Question to the couples: what brought you into the lifestyle? Were you a swinger couple? a boring sex life? a threesome? interracial porn?

your wife sneeringly tells you...
"tell him to breed me. tell him to breed all the blonde right out of me.
tell him to make your fertile white wife a m0mmy with this black bastards. tell him now!
tell him or you don't get to cum!"
what do you do???
i think you're watching your beautiful beloved new wife becoming a m0mma!
"i think he beat you to my eggs...but at least you get to help me raise them.
he said he only wants to make them anyways.
...just like he has with both of mine & both or your sisters!
he's to busy to raise the b@bies he keeps making anyways.
i mean, he's got a couple hundred of them already!"