Black Men are now our Sexual Masters

This is my favorite type of porn. A white woman unashamedly drawing in her black lover so his cum will go deep in her. That is where it belongs. I would be thrilled if a black guy moved into my house to be my wife's lover and got my ******* pregnant too. They would have beautiful babies. Knowing that I had tasted the cum in my wife that had made my grandchild would be a real mind bender.
I think that’s beautiful. it’s my way of life and the way of life of many other people nowadays. it feels more comfortable for them. It also shows a tight bond and supporting F@mily. This is just the beginning of a new lifestyle for many people. it works for me and my wife just because of her sexual preference and she prefers to have sex with black men but raise families with a beta white male like me.
Most people and couples don’t realize how liberating it is to have a black dominant alpha male in your home that is comfortable with the leadership and understands his role and everybody else’s role in a F@mily. There was so much peace when people do not struggle to find their place within a tribe