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  1. G

    Is it EVER ok to use the "N" word?!?

    I was watching a hot interracial vid the other day... and all of a sudden the white woman started using the N word. Black Alpha didn't seem to care... putting myself in his shoes, I know he's getting that good pussy, but still.. it seems like it would really bother me!! At one point she said...
  2. G

    Is there term “white Bull” even valid?!

    I’ve seen the phrase “white bull” lately. Wtf? RIDICULOUS. Not even real, just stop with that *******. The only real bull is a BLACK bull… a Black Aloha male!
  3. G

    Any MEN with “Ace do Spaids” tattoos?!?!

    I got to thinking the other day… WHITE MEN need to start getting Ace of Spades tattooed!! I mean… they enjoy it almost as much as their women… right?!
  4. G

    Lets see some AMATEUR, real BJ pics (no pro)

    When she was a teen, her mom and dad pampered her, beautiful young woman, budding, going through nature's changes. They sent her to the best private schools... gave her anything she wanted. They saw her with a nice, handsome very WHITE and well-spoken young man that could give her great...
  5. G

    What do the bulls out there think of Latina women?

    No, it is NOT "just the color of the skin" There are clear, definitive diferences among the races people, let's admit that and move on. We're all different, we can embrace everyone for their different characteristics. Having said that, I have been with a LOT of women. The only type I...
  6. G

    That moment... when she removes the condom :)

    To me there is almost nothing SEXIER than when a couple starts off having sex with a condom then, during the heat of the moment, the woman either removes it herself or asks the guy to... just love it!! No Black Alpha Male should have anything wrapped around that beautiful cock except LIPS AND...
  7. G

    Indian woman and Black Alpha males? And post some photos :)

    There are MILLIONS of GORGEOUS, beautiful, FEMININE Indian women out there, with indian men practically forceed on them by their religion and culture... WIMPY, feminine, tiny little clit/dick indian men. I read somewhere indian men were complaining that condoms in America were too big lol...
  8. G

    How the tables have turned….

    It’s very interesting how the tables have turned on gender… it USED to be women held ALL the cards when it came to swx and men constantly chased them. Now, with the internet and women’s lib/equality and sexual liberation, guys can get laid just as easily as a woman can. And today, Black men are...