degree, sort of electrifying. I could hear and feel my juices running down my butt crack as Hamza was working my pussy with his cock. He was gentle and Alisha was right, he knew what he was doing and I loved it. I started to slowly gyrate my hips and lift them slightly, letting him know I was ready for his sperm to fill me. Hamza eased out of me and asked for me to get on all fours so he could take me from behind and I could suck Ahmet easier.

I was so close to cumming again that I didn’t want to move but I definitely wanted his cock back inside me ASAP so I quickly did as he asked. I got on my hands and knees and pushed my ass back toward Hamza’s cock. He easily slid back into my extremely wet, waiting pussy. And Ahmet kneeled in front of me with this cock waving like a flagpole and pushed it into my mouth. Hamza fucked me slowly, with no hard pounding, just nice slow deep, pussy filling thrusts. His hard cock inside me felt incredible. I don’t know how long we fucked, (it seemed like forever) but I could tell he was getting close. Then he eased one finger, then a second finger into my asshole, which increased my tightness and sent him over the edge. He released his sperm deep inside me on a slow deep thrust. I could feel his hot love juice hitting my cervix and which caused me to come like I hadn’t cum in a very long time. Sure, I’ve had wonderful orgasms but this time it was simply amazing. Maybe it was the hashish. Whatever, it felt like electricity was shooting through me. I was still sucking on

Ahmet, who had a thicker cock than Hamza, was my first uncircumcised cock and it was a mouthful. As Hamza eased out of me I could tell he had left a huge load as I felt it oozing out of me and down my thigh. Ahmed said some in Turkish to Hamza, and Ahmet pulled out of my mouth and they switched places. Ahmet slid his cock into my very juicy, cum filled pussy. It took him several strokes for me to adapt to his size, but once I did, he held onto my hips and began fucking me faster than Hamza. I found his girth, even with Hamza’s added cum-lube, was a tight fit for me at first. Hamza put his semi-soft, cum covered cock into my mouth which tasted sweet and slightly salty. I was greedily cleaning Hamza’s cum covered cock, enjoying the taste. Ahmet fucked me for what seemed like a good ten minutes, maybe longer, I’m not exactly sure. He had a lot of stamina, that’s for sure. For probably the fifth time I was cumming again, letting my juices flow and he knew it. Having them both inside me pumping and now with our bodies moving in rhythm it was a wild sexy feeling.

They came in me within seconds of each other. I could feel Ahmet releasing deep inside me, as Hamza let go deep into my throat. It was hot, nasty sex the three of us just had. Alisha sat and watched us while taking occasional hookah hits. This night was the start of something fun!

After that session, we all just laid back while catching our breath, whispering, with light touches and kisses. Very romantic, sexy, nasty, hot…fun! Alisha came over and kissed me gently, and she moved us into a sexy 69 again, laying on our sides. We ate each other’s cream pies (it’s our kink), and then separated, kissed deeply, and, broke apart. I could taste Hamza’s cum with her sweet nectar and couldn’t get enough, she was so juicy.

It was around 11 PM and we made up some snacks, smoked a little more, along with a little wine and lots of laughing. The weather was super nice outside. Ahmet built a fire outside in the fire pit and we hung outside in the warm, humid night with a sky full of stars. It was very nice, we had so much fun, we even danced a little for them, naked and barefoot of course! We both later talked about how they have a foot fetish or something. They seemed to always want us barefoot, wanting to caress and rub them when we are laying on the pillows, etc. Before turning in for the night we took a short skinny dip in the pond under a full moon in the warm, humid night to wash off the smoke and dust from dancing, but also the sex. I love that sweaty, musky sex smell we created. Later that night in bed together we made gentle love to celebrate our fresh adventures, meeting and living with the cousins, the sexual fun we just had and possibly to come.

The next morning we slept in until 7:30 versus the 6 am usual wake-up time. Our daily routine was pretty simple, we typically worked five days a week but could take days off when we wanted to explore the countryside and villages. We’d Swim, shower, come into the house and help with dinner, play some games, dance, and enjoy the evening with the cousins. After that first night smoking hash; it began the first of many nights we enjoyed together.

It was a lot of fun going out to dinner or lunch with the Cousins. They treated us very well and were a lot of fun to hang out with. We met a lot of their friends and family. We were never sure what people thought of us, traveling alone, and living on a farm with two guys, but no one asked or made any bad comments towards us. Alisha and I found it strange being in such male, strongly-dominated, Muslim society. Especially being a young American woman traveling alone.

There weren’t lots of places to go out and party, mainly a few small family cafes, coffee, and tea shops. mom and pop places. They did not openly sell alcohol nor was it available anywhere. One day we all drove into the city to celebrate Hamza’s birthday, do some site seeing and explore. We had a pleasant lunch, did some more exploring of the city and later dinner at a fancy restaurant, dancers. Turkey is amazing, with the food, the people, the culture, and the history. Being in Turkey doing what we were doing was so much fun. We loved being here and how we were living. Everyone has treated us very nicely. We offered to help pay but the cousins insisted on paying everything. We spent a little close to five weeks on the farm with the cousins, as we liked to call them. Some nights we would play the Slave Girls game where we could not refuse any request. Other times we played being Queens and ordered them around as our humble servants. We all had a lot of fun. We played a lot of dominoes, spades, and chess.

One evening, they told us they added to the list of duties we had agreed to do around the farm. We were now on call for sex; if they wanted it we couldn’t refuse (unless it was that time) we would perform as they requested. Ahmet said, we would do this as a game, and if you girls don’t want to play we don’t have to, but it could be fun. Alisha immediately said I’m in! I was hesitant but also agreed. Another fantasy coming true. Being a sex slave on call. Alisha and I had given physical control of our bodies to them now. This won’t be in a bad or abusive way, but one where we allow them the enjoyment of our bodies without concern. We noticed the first week, Ahmet gave us sarongs he bought in town and wanted us to wear them. In the evenings after dinner, he tended to be a lot more dominant with Alisha and I. We didn’t mind as we’re pretty submissive with men like the cousins. He said after work and your shower, wear just these at night. So we tried them on for them, Hamza said just wear the sarong around your waist please and keep your breasts exposed. We enjoy viewing your them. You’ll enjoy wearing them due to how comfortable they are and easy to remove. After that night Alisha and I wore our sarongs around our waists as skirts, no tops, and sometimes sandals, usually, they preferred us barefoot. Even when they had evening visitors they instructed us how to wear them, depending on the guest(s). Sometimes we’d have to cover our breasts and dress nicely, other times we’d have to expose them.

There were nights when they just wanted to watch us together. They would sit back, smoke, ******* some wine, barely say a word and just watch us. We didn’t mind as there were many nights we enjoyed each other. Sometimes wanted us s to do something special like lay on our backs with our legs spread and masturbate. Hamza one night said to Alisha something like you two are now our American sex slaves. We want you to stay here forever. And, at the time I didn’t think about it, just sort of laughed about it, but I think they probably considered us as their sex slaves. We didn’t mind it and I know she liked it. There were many nights while we were traveling together and we’d enjoy each other. One night we were laying in our little bed together and Alisha asked if what we are doing is wrong? Because she felt very slutty about Just giving ourselves up to the cousins, letting them have control over our bodies, anytime they wanted to have us. It’s like being a kept concubine or living sex toy for any time use. I told her I felt the same way, but I also found it immensely exciting. I decided to follow Alisha’s lead on this. Mainly because I’m having a lot of fun, love being with Alisha, and sharing this journey we’re on together. I love Turkey and the cousins, I loved being a sex-slave/slutty girl. A lot of nights we talked about what we were doing, the sexual freedom we were experiencing, and doing things we’d never be able to do at home, and this was all with no commitments to anyone. There were a lot of nights we’d lay in our little bed making out with each other for what seemed like hours.

We have been on the farm for just over three weeks and having a great time. Ahmet told us one night he had a new chore to our farm duty list. When we have friends over, there’s a possibility we may offer you to one or more of the guests. I hope you don’t mind, but it’s all part of the household duties we discussed and I amended. There were several evenings when Ahmet or Hamza would have a friend or two over for dinner or tea. They were nice and respectful, and most were married guys which we later learned from Ahmet, Muslim women are very conservative sexually. Typically the evenings were pretty mild. We’d wear our sarongs, topless, barefoot, and serve wine, dinner, desserts, and hookah lighting. Some guys just enjoyed seeing us scantily dressed, others wanted to touch our breasts and more. We took all our clues from the cousins and what they expected from us. Mainly it was us being touched. The men were all very respectful, very gracious towards us, and didn’t ask for anything weird. Some offered us tips. What I found interesting is the various skin tones of some of the Turkish men.

Alisha and I agreed that our time was coming to an end here as the cotton and vegetable harvest was completed and we had places to visit. She had plans to meet with a paper-maker in Jordan so it was time to get moving.

They took us clothes shopping at a Turkish market, purchased some fresh fish, and made us a nice dinner, , and also a nice basket of food for our trip. Hamaz and Ahmet took us to the bus station for our trip to Jordan and asked us to stay in touch along the way to make sure we were safe and to meet again. We thoroughly enjoyed the time we had with the cousins but it was time to continue their journey. We remain in touch with Ahmet, as Hamza passed away from covid.

Alisha and I talked on the bus that it was a good time to depart as we both felt the cousins were getting more demanding in terms of household duties, cleaning, sex, and going from wearing sarongs topless to completely naked some nights. We enjoyed meeting and sometimes entertaining their friends, with flirty dancing, and having open sex with them on occasion. We also thought about the fact we may be turning into their sex slaves! Smoking hash/opium a few nights a week became a much more frequent nightly occurrence, getting super stoned, relaxed, and always giving in to their sexual desires.

We loved the farm, the work we were doing, hanging with the cousins and the life we were leading. Neither of us had ever experienced anything like what we were doing and enjoying. We liked entertaining some of their friends and found them to be a lot of fun. Ahmet asked us several different times about us living on the farm with them and, continuing working for them. We gave that a lot of thought and Alisha and I talked about living there several times. Yes, it would be cool to live a simple farm-style life in Turkey with them.

One thing we both discussed was that we felt like real-life harem girls with our evening dances, being scantily dressed, serving our Masters and sometimes their friends, who started to come around the farm a lot more and wanted more from us. Sexy fun, for sure. But, we also started feeling like hash/opium whores. Every night we’d smoke with the cousins, ******* some wine, then do whatever they wanted of us. We felt it was time to move on to Jordan.

Our bus trip to Jordan took almost two whole days, finally arriving in Amman. Alisha loved paper making which she used to create cards and writing stock that she sold in a couple of stores in Kansas City. The teacher was a “master paper maker” named Abdel. Alisha arranged to tutor under him for a 4-5 weeks to learn new paper-making techniques. We are going to live with him and his wife in a small room they rented us for 100$. We committed to doing some light household duties; light cleaning, laundry, and outside yard work. We shared had a shared bathroom and kitchen, but we had a separate entrance and a small outside private little courtyard we could enjoy. I wasn’t sure how to keep myself busy for the next 5 weeks while Alisha worked with Abdel.

There is a lot more story. Here we are in a photo Ahmet took of us one night.
Your wife’s a smoke show goddamn! Would love more especially the vintage pics 🤤
please read and provide any comments. This is only PART OF THE STORY.
It was the trip of a lifetime, but it almost cost us our marriages. Back in 1985, my very best friend, Alisha, and I, went on a six-month travel adventure. We began in Europe, then Greece, the Middle East, and Africa. We decided to each keep a journal of our trip and write in them as much as we could.

After much discussion and many cocktails, we decided it would be fun to turn them into a sexy, short story as the journals allowed us to compile an accurate account of an amazing trip into a story we hope you’ll enjoy. Sit back and read our accurate story of fun, adventure, lots of sex, *******, and being sluts to strong, domineering men who loved American women. The only thing we struggled with in our journaling was remembering the names of a few of the Arab men we met.

Before we could write anything we needed to come clean with your husbands. Over the years I’d mentioned a few things I (we) did but never the whole shebang! Alisha and I talked a few times about how to handle this and if we should “tell all or hold back.” Me, I voted to hold back! Alisha is more honest and said all or nothing. So we decided on having a “special dinner night” at our house and do a tell-all! Until that night we never really told them much about our trip and they were more than shocked, stupefied, upset, and angry! My hubby said even though he knew I had been with a lot of guys before and some during our marriage, he stated he would not have married me if he had known about THIS past of mine. Anthony shouted, his face red with anger. “You lied to me for years! You slept with dozens of men! If I had known about all of this, I would never have married you and this all explains why your pussy is so big and loose!

Alisha’s husband Brett, wasn’t as shocked as Anthony, him being more open-minded and easygoing. He was still very upset though. We spent the night talking, telling them everything, letting them read our journals, and answering their questions. We all ended up okay at the end of the night.

After coming clean with Brett and Anthony, we asked our good friends if we could use their cabin on the Cape. The small, log cabin cottage, was nestled among the pine trees, overlooking a shimmering lake. The only sounds were the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves. Inside, the cozy fireplace and the soft bed invited us to relax and unwind.

Our Story:

Alisha and I grew up in the Midwest, attended a private college in Kansas City, and met one night at a frat party after our team won an NCAA playoff spot. Alisha and I loved each other as friends, but also as part-time casual lovers. Our shared passion for music, fashion, and adventure, also our mutual fascination with dark-skinned men, who seemed exotic and mysterious to us. We wanted to experience their culture, their language, and their bodies. We stayed in touch over the summer and roomed together during our junior and senior years in an off-campus apartment.

Two years later, we were single and ready to explore new horizons. People suspected we were lesbians because we were always together, we were casually bi with each other, and we slept together a lot! We discovered we were both highly sexual, very open-minded, loved being naked, dancing, and had similar thoughts about life. Unfortunately, our school did not have a lot of cultural diversity but we found UMKC certainly did, however. One Friday evening we bumped into a group of students from UMKC, dressed in cool clothes and carrying a boombox. They told us they were going to a hip-hop party off campus and invited us to join them. We agreed without hesitation, eager to see attend other parties than just the ones at our school. After that night, we began going to their parties just about every weekend if there was nothing happening on our campus.

We had been going to the same parties at the TKE house for too long. It was the most popular spot on our small campus, but it had lost its charm for us. Sure, I had some fun nights there with a few guys whose names I barely remembered. Micky, Mick, something like that. But I was craving some excitement and variety in my social life. UMKC was just a few blocks away from our school, and we heard they had a more lively scene. Sometimes we would take the bus, and other times we would walk if the weather was nice. We didn’t have cars on campus, so we had to make do with what we had.

A few weeks later, we went to another party and met a couple of guys from Amman, Jordan. We were both intrigued by the guys from Jordan, who had dark eyes, olive skin, and thick accents. They were funny, charming, and generous. They also had a rebellious streak, as they drank, smoked, and danced despite their religious background. We wanted to know more about them and their culture. they invited us to a party they were throwing at their apartment, which was decorated with Persian rugs, hookahs, and exotic lamps. There we met some of their friends, who were also from different countries in the Middle East. From there we started hanging out with them including dating a few of them from time to time. Nothing serious, just casual dating and fun.

After graduation, we secured an apartment in Westport, a small area of Kansas City, where we rented a large 1-bedroom apartment. I was working for an IT/telephone startup and Alisha was finishing up law school at UMKC. Our dream had always been to travel the world or at least some of it, seeing unknown places, meeting new people, and having new experiences. We felt restless and bored with our lives in Kansas City. We wanted to escape the routine and have some adventure. Just somewhere different and fun, before our careers took off and life got complicated. One day Alisha came home with some travel pamphlets and we poured over them, admiring the pictures of ancient ruins, exotic markets, and stunning landscapes. Imagine exploring the streets of Athens, riding camels in Petra, and hiking in Kilimanjaro. Alisha said no to any sort of tour group or fixed itinerary. We wanted to travel on our own terms, at our own pace to explore Europe, Greece, Jordan, Israel, Spain, and a few other countries.

The company I was working for got bought out and they offered me a position in Boston or 10 weeks of severance. I took the severance pay and I immediately called Alisha and told her about my company getting bought out, the severance pay, then said we should do our trip. Her response was “Let’s do it. It’s now or never Sasha!” I was psyched! We began planning our trip right away. Wanting to see some of the most beautiful cities in the world, on our own agenda…awesome! We booked our flights, hotels, and activities. It was so exciting to finally be able to take this trip together. We had been talking about it for years and now it was happening! Our plans were to travel for approximately six months before jumping back into our careers.

Alisha had just graduated law school in May, then passed the Bar Exam in July, and she secured a position with a large corporate firm for when she returned. I signed an agreement to move to Mountain View, California to work for an IT software startup called Google. Yes, it paid off!

Until our departure, and without full-time jobs, we got waitressing jobs at the Kansas City Club to help save up money for our trip. It’s a downtown, private, members-only dinner club. The hours were great; the people were wealthy, and it was easy work. We earned great tips waiting on rich folks, think horny old white men! We were pulling in 200-300$ a night, some nights even more. After 2 ½ months of waitressing, saving our money, and lots of planning, we were ready to go!

Alisha’s parents bought our airline tickets and gave her 3,000$ for passing the bar exam! We left on 12 August for Paris and traveled around Europe for two weeks staying in hostels, traveling by train and bus. From Paris, we traveled to Amsterdam, Barcelona, Munich, and Athens. We were excited to visit Greece, lay on the beaches, eat amazing food, and check out if Greek men were everything we had heard or thought.

It took us about three weeks, but we made it to Greece. We planned on spending two weeks exploring the islands and cities. Our plans after Greece were somewhat fluid, as we hadn’t made any solid reservations, except for the two people we were going to visit and stay with for part of our trip. One was a guy I dated a few times and whom I remained in touch with. There’s no love interest there, we just became really close friends; and, Alisha had plans to apprentice with a artist/paper maker from UMKC. They met when he was a visiting professor teaching an art class on papermaking that Alisha had taken. His wife and Alisha, had become good friends while they were in Kansas City. He told her if she was ever in Jordan to come work and apprentice under him. She contacted him and they arranged for her to work with him for five weeks. And, the cool thing was we would be able to stay with him and his wife in a small apartment they had and we’d work-share to cover our room and board.

Athens was beautiful, the food was simply amazing and the people were so friendly. No more Ouzo though! We spent two weeks exploring the islands, sunning topless on the beaches, late-night dinners and a few men. Maybe more than a few! Haha. One afternoon at a cafe we met Ahmet. He was from Turkey visiting some relatives who ran a fish market. He told us he and his cousin Hamza, owned a 5-stremmas (approximately 50 acres) cotton and organic vegetable farm where they also raised rabbits, goats, and chickens. Ahmet was in his early 40s, dark-complexioned, with beautiful brown eyes, very handsome, nicely dressed, spoke good English, and was very polite and well-mannered. He asked us about our travel plans, where we’re headed after Greece, and gave us some suggestions on places to visit. Ahmet mentioned if we were interested in visiting Turkey, they could use light help on the farm for the upcoming harvest and maintaining their farm stand. He said his cousin was managing the farm until he got back in two days. In exchange for working and doing some housework, they would provide free room and board. There was a small house on the property they would stay in, have use of a car, or bicycle if they wanted and plenty of free time to explore.

We spent the rest of the afternoon talking with him, drinking strong coffee, asking about his cousin, finding out about their farm, what we were expected to do, where it is, things to do there, is it safe, and to make sure it was all legit. By the end of the afternoon, we thought why not? It sounds fun, something to do and we love adventure, and we can leave if we don’t like it. We told him we’d come and check out his farm, meet his cousin before completely committing.

Three days later we found ourselves on a 6AM train to the Aegean region of Turkey. The scenery along the way was beautiful. We were getting excited about our new adventure but also scared shitless about what we were doing. It was a long, interesting train ride!

We arrived late in the afternoon wanting a shower, something to eat, and cold to *******. Ahmet and Hamza met us at the train station in their truck. Meeting Hamza, we both thought he was super polite, looked a few years younger than Ahmet, had hair below his shoulders, tall and extremely cute, though not as dark-skinned as Ahmet. All four of us piled into their little Toyota 4-door truck. They took us to a cool little cafe where we had grilled fish, vegetables, salad, figs, olives, fruit, and some great coffee. It was almost 7 pm when we arrived at their farm and the sun was beginning to set with an amazing orange sunset. It was beautiful. I looked over at Alisha and she responded this is cool as *******! After we put our stuff away, we did a quick tour of their farm. It was rustic, somewhat remote, very well kept and neat. They were about 3 miles from the nearest village. Their farm was very cool and had been in their family for several generations. It had a nice barn, a beautiful spring-fed pond with a rope swing. The pond was stocked with trout, and scattered around were olive, fig, date, and almond trees, and beyond that beautifully planted fields of cotton and vegetables. This place was like an artist’s dream come true. The main house was very well-kept, modern, clean, and comfortable. In the smaller house, we had one room, with a single bed, a two-burner gas cook stove, a toilet, and running cold water. It was very basic, small yet clean, and comfortable. Hamza told us there was an outdoor hot water shower we could use on the side of the main house, a place for our towels, and robes.

After a quick dip in the spring-fed swimming pond, we got out some clean clothes and headed to the outdoor shower, only to find there weren’t any walls or doors. Just a pad of small gravel stones and a shower nozzle attached to the side of the house, it did have lots of hot water. We took turns showering and got dressed to help Ahmet and his cousin Hamza fix dinner. We wondered if the cousins could see us showering!! If they did, they never mentioned it to us.

The next day, we had a super delicious breakfast of fruit, figs, eggs, and bread with strong coffee prepared by Hamza. We worked most of the day picking vegetables to sell at the farm stand they had near the road. Around noon, we took a quick skinny dip in the pond to wash off the dust and dirt. We ate a light vegetarian lunch, Hamza made. He’s a great cook we discovered. We all worked until around 5:30, Alisha and I took another dip in the pool, and then a quick hot shower.

As we helped prepare dinner, the sunset and the sky turned a beautiful mix of orange, purple, and pink. We gathered around the outdoor patio and enjoyed a delicious meal, with freshly caught trout from the spring, some grilled vegetables, and a salad of local greens. Everything came from the farm. We also drank some Turkish wine, which was fantastic, and we talked about our plans for the next few days. Ahmet and Hamza were very knowledgeable about the area and suggested some hikes and visits to local villages.

When we finished dinner and cleaning up, Ahmet suggested we go outside and sit around the fire-pit. We talked about our lives in America and they told us about them, the farm, and their family. It was so peaceful there; we felt far away from the hustle and bustle of our busy lives. The sound of the crickets and the sight of the stars made us feel close to nature. It was a beautiful place and we were glad to be there. What an experience.

As we retired to our small cabin for the night, we felt grateful for this unique experience. Falling asleep instantly, feeling content and happy. We couldn’t wait to see what adventures the next day would bring. We worked almost the same work routine for several days; picking vegetables, re-stocking the food stand, preparing vegetables for the village market, some light cleaning inside their house, such as dishes, dusting, laundry, etc. We always tried to take a lunchtime swim and ended the day around 5. We loved swimming in the cool spring-fed pond; it was out of eyesight from the house and barn, very private and relaxing. On the days when it was hot, they’d take a swim break with us. We were really enjoying this Turkish farm lifestyle. The cousins were super nice and polite. It was a very simplistic way of life.

One evening after dinner, Hamza asked us if we’d like to try some kenevir, or hashish. YES, we answered. Hamza filled a hookah that sat on the floor with some hashish, tobacco, and a touch of opium. It’s a good relaxer he said, as he lit it, took a few draws, and passed it to Alisha who took a few draws and who passed it to Sasha. They passed the two hookah hoses around maybe 4 times. Ahmet asked us how we felt! We were all laying back on the floor pillows in the living room listening to some soft Turkish music. Alisha answered I can’t feel anything, I’m so high Sasha.

I had never smoked opium before and wow! I was so laid back, relaxed, and feeling nothing, thinking how great I feel. I closed my eyes for what seemed like a minute but had to have been a lot longer. When I opened them I was still laying on the floor pillows, in just my panties, my skirt, and my t-shirt. It took me a few minutes to realize where I was and what was happening! As I watched, I felt a mix of shock, arousal, and confusion. I didn’t know how to react or what to do. Alisha clearly was enjoying herself, and I didn’t want to ruin the moment. So, I laid back and closed my eyes again, trying to just let it happen.

Alisha was completely nude and Ahmet was between her legs eating her pussy, while Hamza was laying next to her rubbing her boobs and she was sucking his cock. Without a doubt, she was having fun. I watched this in a sort of hashish/opium-induced fog. Ahmet had eased up between her legs now, spread them a little wider apart while working his cock into a well-eaten juicy pussy.

I watched him increase his tempo after she adjusted to his size, and could hear a lot of squishy sounds from her juices. Ahmet was pumping into her loins a little faster now, I could hear her juicy pussy noises and just then Hamza sort of grunted and released his load into her mouth. Some of his cum squirted out the sides of her mouth. About then Ahmet must have let go, and Alisha was cumming also. I love watching her orgasm. She’s so sexy! Her long, lean legs spread wide, hips moving upwards, meeting his last thrusts, obviously wanting more from him. She relaxed, kissed him, then kissed Hamza. She looked over at me and said look who’s back with the living! Do you want to be next? Why am I undressed? Alisha responded you looked sweaty and uncomfortable laying there *******. It’s really warm in here, so I suggested we change that. Plus Ahmet wanted to see your body, so I undressed you. You were out cold.

Alisha and the guys moved over next to me and began stroking my legs, feet, breasts, and face. Then a few kisses, and light touching of my breasts and neck which started my juices flowing. I was also very high, extremely relaxed, and horny. I wasn’t expecting this to happen and was not sure I wanted what they wanted. But I stopped and said, no I don’t want to do this and resisted their advances. Ahmed said okay we’ll leave alone and respect your decision. I felt a sigh of relief at first through a wandering curiosity. It’d been close to two weeks, since Athens,that I’d had sex with a man, and I was definitely feeling horny after watching them.

I looked over at Alisha lighting the hookah Ahmet had refilled and, I said let me have a couple of hits off that. Alisha passed the hose over and I took 2-3 deep inhales, laid back down on the pillows with my arms up over my head, and my legs in a frog-like pose, and just closed my eyes letting the hash/opium mixture take me away.

I’m not sure how long I lay there, but I felt a hand rubbing my foot and toes, then kissing, sucking, and licking on my toes. A soft hand moved up my thighs, feeling a warm breath and light kisses with some soft caresses on my stomach and breasts. Alisha said it’s just me hon and she continued kissing me, on my neck, throat, and lips. Alisha suckled on my breasts then moved her moist tongue into my mouth for a nice deep kiss, then to down to my other breast, followed by more deep kisses. Our naked bodies moved into a 69 position, where we probed each other deeply with our tongues, sucking and licking, working each other’s G-spots and clits like two horny rabbits. I could taste her juices and Ahmet’s cum in her pussy. This was one of those moments where we got completely lost in each other’s embrace and lovemaking. I enjoyed her taste, pheromones, and feeling our bodies openly express themselves to each other. We completely zoned out that Ahmet and Hamza were watching as neither of them said a word. After cumming multiple times we broke out of our 69, and Alisha moved off of me and snuggled up next to me on my side. I felt a large hand sliding between my legs and up my inner thigh, slowly spreading my legs apart. Easing a finger in then another and a third, laying here fully exposed on my back with my legs wide, Alisha at my side, my arms over my head, and my eyes closed.

Alisha whispered in my ear, baby just enjoy this experience, the guys are magnificent lovers and we’re here to experience life our way. Alisha moved her face to mine, kissed me deeply, and whispered, I love you! She reached down between my wide-open legs and inserted a finger into me, joining Hamza’s fingers. She pulled it out and stuck it in my mouth then hers and said Hmmm you taste good girl!

When Alisha moved off of me, my mind was both curious and aroused by the idea of being with multiple partners at once. But on the other hand, it filled me with guilt due to my upbringing of being a “good girl.”

I sat up and looked at the naked bodies around me, still unsure of what to do next. After a few minutes of silence, Alisha spoke up. “So, are you interested in joining us?” I hesitated, still unsure about what I wanted. But the curiosity was too strong, and before I knew it, I was laying back down on the pillows, my body exposed for all of them to see and take advantage of as I was really much ready for whatever came next.

Hamza took the hint, positioning himself between my legs, and slowly began penetrating me with his hard cock. As he slide into me, the feeling was intense, and I moaned loudly and he began thrusting into me with increasing speed and intensity. It felt great, and I quickly had several mini-orgasms. Ahmet had moved up next to my head, and I gladly opened my mouth and he eased it into my mouth. I was working it with a fervor that I didn’t know I had in me, it tasted fabulous. The combination of all these sensations was driving me wild, and I felt myself getting closer and closer to the edge. Finally, with a loud moan, I came and my whole was body shaking with the ******* of my orgasm. As I lay there, panting and sweaty, the three of them continued to explore my body, teasing and pleasuring me in ways that I had never experienced before. Hamza was still pumping into me, and commenting on how juicy my pussy got when I came and said it was like a minor flood.

The rest of the night was a blur of bodies and pleasure, a haze of ******* and sensations that I could barely comprehend. It was both exhilarating and terrifying, a feeling of being completely out of control and yet strangely alive.

As the night went on, I felt a strange mix of emotions. I was filled with a sense of satisfaction and excitement, having experienced something completely new and exhilarating. But, it also filled me with a sense of regret and guilt. I decided to let go of the guilt and experience life to the fullest.

In the end, it was an experience that would stay with me for the rest of my life, a memory of reckless abandon and the thrill of exploring something new and taboo. But it was also a reminder of the complicated nature of desire and the risks that come with giving in to our most primal instincts.

I was so high, yet aware and able to feel everything that was happening around and to me and it felt intensified to a very high degree, sort of electrifying. I could hear and feel my juices running down my butt crack as Hamza was working my pussy with his cock. He was gentle and Alisha was right, he knew what he was doing and I loved it. I started to slowly gyrate my hips and lift them slightly, letting him know I was ready for his sperm to fill me. Hamza eased out of me and asked for me to get on all fours so he could take me from behind and I could suck Ahmet easier.

I was so close to cumming again that I didn’t want to move but I definitely wanted his cock back inside me ASAP so I quickly did as he asked. I got on my hands and knees and pushed my ass back toward Hamza’s cock. He easily slid back into my extremely wet, waiting pussy. And Ahmet kneeled in front of me with this cock waving like a flagpole and pushed it into my mouth. Hamza fucked me slowly, with no hard pounding, just nice slow deep, pussy filling thrusts. His hard cock inside me felt incredible. I don’t know how long we fucked, (it seemed like forever) but I could tell he was getting close. Then he eased one finger, then a second finger into my asshole, which increased my tightness and sent him over the edge. He released his sperm deep inside me on a slow deep thrust. I could feel his hot love juice hitting my cervix and which caused me to come like I hadn’t cum in a very long time. Sure, I’ve had wonderful orgasms but this time it was simply amazing. Maybe it was the hashish. Whatever, it felt like electricity was shooting through me. I was still sucking on

Ahmet, who had a thicker cock than Hamza, was my first uncircumcised cock and it was a mouthful. As Hamza eased out of me I could tell he had left a huge load as I felt it oozing out of me and down my thigh. Ahmed said some in Turkish to Hamza, and Ahmet pulled out of my mouth and they switched places. Ahmet slid his cock into my very juicy, cum filled pussy. It took him several strokes for me to adapt to his size, but once I did, he held onto my hips and began fucking me faster than Hamza. I found his girth, even with Hamza’s added cum-lube, was a tight fit for me at first. Hamza put his semi-soft, cum covered cock into my mouth which tasted sweet and slightly salty. I was greedily cleaning Hamza’s cum covered cock, enjoying the taste. Ahmet fucked me for what seemed like a good ten minutes, maybe longer, I’m not exactly sure. He had a lot of stamina, that’s for sure. For probably the fifth time I was cumming again, letting my juices flow and he knew it. Having them both inside me pumping and now with our bodies moving in rhythm it was a wild sexy feeling.

They came in me within seconds of each other. I could feel Ahmet releasing deep inside me, as Hamza let go deep into my throat. It was hot, nasty sex the three of us just had. Alisha sat and watched us while taking occasional hookah hits. This night was the start of something fun!

After that session, we all just laid back while catching our breath, whispering, with light touches and kisses. Very romantic, sexy, nasty, hot…fun! Alisha came over and kissed me gently, and she moved us into a sexy 69 again, laying on our sides. We ate each other’s cream pies (it’s our kink), and then separated, kissed deeply, and, broke apart. I could taste Hamza’s cum with her sweet nectar and couldn’t get enough, she was so juicy.

It was around 11 PM and we made up some snacks, smoked a little more, along with a little wine and lots of laughing. The weather was super nice outside. Ahmet built a fire outside in the fire pit and we hung outside in the warm, humid night with a sky full of stars. It was very nice, we had so much fun, we even danced a little for them, naked and barefoot of course! We both later talked about how they have a foot fetish or something. They seemed to always want us barefoot, wanting to caress and rub them when we are laying on the pillows, etc. Before turning in for the night we took a short skinny dip in the pond under a full moon in the warm, humid night to wash off the smoke and dust from dancing, but also the sex. I love that sweaty, musky sex smell we created. Later that night in bed together we made gentle love to celebrate our fresh adventures, meeting and living with the cousins, the sexual fun we just had and possibly to come.

The next morning we slept in until 7:30 versus the 6 am usual wake-up time. Our daily routine was pretty simple, we typically worked five days a week but could take days off when we wanted to explore the countryside and villages. We’d Swim, shower, come into the house and help with dinner, play some games, dance, and enjoy the evening with the cousins. After that first night smoking hash; it began the first of many nights we enjoyed together.

It was a lot of fun going out to dinner or lunch with the Cousins. They treated us very well and were a lot of fun to hang out with. We met a lot of their friends and family. We were never sure what people thought of us, traveling alone, and living on a farm with two guys, but no one asked or made any bad comments towards us. Alisha and I found it strange being in such male, strongly-dominated, Muslim society. Especially being a young American woman traveling alone.

There weren’t lots of places to go out and party, mainly a few small family cafes, coffee, and tea shops. mom and pop places. They did not openly sell alcohol nor was it available anywhere. One day we all drove into the city to celebrate Hamza’s birthday, do some site seeing and explore. We had a pleasant lunch, did some more exploring of the city and later dinner at a fancy restaurant, dancers. Turkey is amazing, with the food, the people, the culture, and the history. Being in Turkey doing what we were doing was so much fun. We loved being here and how we were living. Everyone has treated us very nicely. We offered to help pay but the cousins insisted on paying everything. We spent a little close to five weeks on the farm with the cousins, as we liked to call them. Some nights we would play the Slave Girls game where we could not refuse any request. Other times we played being Queens and ordered them around as our humble servants. We all had a lot of fun. We played a lot of dominoes, spades, and chess.

One evening, they told us they added to the list of duties we had agreed to do around the farm. We were now on call for sex; if they wanted it we couldn’t refuse (unless it was that time) we would perform as they requested. Ahmet said, we would do this as a game, and if you girls don’t want to play we don’t have to, but it could be fun. Alisha immediately said I’m in! I was hesitant but also agreed. Another fantasy coming true. Being a sex slave on call. Alisha and I had given physical control of our bodies to them now. This won’t be in a bad or abusive way, but one where we allow them the enjoyment of our bodies without concern. We noticed the first week, Ahmet gave us sarongs he bought in town and wanted us to wear them. In the evenings after dinner, he tended to be a lot more dominant with Alisha and I. We didn’t mind as we’re pretty submissive with men like the cousins. He said after work and your shower, wear just these at night. So we tried them on for them, Hamza said just wear the sarong around your waist please and keep your breasts exposed. We enjoy viewing your them. You’ll enjoy wearing them due to how comfortable they are and easy to remove. After that night Alisha and I wore our sarongs around our waists as skirts, no tops, and sometimes sandals, usually, they preferred us barefoot. Even when they had evening visitors they instructed us how to wear them, depending on the guest(s). Sometimes we’d have to cover our breasts and dress nicely, other times we’d have to expose them.

There were nights when they just wanted to watch us together. They would sit back, smoke, ******* some wine, barely say a word and just watch us. We didn’t mind as there were many nights we enjoyed each other. Sometimes wanted us s to do something special like lay on our backs with our legs spread and masturbate. Hamza one night said to Alisha something like you two are now our American sex slaves. We want you to stay here forever. And, at the time I didn’t think about it, just sort of laughed about it, but I think they probably considered us as their sex slaves. We didn’t mind it and I know she liked it. There were many nights while we were traveling together and we’d enjoy each other. One night we were laying in our little bed together and Alisha asked if what we are doing is wrong? Because she felt very slutty about Just giving ourselves up to the cousins, letting them have control over our bodies, anytime they wanted to have us. It’s like being a kept concubine or living sex toy for any time use. I told her I felt the same way, but I also found it immensely exciting. I decided to follow Alisha’s lead on this. Mainly because I’m having a lot of fun, love being with Alisha, and sharing this journey we’re on together. I love Turkey and the cousins, I loved being a sex-slave/slutty girl. A lot of nights we talked about what we were doing, the sexual freedom we were experiencing, and doing things we’d never be able to do at home, and this was all with no commitments to anyone. There were a lot of nights we’d lay in our little bed making out with each other for what seemed like hours.

We have been on the farm for just over three weeks and having a great time. Ahmet told us one night he had a new chore to our farm duty list. When we have friends over, there’s a possibility we may offer you to one or more of the guests. I hope you don’t mind, but it’s all part of the household duties we discussed and I amended. There were several evenings when Ahmet or Hamza would have a friend or two over for dinner or tea. They were nice and respectful, and most were married guys which we later learned from Ahmet, Muslim women are very conservative sexually. Typically the evenings were pretty mild. We’d wear our sarongs, topless, barefoot, and serve wine, dinner, desserts, and hookah lighting. Some guys just enjoyed seeing us scantily dressed, others wanted to touch our breasts and more. We took all our clues from the cousins and what they expected from us. Mainly it was us being touched. The men were all very respectful, very gracious towards us, and didn’t ask for anything weird. Some offered us tips. What I found interesting is the various skin tones of some of the Turkish men.

Alisha and I agreed that our time was coming to an end here as the cotton and vegetable harvest was completed and we had places to visit. She had plans to meet with a paper-maker in Jordan so it was time to get moving.

They took us clothes shopping at a Turkish market, purchased some fresh fish, and made us a nice dinner, , and also a nice basket of food for our trip. Hamaz and Ahmet took us to the bus station for our trip to Jordan and asked us to stay in touch along the way to make sure we were safe and to meet again. We thoroughly enjoyed the time we had with the cousins but it was time to continue their journey. We remain in touch with Ahmet, as Hamza passed away from covid.

Alisha and I talked on the bus that it was a good time to depart as we both felt the cousins were getting more demanding in terms of household duties, cleaning, sex, and going from wearing sarongs topless to completely naked some nights. We enjoyed meeting and sometimes entertaining their friends, with flirty dancing, and having open sex with them on occasion. We also thought about the fact we may be turning into their sex slaves! Smoking hash/opium a few nights a week became a much more frequent nightly occurrence, getting super stoned, relaxed, and always giving in to their sexual desires.

We loved the farm, the work we were doing, hanging with the cousins and the life we were leading. Neither of us had ever experienced anything like what we were doing and enjoying. We liked entertaining some of their friends and found them to be a lot of fun. Ahmet asked us several different times about us living on the farm with them and, continuing working for them. We gave that a lot of thought and Alisha and I talked about living there several times. Yes, it would be cool to live a simple farm-style life in Turkey with them.

One thing we both discussed was that we felt like real-life harem girls with our evening dances, being scantily dressed, serving our Masters and sometimes their friends, who started to come around the farm a lot more and wanted more from us. Sexy fun, for sure. But, we also started feeling like hash/opium whores. Every night we’d smoke with the cousins, ******* some wine, then do whatever they wanted of us. We felt it was time to move on to Jordan.

Our bus trip to Jordan took almost two whole days, finally arriving in Amman. Alisha loved paper making which she used to create cards and writing stock that she sold in a couple of stores in Kansas City. The teacher was a “master paper maker” named Abdel. Alisha arranged to tutor under him for a 4-5 weeks to learn new paper-making techniques. We are going to live with him and his wife in a small room they rented us for 100$. We committed to doing some light household duties; light cleaning, laundry, and outside yard work. We shared had a shared bathroom and kitchen, but we had a separate entrance and a small outside private little courtyard we could enjoy. I wasn’t sure how to keep myself busy for the next 5 weeks while Alisha worked with Abdel.

There is a lot more story. Here we are in a photo Ahmet took of us one night.
I wish I could've ran into you both
please read and provide any comments. This is only PART OF THE STORY.
It was the trip of a lifetime, but it almost cost us our marriages. Back in 1985, my very best friend, Alisha, and I, went on a six-month travel adventure. We began in Europe, then Greece, the Middle East, and Africa. We decided to each keep a journal of our trip and write in them as much as we could.

After much discussion and many cocktails, we decided it would be fun to turn them into a sexy, short story as the journals allowed us to compile an accurate account of an amazing trip into a story we hope you’ll enjoy. Sit back and read our accurate story of fun, adventure, lots of sex, *******, and being sluts to strong, domineering men who loved American women. The only thing we struggled with in our journaling was remembering the names of a few of the Arab men we met.

Before we could write anything we needed to come clean with your husbands. Over the years I’d mentioned a few things I (we) did but never the whole shebang! Alisha and I talked a few times about how to handle this and if we should “tell all or hold back.” Me, I voted to hold back! Alisha is more honest and said all or nothing. So we decided on having a “special dinner night” at our house and do a tell-all! Until that night we never really told them much about our trip and they were more than shocked, stupefied, upset, and angry! My hubby said even though he knew I had been with a lot of guys before and some during our marriage, he stated he would not have married me if he had known about THIS past of mine. Anthony shouted, his face red with anger. “You lied to me for years! You slept with dozens of men! If I had known about all of this, I would never have married you and this all explains why your pussy is so big and loose!

Alisha’s husband Brett, wasn’t as shocked as Anthony, him being more open-minded and easygoing. He was still very upset though. We spent the night talking, telling them everything, letting them read our journals, and answering their questions. We all ended up okay at the end of the night.

After coming clean with Brett and Anthony, we asked our good friends if we could use their cabin on the Cape. The small, log cabin cottage, was nestled among the pine trees, overlooking a shimmering lake. The only sounds were the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves. Inside, the cozy fireplace and the soft bed invited us to relax and unwind.

Our Story:

Alisha and I grew up in the Midwest, attended a private college in Kansas City, and met one night at a frat party after our team won an NCAA playoff spot. Alisha and I loved each other as friends, but also as part-time casual lovers. Our shared passion for music, fashion, and adventure, also our mutual fascination with dark-skinned men, who seemed exotic and mysterious to us. We wanted to experience their culture, their language, and their bodies. We stayed in touch over the summer and roomed together during our junior and senior years in an off-campus apartment.

Two years later, we were single and ready to explore new horizons. People suspected we were lesbians because we were always together, we were casually bi with each other, and we slept together a lot! We discovered we were both highly sexual, very open-minded, loved being naked, dancing, and had similar thoughts about life. Unfortunately, our school did not have a lot of cultural diversity but we found UMKC certainly did, however. One Friday evening we bumped into a group of students from UMKC, dressed in cool clothes and carrying a boombox. They told us they were going to a hip-hop party off campus and invited us to join them. We agreed without hesitation, eager to see attend other parties than just the ones at our school. After that night, we began going to their parties just about every weekend if there was nothing happening on our campus.

We had been going to the same parties at the TKE house for too long. It was the most popular spot on our small campus, but it had lost its charm for us. Sure, I had some fun nights there with a few guys whose names I barely remembered. Micky, Mick, something like that. But I was craving some excitement and variety in my social life. UMKC was just a few blocks away from our school, and we heard they had a more lively scene. Sometimes we would take the bus, and other times we would walk if the weather was nice. We didn’t have cars on campus, so we had to make do with what we had.

A few weeks later, we went to another party and met a couple of guys from Amman, Jordan. We were both intrigued by the guys from Jordan, who had dark eyes, olive skin, and thick accents. They were funny, charming, and generous. They also had a rebellious streak, as they drank, smoked, and danced despite their religious background. We wanted to know more about them and their culture. they invited us to a party they were throwing at their apartment, which was decorated with Persian rugs, hookahs, and exotic lamps. There we met some of their friends, who were also from different countries in the Middle East. From there we started hanging out with them including dating a few of them from time to time. Nothing serious, just casual dating and fun.

After graduation, we secured an apartment in Westport, a small area of Kansas City, where we rented a large 1-bedroom apartment. I was working for an IT/telephone startup and Alisha was finishing up law school at UMKC. Our dream had always been to travel the world or at least some of it, seeing unknown places, meeting new people, and having new experiences. We felt restless and bored with our lives in Kansas City. We wanted to escape the routine and have some adventure. Just somewhere different and fun, before our careers took off and life got complicated. One day Alisha came home with some travel pamphlets and we poured over them, admiring the pictures of ancient ruins, exotic markets, and stunning landscapes. Imagine exploring the streets of Athens, riding camels in Petra, and hiking in Kilimanjaro. Alisha said no to any sort of tour group or fixed itinerary. We wanted to travel on our own terms, at our own pace to explore Europe, Greece, Jordan, Israel, Spain, and a few other countries.

The company I was working for got bought out and they offered me a position in Boston or 10 weeks of severance. I took the severance pay and I immediately called Alisha and told her about my company getting bought out, the severance pay, then said we should do our trip. Her response was “Let’s do it. It’s now or never Sasha!” I was psyched! We began planning our trip right away. Wanting to see some of the most beautiful cities in the world, on our own agenda…awesome! We booked our flights, hotels, and activities. It was so exciting to finally be able to take this trip together. We had been talking about it for years and now it was happening! Our plans were to travel for approximately six months before jumping back into our careers.

Alisha had just graduated law school in May, then passed the Bar Exam in July, and she secured a position with a large corporate firm for when she returned. I signed an agreement to move to Mountain View, California to work for an IT software startup called Google. Yes, it paid off!

Until our departure, and without full-time jobs, we got waitressing jobs at the Kansas City Club to help save up money for our trip. It’s a downtown, private, members-only dinner club. The hours were great; the people were wealthy, and it was easy work. We earned great tips waiting on rich folks, think horny old white men! We were pulling in 200-300$ a night, some nights even more. After 2 ½ months of waitressing, saving our money, and lots of planning, we were ready to go!

Alisha’s parents bought our airline tickets and gave her 3,000$ for passing the bar exam! We left on 12 August for Paris and traveled around Europe for two weeks staying in hostels, traveling by train and bus. From Paris, we traveled to Amsterdam, Barcelona, Munich, and Athens. We were excited to visit Greece, lay on the beaches, eat amazing food, and check out if Greek men were everything we had heard or thought.

It took us about three weeks, but we made it to Greece. We planned on spending two weeks exploring the islands and cities. Our plans after Greece were somewhat fluid, as we hadn’t made any solid reservations, except for the two people we were going to visit and stay with for part of our trip. One was a guy I dated a few times and whom I remained in touch with. There’s no love interest there, we just became really close friends; and, Alisha had plans to apprentice with a artist/paper maker from UMKC. They met when he was a visiting professor teaching an art class on papermaking that Alisha had taken. His wife and Alisha, had become good friends while they were in Kansas City. He told her if she was ever in Jordan to come work and apprentice under him. She contacted him and they arranged for her to work with him for five weeks. And, the cool thing was we would be able to stay with him and his wife in a small apartment they had and we’d work-share to cover our room and board.

Athens was beautiful, the food was simply amazing and the people were so friendly. No more Ouzo though! We spent two weeks exploring the islands, sunning topless on the beaches, late-night dinners and a few men. Maybe more than a few! Haha. One afternoon at a cafe we met Ahmet. He was from Turkey visiting some relatives who ran a fish market. He told us he and his cousin Hamza, owned a 5-stremmas (approximately 50 acres) cotton and organic vegetable farm where they also raised rabbits, goats, and chickens. Ahmet was in his early 40s, dark-complexioned, with beautiful brown eyes, very handsome, nicely dressed, spoke good English, and was very polite and well-mannered. He asked us about our travel plans, where we’re headed after Greece, and gave us some suggestions on places to visit. Ahmet mentioned if we were interested in visiting Turkey, they could use light help on the farm for the upcoming harvest and maintaining their farm stand. He said his cousin was managing the farm until he got back in two days. In exchange for working and doing some housework, they would provide free room and board. There was a small house on the property they would stay in, have use of a car, or bicycle if they wanted and plenty of free time to explore.

We spent the rest of the afternoon talking with him, drinking strong coffee, asking about his cousin, finding out about their farm, what we were expected to do, where it is, things to do there, is it safe, and to make sure it was all legit. By the end of the afternoon, we thought why not? It sounds fun, something to do and we love adventure, and we can leave if we don’t like it. We told him we’d come and check out his farm, meet his cousin before completely committing.

Three days later we found ourselves on a 6AM train to the Aegean region of Turkey. The scenery along the way was beautiful. We were getting excited about our new adventure but also scared shitless about what we were doing. It was a long, interesting train ride!

We arrived late in the afternoon wanting a shower, something to eat, and cold to *******. Ahmet and Hamza met us at the train station in their truck. Meeting Hamza, we both thought he was super polite, looked a few years younger than Ahmet, had hair below his shoulders, tall and extremely cute, though not as dark-skinned as Ahmet. All four of us piled into their little Toyota 4-door truck. They took us to a cool little cafe where we had grilled fish, vegetables, salad, figs, olives, fruit, and some great coffee. It was almost 7 pm when we arrived at their farm and the sun was beginning to set with an amazing orange sunset. It was beautiful. I looked over at Alisha and she responded this is cool as *******! After we put our stuff away, we did a quick tour of their farm. It was rustic, somewhat remote, very well kept and neat. They were about 3 miles from the nearest village. Their farm was very cool and had been in their family for several generations. It had a nice barn, a beautiful spring-fed pond with a rope swing. The pond was stocked with trout, and scattered around were olive, fig, date, and almond trees, and beyond that beautifully planted fields of cotton and vegetables. This place was like an artist’s dream come true. The main house was very well-kept, modern, clean, and comfortable. In the smaller house, we had one room, with a single bed, a two-burner gas cook stove, a toilet, and running cold water. It was very basic, small yet clean, and comfortable. Hamza told us there was an outdoor hot water shower we could use on the side of the main house, a place for our towels, and robes.

After a quick dip in the spring-fed swimming pond, we got out some clean clothes and headed to the outdoor shower, only to find there weren’t any walls or doors. Just a pad of small gravel stones and a shower nozzle attached to the side of the house, it did have lots of hot water. We took turns showering and got dressed to help Ahmet and his cousin Hamza fix dinner. We wondered if the cousins could see us showering!! If they did, they never mentioned it to us.

The next day, we had a super delicious breakfast of fruit, figs, eggs, and bread with strong coffee prepared by Hamza. We worked most of the day picking vegetables to sell at the farm stand they had near the road. Around noon, we took a quick skinny dip in the pond to wash off the dust and dirt. We ate a light vegetarian lunch, Hamza made. He’s a great cook we discovered. We all worked until around 5:30, Alisha and I took another dip in the pool, and then a quick hot shower.

As we helped prepare dinner, the sunset and the sky turned a beautiful mix of orange, purple, and pink. We gathered around the outdoor patio and enjoyed a delicious meal, with freshly caught trout from the spring, some grilled vegetables, and a salad of local greens. Everything came from the farm. We also drank some Turkish wine, which was fantastic, and we talked about our plans for the next few days. Ahmet and Hamza were very knowledgeable about the area and suggested some hikes and visits to local villages.

When we finished dinner and cleaning up, Ahmet suggested we go outside and sit around the fire-pit. We talked about our lives in America and they told us about them, the farm, and their family. It was so peaceful there; we felt far away from the hustle and bustle of our busy lives. The sound of the crickets and the sight of the stars made us feel close to nature. It was a beautiful place and we were glad to be there. What an experience.

As we retired to our small cabin for the night, we felt grateful for this unique experience. Falling asleep instantly, feeling content and happy. We couldn’t wait to see what adventures the next day would bring. We worked almost the same work routine for several days; picking vegetables, re-stocking the food stand, preparing vegetables for the village market, some light cleaning inside their house, such as dishes, dusting, laundry, etc. We always tried to take a lunchtime swim and ended the day around 5. We loved swimming in the cool spring-fed pond; it was out of eyesight from the house and barn, very private and relaxing. On the days when it was hot, they’d take a swim break with us. We were really enjoying this Turkish farm lifestyle. The cousins were super nice and polite. It was a very simplistic way of life.

One evening after dinner, Hamza asked us if we’d like to try some kenevir, or hashish. YES, we answered. Hamza filled a hookah that sat on the floor with some hashish, tobacco, and a touch of opium. It’s a good relaxer he said, as he lit it, took a few draws, and passed it to Alisha who took a few draws and who passed it to Sasha. They passed the two hookah hoses around maybe 4 times. Ahmet asked us how we felt! We were all laying back on the floor pillows in the living room listening to some soft Turkish music. Alisha answered I can’t feel anything, I’m so high Sasha.

I had never smoked opium before and wow! I was so laid back, relaxed, and feeling nothing, thinking how great I feel. I closed my eyes for what seemed like a minute but had to have been a lot longer. When I opened them I was still laying on the floor pillows, in just my panties, my skirt, and my t-shirt. It took me a few minutes to realize where I was and what was happening! As I watched, I felt a mix of shock, arousal, and confusion. I didn’t know how to react or what to do. Alisha clearly was enjoying herself, and I didn’t want to ruin the moment. So, I laid back and closed my eyes again, trying to just let it happen.

Alisha was completely nude and Ahmet was between her legs eating her pussy, while Hamza was laying next to her rubbing her boobs and she was sucking his cock. Without a doubt, she was having fun. I watched this in a sort of hashish/opium-induced fog. Ahmet had eased up between her legs now, spread them a little wider apart while working his cock into a well-eaten juicy pussy.

I watched him increase his tempo after she adjusted to his size, and could hear a lot of squishy sounds from her juices. Ahmet was pumping into her loins a little faster now, I could hear her juicy pussy noises and just then Hamza sort of grunted and released his load into her mouth. Some of his cum squirted out the sides of her mouth. About then Ahmet must have let go, and Alisha was cumming also. I love watching her orgasm. She’s so sexy! Her long, lean legs spread wide, hips moving upwards, meeting his last thrusts, obviously wanting more from him. She relaxed, kissed him, then kissed Hamza. She looked over at me and said look who’s back with the living! Do you want to be next? Why am I undressed? Alisha responded you looked sweaty and uncomfortable laying there *******. It’s really warm in here, so I suggested we change that. Plus Ahmet wanted to see your body, so I undressed you. You were out cold.

Alisha and the guys moved over next to me and began stroking my legs, feet, breasts, and face. Then a few kisses, and light touching of my breasts and neck which started my juices flowing. I was also very high, extremely relaxed, and horny. I wasn’t expecting this to happen and was not sure I wanted what they wanted. But I stopped and said, no I don’t want to do this and resisted their advances. Ahmed said okay we’ll leave alone and respect your decision. I felt a sigh of relief at first through a wandering curiosity. It’d been close to two weeks, since Athens,that I’d had sex with a man, and I was definitely feeling horny after watching them.

I looked over at Alisha lighting the hookah Ahmet had refilled and, I said let me have a couple of hits off that. Alisha passed the hose over and I took 2-3 deep inhales, laid back down on the pillows with my arms up over my head, and my legs in a frog-like pose, and just closed my eyes letting the hash/opium mixture take me away.

I’m not sure how long I lay there, but I felt a hand rubbing my foot and toes, then kissing, sucking, and licking on my toes. A soft hand moved up my thighs, feeling a warm breath and light kisses with some soft caresses on my stomach and breasts. Alisha said it’s just me hon and she continued kissing me, on my neck, throat, and lips. Alisha suckled on my breasts then moved her moist tongue into my mouth for a nice deep kiss, then to down to my other breast, followed by more deep kisses. Our naked bodies moved into a 69 position, where we probed each other deeply with our tongues, sucking and licking, working each other’s G-spots and clits like two horny rabbits. I could taste her juices and Ahmet’s cum in her pussy. This was one of those moments where we got completely lost in each other’s embrace and lovemaking. I enjoyed her taste, pheromones, and feeling our bodies openly express themselves to each other. We completely zoned out that Ahmet and Hamza were watching as neither of them said a word. After cumming multiple times we broke out of our 69, and Alisha moved off of me and snuggled up next to me on my side. I felt a large hand sliding between my legs and up my inner thigh, slowly spreading my legs apart. Easing a finger in then another and a third, laying here fully exposed on my back with my legs wide, Alisha at my side, my arms over my head, and my eyes closed.

Alisha whispered in my ear, baby just enjoy this experience, the guys are magnificent lovers and we’re here to experience life our way. Alisha moved her face to mine, kissed me deeply, and whispered, I love you! She reached down between my wide-open legs and inserted a finger into me, joining Hamza’s fingers. She pulled it out and stuck it in my mouth then hers and said Hmmm you taste good girl!

When Alisha moved off of me, my mind was both curious and aroused by the idea of being with multiple partners at once. But on the other hand, it filled me with guilt due to my upbringing of being a “good girl.”

I sat up and looked at the naked bodies around me, still unsure of what to do next. After a few minutes of silence, Alisha spoke up. “So, are you interested in joining us?” I hesitated, still unsure about what I wanted. But the curiosity was too strong, and before I knew it, I was laying back down on the pillows, my body exposed for all of them to see and take advantage of as I was really much ready for whatever came next.

Hamza took the hint, positioning himself between my legs, and slowly began penetrating me with his hard cock. As he slide into me, the feeling was intense, and I moaned loudly and he began thrusting into me with increasing speed and intensity. It felt great, and I quickly had several mini-orgasms. Ahmet had moved up next to my head, and I gladly opened my mouth and he eased it into my mouth. I was working it with a fervor that I didn’t know I had in me, it tasted fabulous. The combination of all these sensations was driving me wild, and I felt myself getting closer and closer to the edge. Finally, with a loud moan, I came and my whole was body shaking with the ******* of my orgasm. As I lay there, panting and sweaty, the three of them continued to explore my body, teasing and pleasuring me in ways that I had never experienced before. Hamza was still pumping into me, and commenting on how juicy my pussy got when I came and said it was like a minor flood.

The rest of the night was a blur of bodies and pleasure, a haze of ******* and sensations that I could barely comprehend. It was both exhilarating and terrifying, a feeling of being completely out of control and yet strangely alive.

As the night went on, I felt a strange mix of emotions. I was filled with a sense of satisfaction and excitement, having experienced something completely new and exhilarating. But, it also filled me with a sense of regret and guilt. I decided to let go of the guilt and experience life to the fullest.

In the end, it was an experience that would stay with me for the rest of my life, a memory of reckless abandon and the thrill of exploring something new and taboo. But it was also a reminder of the complicated nature of desire and the risks that come with giving in to our most primal instincts.

I was so high, yet aware and able to feel everything that was happening around and to me and it felt intensified to a very high degree, sort of electrifying. I could hear and feel my juices running down my butt crack as Hamza was working my pussy with his cock. He was gentle and Alisha was right, he knew what he was doing and I loved it. I started to slowly gyrate my hips and lift them slightly, letting him know I was ready for his sperm to fill me. Hamza eased out of me and asked for me to get on all fours so he could take me from behind and I could suck Ahmet easier.

I was so close to cumming again that I didn’t want to move but I definitely wanted his cock back inside me ASAP so I quickly did as he asked. I got on my hands and knees and pushed my ass back toward Hamza’s cock. He easily slid back into my extremely wet, waiting pussy. And Ahmet kneeled in front of me with this cock waving like a flagpole and pushed it into my mouth. Hamza fucked me slowly, with no hard pounding, just nice slow deep, pussy filling thrusts. His hard cock inside me felt incredible. I don’t know how long we fucked, (it seemed like forever) but I could tell he was getting close. Then he eased one finger, then a second finger into my asshole, which increased my tightness and sent him over the edge. He released his sperm deep inside me on a slow deep thrust. I could feel his hot love juice hitting my cervix and which caused me to come like I hadn’t cum in a very long time. Sure, I’ve had wonderful orgasms but this time it was simply amazing. Maybe it was the hashish. Whatever, it felt like electricity was shooting through me. I was still sucking on

Ahmet, who had a thicker cock than Hamza, was my first uncircumcised cock and it was a mouthful. As Hamza eased out of me I could tell he had left a huge load as I felt it oozing out of me and down my thigh. Ahmed said some in Turkish to Hamza, and Ahmet pulled out of my mouth and they switched places. Ahmet slid his cock into my very juicy, cum filled pussy. It took him several strokes for me to adapt to his size, but once I did, he held onto my hips and began fucking me faster than Hamza. I found his girth, even with Hamza’s added cum-lube, was a tight fit for me at first. Hamza put his semi-soft, cum covered cock into my mouth which tasted sweet and slightly salty. I was greedily cleaning Hamza’s cum covered cock, enjoying the taste. Ahmet fucked me for what seemed like a good ten minutes, maybe longer, I’m not exactly sure. He had a lot of stamina, that’s for sure. For probably the fifth time I was cumming again, letting my juices flow and he knew it. Having them both inside me pumping and now with our bodies moving in rhythm it was a wild sexy feeling.

They came in me within seconds of each other. I could feel Ahmet releasing deep inside me, as Hamza let go deep into my throat. It was hot, nasty sex the three of us just had. Alisha sat and watched us while taking occasional hookah hits. This night was the start of something fun!

After that session, we all just laid back while catching our breath, whispering, with light touches and kisses. Very romantic, sexy, nasty, hot…fun! Alisha came over and kissed me gently, and she moved us into a sexy 69 again, laying on our sides. We ate each other’s cream pies (it’s our kink), and then separated, kissed deeply, and, broke apart. I could taste Hamza’s cum with her sweet nectar and couldn’t get enough, she was so juicy.

It was around 11 PM and we made up some snacks, smoked a little more, along with a little wine and lots of laughing. The weather was super nice outside. Ahmet built a fire outside in the fire pit and we hung outside in the warm, humid night with a sky full of stars. It was very nice, we had so much fun, we even danced a little for them, naked and barefoot of course! We both later talked about how they have a foot fetish or something. They seemed to always want us barefoot, wanting to caress and rub them when we are laying on the pillows, etc. Before turning in for the night we took a short skinny dip in the pond under a full moon in the warm, humid night to wash off the smoke and dust from dancing, but also the sex. I love that sweaty, musky sex smell we created. Later that night in bed together we made gentle love to celebrate our fresh adventures, meeting and living with the cousins, the sexual fun we just had and possibly to come.

The next morning we slept in until 7:30 versus the 6 am usual wake-up time. Our daily routine was pretty simple, we typically worked five days a week but could take days off when we wanted to explore the countryside and villages. We’d Swim, shower, come into the house and help with dinner, play some games, dance, and enjoy the evening with the cousins. After that first night smoking hash; it began the first of many nights we enjoyed together.

It was a lot of fun going out to dinner or lunch with the Cousins. They treated us very well and were a lot of fun to hang out with. We met a lot of their friends and family. We were never sure what people thought of us, traveling alone, and living on a farm with two guys, but no one asked or made any bad comments towards us. Alisha and I found it strange being in such male, strongly-dominated, Muslim society. Especially being a young American woman traveling alone.

There weren’t lots of places to go out and party, mainly a few small family cafes, coffee, and tea shops. mom and pop places. They did not openly sell alcohol nor was it available anywhere. One day we all drove into the city to celebrate Hamza’s birthday, do some site seeing and explore. We had a pleasant lunch, did some more exploring of the city and later dinner at a fancy restaurant, dancers. Turkey is amazing, with the food, the people, the culture, and the history. Being in Turkey doing what we were doing was so much fun. We loved being here and how we were living. Everyone has treated us very nicely. We offered to help pay but the cousins insisted on paying everything. We spent a little close to five weeks on the farm with the cousins, as we liked to call them. Some nights we would play the Slave Girls game where we could not refuse any request. Other times we played being Queens and ordered them around as our humble servants. We all had a lot of fun. We played a lot of dominoes, spades, and chess.

One evening, they told us they added to the list of duties we had agreed to do around the farm. We were now on call for sex; if they wanted it we couldn’t refuse (unless it was that time) we would perform as they requested. Ahmet said, we would do this as a game, and if you girls don’t want to play we don’t have to, but it could be fun. Alisha immediately said I’m in! I was hesitant but also agreed. Another fantasy coming true. Being a sex slave on call. Alisha and I had given physical control of our bodies to them now. This won’t be in a bad or abusive way, but one where we allow them the enjoyment of our bodies without concern. We noticed the first week, Ahmet gave us sarongs he bought in town and wanted us to wear them. In the evenings after dinner, he tended to be a lot more dominant with Alisha and I. We didn’t mind as we’re pretty submissive with men like the cousins. He said after work and your shower, wear just these at night. So we tried them on for them, Hamza said just wear the sarong around your waist please and keep your breasts exposed. We enjoy viewing your them. You’ll enjoy wearing them due to how comfortable they are and easy to remove. After that night Alisha and I wore our sarongs around our waists as skirts, no tops, and sometimes sandals, usually, they preferred us barefoot. Even when they had evening visitors they instructed us how to wear them, depending on the guest(s). Sometimes we’d have to cover our breasts and dress nicely, other times we’d have to expose them.

There were nights when they just wanted to watch us together. They would sit back, smoke, ******* some wine, barely say a word and just watch us. We didn’t mind as there were many nights we enjoyed each other. Sometimes wanted us s to do something special like lay on our backs with our legs spread and masturbate. Hamza one night said to Alisha something like you two are now our American sex slaves. We want you to stay here forever. And, at the time I didn’t think about it, just sort of laughed about it, but I think they probably considered us as their sex slaves. We didn’t mind it and I know she liked it. There were many nights while we were traveling together and we’d enjoy each other. One night we were laying in our little bed together and Alisha asked if what we are doing is wrong? Because she felt very slutty about Just giving ourselves up to the cousins, letting them have control over our bodies, anytime they wanted to have us. It’s like being a kept concubine or living sex toy for any time use. I told her I felt the same way, but I also found it immensely exciting. I decided to follow Alisha’s lead on this. Mainly because I’m having a lot of fun, love being with Alisha, and sharing this journey we’re on together. I love Turkey and the cousins, I loved being a sex-slave/slutty girl. A lot of nights we talked about what we were doing, the sexual freedom we were experiencing, and doing things we’d never be able to do at home, and this was all with no commitments to anyone. There were a lot of nights we’d lay in our little bed making out with each other for what seemed like hours.

We have been on the farm for just over three weeks and having a great time. Ahmet told us one night he had a new chore to our farm duty list. When we have friends over, there’s a possibility we may offer you to one or more of the guests. I hope you don’t mind, but it’s all part of the household duties we discussed and I amended. There were several evenings when Ahmet or Hamza would have a friend or two over for dinner or tea. They were nice and respectful, and most were married guys which we later learned from Ahmet, Muslim women are very conservative sexually. Typically the evenings were pretty mild. We’d wear our sarongs, topless, barefoot, and serve wine, dinner, desserts, and hookah lighting. Some guys just enjoyed seeing us scantily dressed, others wanted to touch our breasts and more. We took all our clues from the cousins and what they expected from us. Mainly it was us being touched. The men were all very respectful, very gracious towards us, and didn’t ask for anything weird. Some offered us tips. What I found interesting is the various skin tones of some of the Turkish men.

Alisha and I agreed that our time was coming to an end here as the cotton and vegetable harvest was completed and we had places to visit. She had plans to meet with a paper-maker in Jordan so it was time to get moving.

They took us clothes shopping at a Turkish market, purchased some fresh fish, and made us a nice dinner, , and also a nice basket of food for our trip. Hamaz and Ahmet took us to the bus station for our trip to Jordan and asked us to stay in touch along the way to make sure we were safe and to meet again. We thoroughly enjoyed the time we had with the cousins but it was time to continue their journey. We remain in touch with Ahmet, as Hamza passed away from covid.

Alisha and I talked on the bus that it was a good time to depart as we both felt the cousins were getting more demanding in terms of household duties, cleaning, sex, and going from wearing sarongs topless to completely naked some nights. We enjoyed meeting and sometimes entertaining their friends, with flirty dancing, and having open sex with them on occasion. We also thought about the fact we may be turning into their sex slaves! Smoking hash/opium a few nights a week became a much more frequent nightly occurrence, getting super stoned, relaxed, and always giving in to their sexual desires.

We loved the farm, the work we were doing, hanging with the cousins and the life we were leading. Neither of us had ever experienced anything like what we were doing and enjoying. We liked entertaining some of their friends and found them to be a lot of fun. Ahmet asked us several different times about us living on the farm with them and, continuing working for them. We gave that a lot of thought and Alisha and I talked about living there several times. Yes, it would be cool to live a simple farm-style life in Turkey with them.

One thing we both discussed was that we felt like real-life harem girls with our evening dances, being scantily dressed, serving our Masters and sometimes their friends, who started to come around the farm a lot more and wanted more from us. Sexy fun, for sure. But, we also started feeling like hash/opium whores. Every night we’d smoke with the cousins, ******* some wine, then do whatever they wanted of us. We felt it was time to move on to Jordan.

Our bus trip to Jordan took almost two whole days, finally arriving in Amman. Alisha loved paper making which she used to create cards and writing stock that she sold in a couple of stores in Kansas City. The teacher was a “master paper maker” named Abdel. Alisha arranged to tutor under him for a 4-5 weeks to learn new paper-making techniques. We are going to live with him and his wife in a small room they rented us for 100$. We committed to doing some light household duties; light cleaning, laundry, and outside yard work. We shared had a shared bathroom and kitchen, but we had a separate entrance and a small outside private little courtyard we could enjoy. I wasn’t sure how to keep myself busy for the next 5 weeks while Alisha worked with Abdel.

There is a lot more story. Here we are in a photo Ahmet took of us one night.
Sounds hot wish I could have been there too! Love to hear more about this!