Years ago, I was 22 I had a regular almost every Thursday thing with a good looking, classy, happily married 41 yo gal with a family. She told me many times she loved her husband and family and how it would deeply hurt them if hubby found out.
She was the manager at my credit union. Hubby thought she had a weekly staff meeting for her work on Thursdays.
She would be at my place at 5:30. We would kiss for a minute, she'd use my bathroom, she'd come out naked and ready to go. She would fuck the livin hell out of me then be gone by 7:45. She was on birth control so we never used condoms. I'd usually cum inside her but sometimes she'd swallow my load, a few times I fucked her butt till I let it go. We'd always go three rounds. We kissed, did oral on each other and fucked a lot.
She often told me she was going to have sex with hubby when she got home. She got off on that big time. She told me sometimes she'd get home and they went straight to bed for sex.
I'd been with other married women, some were super horny and loved sex. One was a first time cheater, she was very nervous but fucked me really good. Married cheating women never played any games, if she was going to have sex with me I knew pretty quick.
That’s because we decided we were gonna fuck you before we left the house, sometimes days in advance, LOL. Once I decided on a guy I’d just met, but I was on my period, so I had 3 more days to set it all up, he didn’t know he was gonna get fucked until I was already fuck’n him, LOL. It worked out great this time cause I was able to tell my hub why I was gonna be late, so there was no strife on my part, all systems we go…the only one who didn’t know was the guy, LOL. I’ll tell you one thing, if you live in Florida, work in a restaurant, and its been awhile since you’ve cucked your hub, the walk-in freezer is quite refreshing,,,
would you, using your infinite wisdom, please, explain that? no vituperation necessary.
I'm not sure, do you have the same infinite wisdom to comprehend the explanation? That's water over the dam, actually, the "bullies" were dispersed along with the entire political forum, so it's not a discussion that needs to be reopened in the main forum.

If you hate you missed the fray of a fight, and you feel you simply need to know or your life will end as you know it now, you can open a private conversation and I'll try to explain it at a level I think you can comprehend. How's that? Just don't expect a top priority response.

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I'm not sure, do you have the same infinite wisdom to comprehend the explanation? That's water over the dam, actually, the "bullies" were dispersed along with the entire political forum, so it's not a discussion that needs to be reopened in the main forum.

If you hate you missed the fray of a fight, and you feel you simply need to know or your life will end as you know it now, you can open a conversation and I'll try to explain it at a level you can comprehend. How's that? Just don't expect a top priority response.

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nice try. sounds like you can't defend you assertion. yes, i know, offense is, usually, a good defense. better luck next time.

you made your statement in public. now, not to be embarrassed, you want to proceed in private. i think not.

what some people never learn is, when you find yourself in hole, stop digging.

ok break time.
Deceit, especially towards someone you supposedly love is a massive turn off for me

But there is something really hot about a woman caving into her desires in the heat of the moment. I think I’d be more forgiving of my wife if she ever did something like this and admitted it to me as soon as it was over
My hub‘s third wife did that, and she was very descriptive, brutally honest one might say, this was another notch in the gear that steered my hub from the bull he was when he started, to the total cuck he became happy with once I got my hands on him. Me being his fifth wife decided I‘d take a hint from her and found telling him I fuck’d up, and how it happened, made it much easier to move past it, while at the same time gradually getting it to the point of having him actually seek bulls out for me…of course along with that came his openly accepting his role as cuck when they were in the room, and reclaiming me afterwards…not to mention putting it all on video for the world to see, difference between number three and me, was I was in it for the long haul, so I didn’t make the same mistakes she did. It’s been forty years so I guess my way worked best, she only lasted four years before he divorced her, but the continued to screw on and off for another six years…till I came along and put a stop to all that crap. I saw him as a good starter kit, just needed to be refined, I started out swinging a bit, let him have a little fun, then upped the game to black, then pretty much ran the show from then on, and they lived happily ever after, LOL
nice try. sounds like you can't defend you assertion. yes, i know, offense is, usually, a good defense. better luck next time.

you made your statement in public. now, not to be embarrassed, you want to proceed in private. i think not.
word_OPINION-SIGN.jpg ... and you know what you can do with your opinion, right? It has nothing to do with embarrassment, I just wish to avoid opening an old argument that didn't and doesn't concern you. I gave you my terms to discuss it, if you don't like my terms, kindly go "fuck off" someplace else.
Have a nice day!
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Its great you all are in open relationships, however not every husband is open to such a relationship and they deprive their wives sexual satisfaction. In many cases, these are the wives who end up "cheating." And, honestly, I am more than happy to deliver for them.
Its great you all are in open relationships, however not every husband is open to such a relationship and they deprive their wives sexual satisfaction. In many cases, these are the wives who end up "cheating." And, honestly, I am more than happy to deliver for them.
Whether for the ladies that cheat, or the couples that invite you, we always appreciated the availability and a pleasant evening with someone who knows the game and demonstrates just a tad of class…sure do miss those encounters!