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Ester Paigee


I will remember this always.
I would love to share. A man -every black man-when "hooked-in" has a gift to not just read our womenly hungry eyes- but our hungry hearts even more. There is a true sexual famine-truly in the land men. The African male loves to love women. He is beckoned-with great passion and verility-to fill this need-and so as the woman's desire grows the Alpha males grow all the stronger-it is a Really this is true. I personally may be switched for this: But I believe that more white women wanted them. Taunted and made it very very clear of their want-their very need of him. He, enjoying the acceptance and that"wanted" feeling-desire in the eyes is impossible not to see. Or feel. Unless your dead. Wild Pharoah. Pharoahs. Where are they now? (Due respect-ok?)Ashes to fuckin' ashes- and dust to fucking dust. It is time for the golden age of grace. The time of the preparation of -the New Age-I'll call it out of respect for all men.The time of the last to now become......First. The world-the whole fucking world mocked, scorned, held down, and danced around-the Declaration of Independence, the part that Lincoln even said was to be passed down-from this generation tp generation to be on to infinitum! That was the part which said in our Declaration of IndependencIe. That AL:L men were created equal. Now-all of time-substance-vibration-radio waves-sound waves-even the very stars in the sky-are now demanding that word to be honored-decreed-and forever settled. It will happen. We are quick to say "Instant Karma is going to get you", upon an individual - but what about the intense reckoning a nation-if not many nations-will reap by -simply-looking the other way while several generations of many family trees were cut short. They will all be completely restored-from before to forever. Even Black man's spilt seed will be restored. 02/14/21
I have a hot story. Definitely to tell of an event where I left my husband-never doing this before (not this way-anyway) and ran into the arms of a stranger (we wanted to fuck right in his extremely hot Mercedez)-and was given a total pussy/reconstruction by a chistled chested, not enough money could be invested, went from "desire: to wanting to be "******* "hottest Black man that BET would envy and pay high dollar just to have his attention for. I ******* you not!!! A man who fucked me-till my husband-became-my ex-husband. And honestly? I did not give one atom o f a damn. The story will be called "Knocking on Heaven's Door:The Night a Black Angel Found ....Me."
I have a hot story. Definitely to tell of an event where I left my husband-never doing this before (not this way-anyway) and ran into the arms of a stranger (we wanted to fuck right in his extremely hot Mercedez)-and was given a total pussy/reconstruction by a chistled chested, not enough money could be invested, went from "desire: to wanting to be "******* "hottest Black man that BET would envy and pay high dollar just to have his attention for. I ******* you not!!! A man who fucked me-till my husband-became-my ex-husband. And honestly? I did not give one atom o f a damn. The story will be called "Knocking on Heaven's Door:The Night a Black Angel Found ....Me."
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